Creative Writing The break up.

Discussion in 'Written Arts' started by Chance, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    [This is the letter of one to another; A break up not that touched me so deeply, I didn't think it possible. It was raw ans it showed how hurt the person was. I don't know but with permission I share this with you.]

    The space that came between you and a love that you could hardly fathom was just large
    enough for a single lie. The forgiveness that hovered just over that space was
    total,irrevocable, and retained the price of simple truth. I can't seem to figure out why
    you, claiming that you cared for me, refused to answer a single question with the truth. Is
    the world that you have created inside your head really worth sacrificing what could have
    been a relationship that might have surpassed anything that you have had to date? I'm
    destroyed by the fact that you only looked on me as another girl to use in your quest to
    perfect this farcical dream world that you live in. I refuse to believe that you really knew
    me. I simply can't imagine that anything you could have conjured up in your head can stand
    on comprable ground as me. I still can't explain why you do what you do. Your grip on
    reality extends only as far as your insatiable lusts and desires. Yet even the momentary
    feelings of emotion and fulfillment can't really make you happy. As long as you continue to
    chose fictional whimsy over factual worth, you will never come close to the bliss you
    believe that you have. It pains me even more to know beyond a shadow of any doubt that deep
    down inside you, under the lies, past the safety mechanisms, and beyond the enormous walls
    you have built, lives a living and wonderful man with the capacity to not only live or
    endure life, but to relish and bask in the real happiness that only absolute truth can
    bring. Yet beyond all these things lies the crux of my inability to let you fade from
    memory: You know what you did to me was wrong, deep down you regret it, but still you
    stubbornly throw my grace and patience with you away without even slightly considering the
    pains and turmoil that I went through to offer them. I cannot and will not offer them to you
    again. The space that was once as small as a lie is now further than can be measured by any
    human means.
  2. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I don't know what to say. I'm just shocked by it. Who ever dumbed her was a jerk. I, for one, wouldn't do that to anyone what that guy did to her. I hope she's okay now.
  3. Yukiko

    Yukiko New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Wow... slug him ^^ Anyway back to the point. Awesome as always. you really got a way with words.

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