Girl Project Alpha!

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by b-tuvs, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. b-tuvs

    b-tuvs Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Early today as I was sitting with my uncle in front of their house I saw two rainbows^^ It was pretty rare for me to see such sight, and later I ate a lot of ice cream... I usually wonder how women tend to forget their problems by eating a lot... It is indeed a mystery... Anyway, I got some serious personal issues going on and I'm hoping to forget about all of it soon.

    On other news... I got a new idea for another Project N short comics, it's about Elle's arch rival called "Alpha". In physical description Alpha and Elle looks closely similar, but their personalities are far too different from each other. Alpha is a prototype copy of Elle, though the technology used in Alpha is very different from what Genma and Delph used with Elle. This short comics is to introduce Alpha and how she was tested and designed to destroy Elle. It looks kinda nice, but I'm not sure till I get real comments from other readers. I hope to post it in my little manga corner at BJP, so if you're reading this, better watch out for that^^

    Ciao! ~_*

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