Video Games Poll - What should I name my Rock Band?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by BakaMattSu, Dec 18, 2008.


What should I call my Rock Band?

Poll closed Dec 25, 2008.
  1. Latent Meow Hurt

    0 vote(s)
  2. The Latte Rum Won

    0 vote(s)
  3. The Man Towel Rut

    1 vote(s)
  4. Wham Turtle Tone

    0 vote(s)
  5. True Town Hamlet

    3 vote(s)
  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I picked up Rock Band 2 (Special Edition) this week, sort of as an early Christmas present for myself. I'd had an introduction to Guitar Hero at a former workplace where various workers would go head to head during lunch, but my coordination is poop and had problems keeping up with strut changes.

    This past weekend I had the opportunity to give the full Rock Band set a try with some buddies during a night of heavy drinking and observed two things:
    1) Party games are so much more fun when the group is wasted
    2) I liked the variety of instrument roles available in Rock Band much more than being locked to just guitar. I'm currently attached to drums much moreso than anything else, although my terrible coordination has thus far prevented me from graduating from "Easy" mode.

    As uncreative as I was, I flipped through randomly generated names when it came to create my band. I tend to like something catchy and off-the-wall. However, I'm finding that among the millions of gamers out there, it's a safe bet the random names are taken (as my current Meow Meow Pump is).

    So I turned to anagrams (You know, that intellectual game where you take a name or phrase and create a new one), and plugged my full name into an anagram engine for a good assortment of letters...and wow. I'd have had trouble forming one phrase from my name, let alone the 50,000 or so the engine came up with. Mind you, most as intelligible streams that just plain suck, but I found some good ones in there.

    I've narrowed it down to five and still aren't convinced on which one I like best, so I'm turning to you guys to help me decide! :D
    1 person likes this.
  2. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    I absolutely love the name "True Town Hamlet". Definitely go for that one.
  3. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    The Man Towel Rut.

    And then you can play the "instruments" with only wearing a towel for pure sexness.
  4. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Guitar Hero DOES have the four instruments too, though ^^;

    And I love the hard songs! Then again, I'm a nerd xD

    I usually name bands related to the anime that's on my mind. For Rock Band 1, I had the Gun Ho Guns (ten points to the one that can guess from where ;p )

  5. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    True Town Hamlet sounds really effing cool.
  6. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    It's "Gung-Ho Guns", and it's from Trigun.
  7. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    There are three that are really good at least to me. The Latte Rum Won, The Man Towel Rut, and True Town Hamlet.

    I choose True Town Hamlet. Sounds modern with a twist from the classics.

    Did you name it yet?

    Matt got it? what are you spending your points on?
  8. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Thanks to everyone who lent their input - My band is now officially True Town Hamlet, which I love more each time I say it.

    Rock Band still has tough competition from WoW, but I've at least worked my way up to Medium on the drums as a standard.

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