
Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Hitokiri_Gensai, May 13, 2008.

  1. Hitokiri_Gensai

    Hitokiri_Gensai Gunslinger Girl

    Feb 27, 2003
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    Every wonder why shit happens? or... atleast if there IS a reason for it? or is life just one big list of meaningless happenings...

    This is meant more as a rhetorical question than anything else...

    i like to ramble... not about anything in particular... just rambling...

    Lifes boring... im still not working... waiting for this job to start... got three weeks of sitting around... wishing i had something to do... with very little money...

    Im lonely alot... that sucks... i miss Sabrina... even though i know she doesnt miss me... unrequitted love is the worst. I hate talking to logical people about love... im tired of hearing people say "you'll get over it" cause its been two years and i still hurt just as much as the day she walked away...
    "If Love is really Forever... im a winner at a losing game" - Rascal Flatts
    If there was ever a line that described my life. right
    You know... i cant escape the feeling that somehow, im suffering for a reason... that REALLY sucks... and i dont know what that reason is...

    I guess i just really wanted to ramble about how i miss that girl... even though i shouldnt. bah. fuck it...
  2. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Eh, in a more logical harsh

    Eh, in a more logical harsh way. People who have the strength to move on do and people who have the will to will as well. You don't want to move on so as long as you don't. You won't. :]

    Personally, it's all i'm able to tell you about it. I've been heart broken and stuff..and i've told you my opinion on this mess. I mean..when someone I loved a few months ago said they were ready to move on. Even though they eventually came back but they didn't mean i'd sit around and wait and be miserable. I moved on. You just gotta move on. You can't beg her or force her to come back so go find something better out there because believe there are maaaany beeeter thiiiings oouuuuut there sillyhead. You can hurt and let go at the same time.

    Poo on you gensai. People are just trying to be honest with you because they've been through the same "epidemic"
  3. Hitokiri_Gensai

    Hitokiri_Gensai Gunslinger Girl

    Feb 27, 2003
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    thanks i think xD

    thanks i think xD
  4. Sabrina

    Sabrina New Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    Uhm..awkward. Wow, I didn't

    Uhm..awkward. Wow, I didn't think you thought about me anymore. Um I don't want to sound bitchy and inconsiderate, but seriously, that is pathetic. Holding onto a halfway made up, wasn't ever getting anywhere, hopeless from the start, long distance relationship is not a good thing to do. Please do yourself a favor and really go get something that's better for you. I'm happy now. I've found the love of my life. She is everything I've ever wanted and helped me find my true self, not the one who was just molded into whoever I happened to be dating like when I was "with" you. Your turn to go get someone. But here's a tip: You can't do it from home at your computer. Get out. Do something with life.
  5. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    I don't think it was really

    I don't think it was really that bitchy though inconsiderate.
    Sabrina seen what i seen in you two's relationship and i agree fully with her opinion and how she handled it with this comment.

    She said what needed to be said in the way she should have. You have to be cruel to be kind sometimes. There will never be you and Sabrina again, so stop making yourself miserable about it. There's nothing you can hope to accomplish by thinking about how it used to be. It probably won't even seem that great it being a long-distance relationship after you let yourself shrug off all the 'good stuff'. First loves are terrible, first really everything but it's been two years..you know i'd understand if she died or something but no. She left and that should be it. If you put your pride first and the will to go out looking for someone. You'll find your peace.

    No we shouldn't just say you'll get over it because you won't for some reason. I guess that's just where me and you are different. You won't accept but i know you can do better and find someone and maybe Sabrina's little comment here might help a bit.

    I love you to death and i really want to help you because i know you aren't doing so well at all in my eyes. It's going to be okay and i'm here anytime you need someone to talk to.


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