Television Blade: The Series

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Basher, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    An actual TV Series. ^_^

    On the mean streets of Detroit, an ancient evil is growing bolder by the day. The House of Chthon is on the verge of eliminating the final barriers to their supremacy over mankind, and only the Daywalker can stop them. Half human, half immortal. His only allies are a master weaponsmith and a woman obsessed with revenge against Chthon. And he will stop at nothing to win his war, because he is the ultimate vampire hunter. His name is Blade. Blade

    I have heard "mixed" feelings. I am thinking about watching some tonight. It does sound interesting. I have always like the comics Blade, and the movies.
  2. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    The first Blade movie was pretty good (mm, Stephen Dorff), and the second was only okay because of Norman Reedus and Ron Perlman. That's aside from the fact that they delved into territories so different from the comic book universe that it's not even funny, but then again almost any movie related to a comic book/book/etc. will do this. I didn't bother with the third movie since it contradicted the previous movies in such a way it made me sick, and before I heard that I was half-tempted to see it just because of Ryan Reynolds.

    I tried watching the first episode of this series and I did this even after I vomited from watching the preview on Spike TV (I forget what movie I was watching.. but they showed some clip of Blade: The Series). It most likely wasn't the actual show that sickened me so much as the pathetic performance of the main actor (Blade, played by Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones). I made the horrific mistake of watching House of the Dead II, which featured him as a semi-key role for the first half the movie, and surprisingly enough he probably did a better job in that movie. So few television series like these really work out (Hello? Superman with Dean Cain or that Mutant X bullcrap?)... but that's just my opinion.
  3. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    A blade series? *shock* Wait no..*no shock* I keep thinking it's going on that same 8 season stint as Buffy. Both were crappy movies, then made into crappy T.V. shows. *shrugs* Dunno what to think yet I guess..

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