
Discussion in 'Dragon Ball' started by neoblacklady, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    Ok you see the guys... but what about the chicks on the Planets.. What kind of crap is that.. Do they just like produce by themselves.. Can't even imagine what a namekian woman looks like. Maybe they a get a bit more greener when jealous..
    What's up with the females on the show.. All series tbh.. How dare they not include them! Same as the saiyan fellas.. and whatever else freak people they have. Would love to see lady ginyu force Muahaha.
    Further comments?
    *sorry this isnt another goku vs superman who is the best like*
  2. Amon

    Amon New Member

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Nameks are asexual. :p It says so in the show, I believe. Female Saiya-jinns were shown just not given much of a role (namely I remember the Bardock special). Considering half the things we see we only see one of, of course chances aren't good we'd see females of them. :p But, really, I guess you can go as far as to say as well, men are filthy, chauvinistic(sp), racist pigs. That always solves this argument.
  3. Star Princess

    Star Princess Haters are retarded.

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Women are the same way, Amon. It's the truth. I've seen women who are just as filthy, chauvinistic, racist, and pig-like as some men are. Women love to exclude men in their own stories just as men do with women. As for DBZ, SO WHAT if there aren't too many women? SO WHAT?!! It's a SHOW for crying out loud. Besides, the females in DBZ aren't all that pleasent anyway. I'll prefer the males in the show any day. If you guys don't like how the show is made, then don't bother watching it.

    Also, don't talk like ALL men are bad. There ARE good men out there. I've experienced it. Don't listen to the man-haters.:rolleyes:
  4. sakabatou

    sakabatou New Member

    Feb 5, 2004
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    there where female saiyans! in the old dbz series when goku died for the planet against his brother and he first met king kai. king kai told him about the saiyans and there were women. and about nameks Amon is right they are asexual.
  5. Majin Buu

    Majin Buu New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    I may not be a girl, but I have to say that they should have had more female characters in DBZ/GT. The only powerful female fighter was #18, and btw, not all men are filthy, chauvinistic, racist pigs. But some more powerful female characters would be cool :anime:

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