This is for you Phat (c=

Discussion in 'Rurouni Kenshin' started by Zanza, Oct 23, 2001.

  1. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    My dearest friend Phat, I give you this topic in return for your's (This is for you Zanza).. I hope you like it >=]

    P.S. Put as much as you want pictures of Aoshi & Megumi.. and any other pictures that might tease her xD
  2. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Errr, These threads are fine by me (Lord of Kenshin forum) as long as you keep Rurouni Kenshin stuff in here. Just don't go posting Nsync stuff(it'll turn me into a Hitokiri).

  3. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    .............:SHINOMORI AOSHI:...........
    Name: Shinomori Aoshi
    Age: 26
    Height: 189 cm
    Weight: 72 kg
    Birthdate: 1853 January
    Blood type: A+
    Hair color: Black
    Eye color: Dark blue(some times it looks hazel or green)
    Weapon: 2 kodachi (Kodachi Nitouryu)
    Attack: Ryuusui no Ugoki, Gokoujuuji,
    Kaitenkenbu, OnmyouKousa,
    OnmyouHasshi, KaitenKenbu Roruken
    First Appearance: Episode 8: "A New Battle!
    A Beautiful Woman Takes us
    into a Maze"/ In the manga it's in
    volume 3, chapter 16
    Seiyuu: Yasuhara Yoshito
    Based on: Hijikata Toshizo

    The problem is that I am so nice I cant tease you !!! [​IMG]


  4. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    The heavy scent of the shoko filled the air, clogging his lungs. Aoshi raised his gaze from the tatami to look at the proud Okashira of the Onmitsu Oniwabanshuu. But on this day – this one day – no pride, no strength filled the elder man’s face. Aoshi averted his eyes as he read the raw pain and grief so evident in that face, aging it by decades. The tiny bundle in the man’s arms squirmed restlessly, the somber atmosphere of the room evident even to her. A baby girl as energetic and joyful as her should not be here. The sorrow would serve no purpose but to burden her young spirit.


    A hand touched his shoulder lightly. Aoshi turned his head slightly to peer out of the corner of his eye at Hannya. The masked man shook his head with the slightest of motions in warning. The boy acknowledged the implicit advice and turned his attention back to the paper-shielded shrine situated in the front of the room. The Okashira knelt silently next to the shrine, accepting the condolences that people brought with a solemn nod. Outside thunder rumbled ominously.

    The sky is crying because Miharu-san is dead.

    Misao-chan grew more and more agitated as the periods in between thunder rolls decreased. Aoshi linked his hands in his lap and closed his eyes, listening carefully so that he could count the seconds. Thirty… Twenty… Ten… The storm approached rapidly considering how quickly the length of time shortened. A soft whimper filled the silence of the room as a loud boom shook the walls.

    Opening his eyes, Aoshi raised his head just in time to see a tiny fist shake frantically. Misao-chan whimpered again, breaking into a small cry on the last note. His voice… Misao-chan needed to hear his voice. She had become attached to it, from the very first moment the midwife had placed the delicate, wailing newborn in his arms… because her grandfather had been on a mission and her father was dead.

    And her mother…

    Aoshi clenched his fists into the material of his white mofuku. Miharu-san had not even wanted to look at the precious gift that was her daughter. He turned his head again to look at the two strangers who knelt in the back of the room. The two ninja from Kouga – Hannya and several of the other Oniwabanshuu did not trust the two men but still, considering what they had done—

    A tiny cough interrupted his thoughts, forcing him to shift his attention back to little Misao-chan. Judging by the manner in which her fists and legs flailed, somehow escaping the protective blankets, the baby was going to launch into screaming hysterics. Aoshi wanted to take Misao-chan from the Okashira so that at the very least, he could have peaceful calm on this one terrible night. But he was not entirely sure the man would relinquish his granddaughter so easily. Not when she was the only tie left to his beloved daughter, Miharu. Aoshi bowed his head as thunder reverberated through the air, followed by the sounds of raindrops hitting the roof.

    Misao-chan began to cry.

    One Wish
    Part 1
    "Here we are!" Misao announced brightly as she placed the two wooden containers on the ground. She raised her hands above her head in a lithe stretch before placing them on her hips. She studied the four grave markers critically before giving a sigh. "Look how much the weeds have overgrown! Mou!"

    Aoshi came to a halt beside her, quietly lowering two more wooden containers to the grass. Straightening, he turned to meet her expectant, blue-eyed gaze. He arched an eyebrow after a moment before looking away.

    Puzzled, Misao studied his profile. That was impossible. She couldn't have possibly seen amusement flickering in those eyes. A part of her mind tucked away the memory of that expression for future reference. The rest of her mind focused upon the four stones marking the graves of the fallen Oniwabanshuu. She took another step forward and knelt, carefully arranging her traveling clothes – though why Omasu and Okon had insisted that she wear the light, traveling kimono as opposed to her usual outfit was beyond her. Those clothes were much more practical than this kimono. I am not a tomboy. It just makes more sense. But despite all that, here she was, wearing a kimono. I can't believe I let them talk me into wearing this.

    Tossing her braid back over her shoulder, Misao began to pull the rampant weeds from the grave that she knew to be Hannya's. "Ne, Aoshi-sama?"

    "Hmm?" She felt his presence move next to her, like a trickle of electricity dancing down her nerves. The tall man lowered himself to his knees gracefully and started to help clear away the vegetation.

    "Do you remember when we first brought them here? Almost two years ago now." Nearly two years ago, when they had left Tokyo after saying goodbye to Kenshin and Kaoru and she still remembered the words that he had spoken.

    "Seasons in the mountains are a step faster than the plains. If we become even later than this, the earth will freeze and we'll have to wait until spring… Before that happens, we should bury them in a place with more sunlight."

    It had been a sign, hadn’t it? That he had begun to heal, right?

    "Time passes quickly," he replied in his soft voice. He brushed away some dirt from the stone marker in front of him. Shikijou, Misao thought automatically, remembering the towering man who used to carry her on his shoulders. Aoshi continued quietly, "They will be glad to see how much you've grown."

    Misao smiled as she glanced at him. He seemed more subdued than usual, not that it was an easily discernible thing. But there was something that she could not quite put her finger on… Shaking her head slightly, she replied, "Iie, they watch over us everyday. I can feel it. It is what family does – watch and protect. So… I don't think I'll be such a surprise." Still, it warmed her heart to hear Aoshi say it. Maybe it meant that he was finally noticing her as a woman. Well, she could always hope anyway. "Ne, Aoshi-sama?"

    He did not reply but Misao did not expect him to do so. Once, when she had been a little girl, she had been able to predict and read his every emotion and thought. But the years that Aoshi had spent away from the rest of the Oniwabanshuu had changed all that. True, Aoshi had never been an expressive person, but he displayed his emotions nonetheless through the little actions that marked his movements or the faint facial expressions that drifted across his otherwise stoic face.

    But as Aoshi said, time passes quickly and with it, changes are always wrought. The little actions and flickers of emotion that she had once used to judge his moods were no longer as accurate. Misao had striven to regain those skills, once it became apparent that they had been lost. As of now, she would be able to predict three-quarters of his reactions perhaps, but it did not satisfy her. And she still hadn't made Aoshi smile. Just one smile. It doesn't even have to be big, a little one will do. Is it too much to ask of you, Aoshi-sama?

    As she completed clearing Hannya's grave, Misao patted the mound, now covered with grass and wildflowers. "Arigatou, Hannya-kun, for watching over me ever since I was little." Aoshi paused in his movements as she spoke the words out loud. Misao turned and picked up one of the wooden containers to place it next to the stone marker. The lily stirred with the movement. "White, just like the ones you used to give me when I was little."

    Misao glanced over at Shikijou's grave to see that Aoshi had almost finished cleaning it. She moved to pick up another lily from the three remaining. Aoshi knelt back on his heels, hands resting loosely against his thighs. She moved past him to place the lily as an offering. This time the white petals held the faintest tinge of pink along their petals.

    "Just like a blush across those little cheeks of yours, Misao-chan." Shikijou would say before giving her cheeks a light pinch as she giggled.

    Misao moved on to clean Beshimi's grave while Aoshi went to Hyottoko's resting place. The time passed as they cleared away the weeds, the silence broken by Misao's laughing chatter and Aoshi's quieter responses. After they finally placed the two remaining lilies – a soft violet for Beshimi and a fiery red for Hyottoko – next to their respective graves, Misao rose to her feet and stretched again, reveling in the feel of lengthening muscles. Glancing up at the bright sky and the position of the sun, she asked, "It's about late afternoon. We should start back if we want to arrive before sunset, ne?" The crisp, autumn season did not make it entirely hospitable for a night camped out underneath the stars, especially when the temperatures dropped. Misao looked at him for a response and froze, disconcerted by the way his eyes measured her. When he did not answer, she cleared her throat uncomfortably and prompted again, "Aoshi-sama?" The intensity of those grey-blue eyes was unnerving.

    Aoshi blinked and the intensity seemed to vanish as if it had never been. "Aa," he replied softly.

    Misao watched in confusion as he walked away from her in the direction of Kyoto. What had just happened?

    * * * * *

    Aoshi kept his strides shorter than usual, mostly to let Misao keep pace with him easily. For the first hour, she had remained quiet, which was extremely odd. He could not recall a time when he had ever been in Misao's presence and she had not engaged in the telling of a story or joke. Or more recently, her unexpectedly gentle and noninvasive questions about him. The years truly had passed so quickly. It seemed like it was just yesterday that he had sat on the roof of their old Edo base with a drowsy, two-year old Misao in his arms, telling her stories as they gazed at the stars. Her heart then had been just as devoted as it was now, much to his eternal regret.

    Misao, turn your heart away. I am not what you want and certainly not what you need.

    Everything was changing now, things that he could not fully explain. In two weeks' time, Misao would turn eighteen. When had she grown up? Okina, Omasu and Okon were in the middle of their massive planning for the celebration. Even Himura Kenshin and Kamiya Kaoru had been extended an invitation. But despite it all, they had managed to keep it a secret from Misao, though he already knew that she suspected. Misao had always been observant, underneath that lively exterior. When they had first started, Okon and Omasu had tried to involve him in the process but even as Okashira, certain things were still out of his league. Planning celebrations was one of them.

    The upcoming celebration had also forced him to look at his current circumstances and re-evaluate them. Iie, that was incorrect. What it had done was force him to admit the reality that he had denied for so long. The deaths of his men still haunted him at night, when his dreams replayed the memories over and over again. Those were the more fortunate times. Because other times he dreamt of his time spent as a shura, walking the path of evil where he had killed so many men and even nearly killed the Oniwabanshuu's beloved Okina. Thoughts of the past inevitably brought to his mind questions of the future. And questions of the future, of course, always led to her.

    Misao was in love with him. Do not be ridiculous, a part of his mind admonished. They had known each other from the time when they were just Misao-chan and Aoshi-niichan. All during that time, he had known that Misao idolized him. But when he had returned to fulfill Himura's promise, Aoshi had noticed that the hero worship – while still present – was tinged with something else. Given Misao's exuberant nature, it was a difficult thing to miss. And as a full cycle of the seasons had passed since Enishi's Jinchuu, Aoshi had recognized that other emotion for what it was.

    It is just an infatuation. It will pass.

    Aoshi could only hope. He should have foreseen it when Misao would grow into a starry-eyed adolescent who dreamt of her first lover. But how could he have known? Aoshi had known her from the moment she was born. One did not think of a child like that. Although… sometimes when he meditated in temple as Misao would greet him with a smile and present him with his morning tea, Aoshi imagined what it would be like— He ended the thought before it could even finish.

    Misao was like the sun, bright and nurturing with all its warm light. She deserved someone better than a man whose spirit skulked in the shadows. Time would change her feelings eventually, make her realize them for the superficial emotions that they were. Aoshi was a patient man; he could wait. It would be easier this way and much better. Everything I have done, Misao, everything was and is always for you.

    And finally, her cheerful voice said, "Ne, Aoshi-sama?"

    He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "Hmm?" There was that dreaded gleam in her eyes again.

    "So what are Okina and the others planning? It has something to do with my birthday, doesn't it? Is it a big party?"

    Aoshi felt his lips curve just a bit. Leave it to Misao to have all the subtlety of a club. "You would have to ask him, Misao. I thought that they were just planning on having a small dinner at the Aoiya."

    Misao skipped in front of him, walking backwards so that she could watch his face, trying to see if he was lying. "Is that so? Then I wonder what all those letters were about? You know, the ones that they sent a couple weeks ago?"

    He was impressed at Misao's ability to amass so many facts in so little an amount of time. Not too long ago, she would never have resorted to such methods, preferring more direct ones. But a small part of him was beginning to worry. If Aoshi ruined the surprise, there was no telling what Okon and Omasu would do, Okashira or not. So he lied, "I have no idea."

    Misao wrinkled her brow as she studied his face. After a moment, she said slowly, "All right."

    Aoshi smiled inwardly at the faintly disappointed look on her face. She looked absolutely adorable with that expression, the signature braid and the light-blue kimono. Misao looked almost… feminine and—

    What was he thinking?

    Changing the subject, mostly just to serve as a distraction, he continued, "Have you thought about your wish? I remember how you used to spend days on end, trying to decide."

    Misao gave a gamine grin and shrugged. "Not yet but I will come up with the perfect wish. It takes time to do these things— Heh?" Her sentence ended abruptly as her foot snagged on a rock, jarring the smooth motion of her walk.

    Immediately Aoshi moved to catch her before she could fall, his hands closing around the soft material of her obi. She pressed her hands on his chest to balance herself as he placed her on both feet once more. "Are you all right?" he asked.

    Tilting her head back to look up at him, she nodded. "Hai. It's this kimono. I can't seem to move at all like… I… usually…" Her voice trailed off.

    For a moment, Aoshi did not understand what made her stop talking but when he saw her pupils dilate, he realized just how close the two of them were. He could practically feel her breath against his chin. Let go of her, a mental voice advised frantically.

    "Aoshi-sama?" she asked, with just the faintest catch in her voice. A hand raised to touch his face.

    He swallowed and closed his eyes, turning his face from her as he dropped his hands. He took a step away from her. Aoshi opened his eyes again and looked at her face, radiant like the sun although a blush suffused her cheeks. Stepped back another pace.

    Misao blinked several times as if realizing where they were and what they were doing and instantly pulled back her hand. Her blush deepened even further. "Ano…"

    Aoshi moved around her. "We should keep moving if we want to reach the next town before nightfall." After a long moment, he heard Misao slowly move after him, twigs and grass crunching as she passed. A few more minutes passed and the girl began to talk again, sometimes asking questions about the surprise celebration and sometimes just harmless chatter.

    Why is this so difficult? He thought as he answered a question. She is just a child compared to you.

    They reached the outer limits of Kyoto and continued into town.

    * * * * *

    They arrived late in the afternoon, just as the sun began to touch the horizon. Misao stepped into the genkan and shouted, "Tadaima!" She kicked off his sandals, exchanging them for slippers.

    "Okaerinasai!" Okina peered around the corner at the two of them. "How was the visit?"

    As usual, Misao launched herself at him, to which Okina responded with one of his trademark bear hugs. "Jiiya—Breathing is becoming a problem!" she managed to gasp out.

    "Oh—Gomen, Misao-chan." He apologized as he released her.

    "Itai," she muttered as she rubbed her much abused ribs. "Jiiya, I wish you’d stop doing that!"

    "Demo, that wasn’t even that hard."

    "Not hard?" She stared incredulously at the old man.

    Aoshi quietly walked past the two and their characteristic greeting, placing the one pack on the floor. Okina called out after him, "Wait, Aoshi. There is a matter that I must discuss with you."

    Hearing the underlying tension in those words, Aoshi stopped and turned. Misao apparently heard it too because she asked, "Ne, is everything all right?"

    "Ah—Iie, nothing that you need to concern yourself about, Misao-chan. You must be tired and hungry after your journey. Why don’t you go take a bath and then get some dinner from Omasu."

    Aoshi silently observed the exchange. Why was Okina trying to get rid of Misao? Did the matter involve her—? He realized what it was probably about then. The celebration. Okina, you are not being very subtle either. No wonder Misao has learned as much as she has.

    The same train of thought must have occurred to Misao because her blue eyes flickered back and forth between the two men. Frowning a little, she asked, "Jiiya, are you trying to hide something from me?"

    Okina held his hands up in appeasement. "Misao, I promise you nothing is the matter. I just want to talk to Aoshi about some business concerning the Aoiya. It would bore you anyway. I know how much you hate paperwork."

    Inwardly Aoshi winced. Misao hated it when people assumed things for her. More so now than ever as she approached adulthood with leaps and bounds. As predicted, those eyes narrowed dangerously. Before she could explode into a tirade, he said, "Misao, could you take our things upstairs? The pack is cluttering the entrance and customers will be coming soon."

    Distracted, she shifted her attention to him. The words took a few seconds to register before her face lit up. "Hai!" she replied with a nod, her dispute with Okina quickly forgotten. Taking the pack, she vanished inside, the sounds of her footsteps echoing behind her.

    Aoshi watched her departing back with a flash of regret. He should not have used her feelings for him like that. Misao always did anything that he asked of her and it was cruel of him to take advantage of that fact. But judging by the strained expression on Okina’s face, it could not have waited much longer. "What is it? Did something go wrong with Misao’s birthday celebration?"

    "Iie, Aoshi. It’s something else." Okina moved past him and walked inside the Aoiya, gesturing for him to follow. Curious, Aoshi did so, wondering what he wanted to discuss, if not about Misao’s surprise celebration. For a few minutes, the two men were silent before the elder man asked, "Do you remember Miharu’s funeral?"

    The question was unexpected. He had not thought of the Founder’s daughter nor had the Oniwabanshuu spoken her name in years. Even though Misao served as a constant reminder, with those blue eyes and sunny face. What would bring up her memory now? "Yes, I remember. It rained for nearly two days after and Misao cried for almost the entire time. Why?"

    "Do you recall the events that led up to the funeral and Miharu’s death?"

    Why all the questions? Of course, he remembered all that, and more. He had been ten years old at the time, certainly more than old enough to have an accurate memory. "Okina, what is it?"

    "Let me ask one more question. Do you remember the guests we had at the funeral?"

    The guests? What guests—? Aoshi came to a halt as his mind provided the answer. Of course. The two strangers who had remained silent in back of the room for the entire service. Narrowing his eyes, he asked, "What do the ninja from Kouga want?"

    Okina sighed. "Aoshi, if you remember the events that led up to Miharu’s funeral, you already know the answer. " He stopped in front of a room. "And if not, then the person inside can inform you."

    What? Aoshi placed a hand on the shoji and began to slide it open with a rasp of paper on wood. Then he stopped as he realized what Okina was talking about. "They’ve come?"

    He bowed his head. "Go inside and receive our visitor."

    Aoshi nodded and stepped inside the room. An old man – near Okina’s age – knelt in the center of the room, waiting for him. He studied the face, remembering a younger version from his memory. The years had not been kind. "I was told you wanted to see me."

    The visitor raised his head and gazed at him with a furrowed brow. "You’re not—" He cut himself off in mid-sentence. "But of course, the Okashira I knew would be long dead by now. I take it you are his successor. I don’t remember ever seeing you before." No, he would not. A ten-year-old boy was not worth his notice although the man should have remembered.

    "Aa," he replied as he knelt in front of the man. "Why are you here? This is a long way to travel for a ninja from Kouga."

    "So you already know who I am." The old man bowed in supplication, his forehead nearly touching the floor. He wasted no time and said, "I, Saizyo Yorihisa, have come to request your aid and for you to fulfill the promise made by your honorable predecessor nearly two decades ago."

    Aoshi stilled.

    "We have come to claim our blood debt."

    * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- *

    Next ~ Part 2: The Debt

    Glossary of Japanese Terms

    aa: yes
    ano: filler word; similar to "um"
    arigatou: thank you
    demo: but
    genkan: foyer
    gomen: sorry
    hai: yes
    iie: no
    itai: ouch
    mofuku: mourning clothes, which are traditionally white
    mou: an expression of exasperation, typically used by women
    okaerinasai: Welcome home
    shoji: door
    shoko: incense offering used at funerals
    tadaima: I’m home
    tatami: tightly woven straw mat used in traditional Japanese style rooms
  5. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    * ---* --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- *

    Aoshi tore past the trees, weaving through low hanging branches and stepping nimbly over jutting roots. Blood… It dripped from his face and stained large portions of his shinobu gi. So much blood… he had never seen so much blood in his life. Not even when he had lost his parents. Not even when Miharu-san had been killed. So much blood… and none of it was his. He should be relieved about that. He should be grateful. But instead—

    His toe snagged on some debris and he stumbled forward a few steps before recovering his balance. Misao shifted restlessly in his arms, whimpering. Aoshi automatically drew the infant closer to his chest as he looked around cautiously. In the distance, he heard the faint sounds of running footsteps and crashing branches. Obviously not ninja like the rest of their attackers – most likely, they assumed that a ten-year-old boy was hardly a threat. Misao twisted in his arms, her little hands grasping the bloodstained gi.

    "Misao-chan," he soothed softly, rocking her gently as he maneuvered into the underbrush. "Just stay quiet a little while longer…"

    The girl cooed at the sound of his voice and tugged his gi. Nothing mattered to her other than the bigger, stronger presence that had protected and cuddled her ever since she was born. Anything else faded into the background. If only he could have such blessed innocence but that rare quality had eluded him for a long time now. Kami-sama, don’t let me fail her. Not now… not ever.

    The men were approaching rapidly, judging by the sounds in the distance. Aoshi surveyed the surrounding forest. If he stayed on the ground, the men would probably find him eventually – thirteen to one were highly unfavorable odds. His ninja training was intermediate at best so the most logical plan would be to continue eluding his pursuers. But how and where—?

    Aoshi turned his head sharply as loud voices filled the air. Eyes widening as the words registered, he quickly moved towards the nearest tree. Holding Misao tightly against him, he began to climb.

    A harsh voice snapped loudly, "Kuso, where’d that boy go?"

    "Look here! He went this way. See the blood!"

    "Blood? The boy wasn’t injured!"

    "Never mind that now. Find him and that wailing brat or Kanemori will have our heads!"

    Five men broke through the trees into the small space beneath him. Reflexively, Aoshi jerked back until his back hit rough bark. He felt Misao’s tiny fists clutch at his gi in a persistent tug. A muffled whimper sounded from the general area of his chest, over his heart. Shifting his attention from the men to the baby, he glanced at the fretful expression on her face. She could feel his fear – he knew it for sure.

    Iya, don’t cry, Misao-chan. Not now, please.

    He rubbed a knuckle against her cheek, feeling the chilled skin. As the baby relinquished her hold upon his gi for one upon his fist, Aoshi returned his gaze to the men below them. Listening intently to their vicious curses, he watched as they searched the forest floor for signs of their trail. Aoshi held his breath as one actually laid a hand upon the trunk of the tree in which they hid. He silently moved backwards until they were shrouded in the shadows of the tree’s ever-reaching branches. The leaves had long since withered and fallen but he prayed that the large branches would help to shield them anyway.

    The minutes slowly ticked by but eventually, the men moved on through the forest as their search availed them nothing. As their loud voices faded into the distance, Aoshi released his breath in a slow exhale. At the small sound, Misao tightened her hold upon his hand, her soft breath brushing against his skin. The boy looked down at the fragile, little infant with solemn eyes. What would they do now that Higashi-san and Miharu-san were dead? What kind of life could Misao possibly live without even knowing her parents?

    She could grow up to be like you…

    But Misao was not Aoshi. She had not witnessed the deaths of her parents at an age where the vision would be burned in memory forever. Perhaps… perhaps it would make a difference. Aoshi shifted his arms and brought the baby up towards his face, much to Misao’s blissful delight as she tapped his face exuberantly with one hand. One would think that in the midst of all this tragedy, the sunlight in her deep blue eyes would have faded at least a little. But nothing seemed able to dampen her spirits… nothing at all.

    I swear… I swear to you, Misao-chan, I will protect you with my life… Miharu-san’s wish will come true.

    So that the shining light in Misao-chan’s face would never be extinguished.

    One Wish
    Part 2
    After she finished putting away their things, Misao ran back downstairs. Aoshi and Jiiya had to be discussing her "surprise" birthday celebration. If she could only eavesdrop on their conversation, she’d find out exactly what they had planned. Misao grinned to herself. Although Jiiya and the others should know by now, she had expected Aoshi to deter them from even starting the plans. After all, he knew better than anyone that to keep a secret from her was near impossible, especially when she was determined to find out.

    "Yare yare, Misao-chan, can’t you control that curiosity?"

    It was something Shikijou said to her at least once a week in response to the numerous questions with which she had bombarded him – something that had started the very first night he had spent with the Oniwabanshuu and lasted until the day he had left with Aoshi and the others…

    Misao shook the heavy thoughts out of her head. There was no need for her to dwell on those memories any longer. Her Aoshi-sama had returned to her, just as Himura had promised her. Now if I could just get Aoshi-sama to notice me as a woman. Then everything would be perfect.

    Focused entirely upon plotting a way to do just that, Misao didn’t notice Okon until she nearly collided with the older woman. Skidding to a halt, she smiled brightly as Okon balanced the baskets of vegetables that she carried. Unfortunately, it didn’t work because the woman scolded, "Misao-chan, no running. Be ladylike, ladylike. Mou, you’re almost eighteen!"

    Misao waved her hand. "Gomen ne, Okon. Demo… I’m looking for Aoshi-sama and Jiiya. It’s really important."

    Okon sighed and rolled her eyes. "It always is. They’re in the formal sitting room."

    At the answer, she blinked. The formal sitting room? Why in the world would they be in there? That room was hardly used and when it was, only to greet some of Jiiya’s more prestigious contacts from his younger days as Oniwabanshuu. Despite her confusion, she replied cheerfully, "Arigatou." Stepping easily around Okon, Misao continued down the hall at a more sedate pace. It was not quite a run but it probably did not conform to Okon’s idea of a dainty walk, either.

    The sound of Aoshi’s soft-spoken voice reached her ears as she turned the corner, immediately bringing a smile to her face. Misao paused outside the room, one hand on the shoji just as Jiiya’s indignant voice said quite loudly and clearly, "You want us to do what?"

    A voice that she did not recognize responded, "The previous Okashira swore to me that very same night when the blood of my kin was spilled. Based on that promise, we have come to claim that debt. Are you reneging on that solemn oath?"


    Oath? Fallen kin? Debt?

    The words whirled around in Misao’s mind, instantly bringing forth doubts about her choice to eavesdrop. The conversation certainly did not involve her surprise celebration but obviously was something else entirely. But what that something else was remained a mystery. And what could be so dire as to elicit that tension in Jiiya or the underlying anger in the voice of the stranger?

    What… What is happening?

    Just then Aoshi spoke into the silence, "We will fulfill the blood debt. You wish for us to meet you and the rest of your companions tomorrow on the eastern side and we will do so. Have your enemies followed you here to Kyoto?"

    Her eyes widened at the word "blood debt" and "enemies." Instincts, honed by years of shadowing Aoshi, Hannya and the others, immediately snapped into sharp focus. The conversation faded into the background as several thoughts rushed to the forefront of her mind. How was Aoshi involved in this? Surely by now, someone would have mentioned something about a blood debt…

    Where was Aoshi going to go?

    Concentrating on that thought, her hands curled into fists. Aoshi was not going anywhere without her. Drawing herself up, she made to enter the room when the visitor asked, "So how is the girl? I cannot recall her name at the moment. Please forgive my lapse. She would be about eighteen now, correct?"

    That simple question stopped her short. Impossible. They were talking about her now? No, that could not be right. This stranger could not know about her. But… How could they shift from discussing a blood debt to her so easily? Well, if it was her that they spoke of anyway. A little voice nagged insistently at the back of her mind. Something was definitely wrong.

    "Aa," Aoshi replied, without elaboration.

    Misao hesitated again. That’s odd. True, Aoshi was not one for conversation that existed just for the sake of conversation but… Why is he avoiding the question?

    Seemingly unaware of her presence, Aoshi continued, "If that is all, I need to discuss this with the others."

    The sounds of rustling and shuffling filled the air and Misao instantly darted to the side as the shoji slid open. She looked up into Aoshi’s penetrating grey-blue eyes as he stepped out of the room and moved towards her. Blinking nervously, Misao took a step back before realizing what she was doing. Something about his aura was unbalanced – it worried her. Reflexively, Misao opened her mouth to ask what was wrong but his gaze immediately altered, those wonderful eyes growing hard and glacial.

    Recognizing the warning for what it was, Misao relented and held her silence. Peeking unobtrusively around Aoshi’s lean form – or attempting to anyway since Aoshi maneuvered his body so that she remained constantly hidden – Misao saw an old man walk out, talking amiably with Jiiya. Or perhaps, talking to was more applicable since Jiiya held his face in a blatant mask of boredom. Who was that man?

    And more importantly, why was Aoshi hiding her from him?

    As the two old men vanished around the corner, the tensed body shielding her relaxed minutely. "Aoshi-sama?" she whispered.

    The man that she had spent a lifetime adoring turned to face her, the handsome face held in its ever-present stoic expression. "Misao, you should have stayed upstairs."

    An indescribable quality tinged that statement, making her heart both elated and heavy at the same time. Elated because the words meant that he worried about her but heavy because the tone held that same note of responsibility that filled his words whenever he spoke of Hannya, Hyottoko or any of the fallen Oniwabanshuu. Of all the things in the world, Misao did not want him to view her as a burden or duty.

    I’m right here, waiting for you, Aoshi-sama. When will you see me?

    Rather asking all the questions that she wanted to ask, she said instead, "I unpacked everything and came down. Okon told me where you and Jiiya were."

    His gazed flickered over her face before he looked over his shoulder in the direction where Jiiya and the stranger had gone. Slowly, Aoshi turned back to her and replied, "I see."

    Misao clenched her hands in the silken folds of her kimono. "So are you going to meet them tomorrow?"

    Aoshi closed his eyes and looked away from her. "Aa. Misao—"

    "Aoshi-sama—" she said at almost exactly the same moment.

    And of course, he anticipated her question, "Iya."

    Interrupted in mid-sentence, Misao stammered for moment before falling silent. "Naze?"

    "Misao, this is dangerous. I do not—"

    "You’ve trained me yourself since we came back from Tokyo. Remember? You made that promise over their graves!" They had visited them earlier that day. Surely he could not have forgotten… Aoshi did not forget things like that. So that meant…


    She continued right over his quiet interjection. "Don’t you think your training is good enough?"


    "I promise I won’t get in the way. Don’t you trust me?" Did he think so little of her and her abilities?

    "Misao," he reprimanded sharply.

    Having known him for as long as she could remember, she fell silent at once. He only ever used that tone when his patience wore thin – something that happened very rarely. Misao met his gaze with timid eyes. Reading the unvoiced apology in their icy depths, she began, "Aoshi-sama…"

    "This is not a topic for discussion." With that final sentence, he walked past her and left her alone in the hallway with her confused thoughts.

    * * * * *

    In the silence of his room, Aoshi’s only companions were his own thoughts and long forgotten memories that were beginning to resurface. The sun dropped below the horizon, lengthening the shadows across the expanse of his room. Strange. He never seemed to notice the shadows or the darkness when Misao was present but perhaps that was because she held her own special, inner light and brightness.

    He remembered that same quality in Miharu-san but his happier memories of the previous Okashira’s daughter were from when he was younger, not too long after he had been orphaned. During that chaotic time, the days had jumbled together as grief, pain and loneliness blurred memories into a series of unhappy stretches of time. Miharu-san had alleviated that darkness slightly with her smile and bright, blue eyes but nothing had really worked.

    Not until Misao…

    Aoshi bowed his head. Misao should never have been born under so much sorrow and death. He once thought that the taint of those events would have left its mark upon her spirit and made itself known in time but it never had. And now… what could he tell her now?

    How could he explain that her grandfather had formed a temporary alliance with the Kouga ninja to obtain certain information implicating enemies of the Bakufu? And that while the mission had been successful, it had cost the Oniwabanshuu the lives of several of their best ninja, including Higashi-san, her father? Maybe in a different life, Misao would have been proud that her father had died for such a noble cause. But this was Misao… In this life, all that mattered was that a loved one had died.

    As Aoshi contemplated the sky as it darkened from flaming red to velvet indigo, he replayed the conversation with Yorihisa. He already knew that the old man was hiding something. But what? Although he recalled the events that had occurred nearly eighteen years ago, they were colored by Miharu’s death and Misao’s kidnapping, all seen through the eyes of a young boy. Any clues that could point in the right direction lay hidden in the past or at least, were obscured by those two events involving mother and daughter.

    Despite everything that Misao had endured and all the pain that he himself had caused her, Misao was a strong girl. Perhaps she could handle the news well but with regards to this, how could he know for sure? She had never asked about her parents as a child since all the family she had ever known was the Oniwabanshuu. Yes, they had told her that they had died but never the circumstances and especially never Miharu-san’s feelings concerning her newborn daughter. So much of Misao’s strength derived from the love and warmth that she received from others.

    How would she react to something like that?

    Usually Aoshi could read Misao and predict her emotions easily but it seemed to become more difficult with each passing day. Part of it stemmed from his awareness of her feelings about him but part of it came from somewhere else. As if something within him did not wish to have the ability to predict her emotions because it feared his response to it.

    No, I mustn’t think of that.

    So instead, he focused upon the deaths of three Kouga ninja, who all had been Yorihisa’s sons… who had been all of his sons and thus killing his entire kin. All to rescue one helpless infant. Perhaps the Kouga had other reasons for lending their aid such as retrieving the stolen documents as well as destroying other documents that incriminated them in certain dealings that definitely would have resulted in sanctions from the Bakufu. But in the end, they had died rescuing Misao.

    And perhaps it was the result of his terrible grief, the previous Okashira had sworn that solemn oath and the Oniwabanshuu had remained in debt to the Kouga for all these years.

    But that was the question, wasn’t it?

    Why now, after all these years?

    Thinking of the debt, of course, always led him to Misao and he thought wryly, Their timing is impeccable. Her birthday is less than two weeks away. That last thought quickly brought another to mind. Why was Yorihisa asking about Misao?

    Rising to his feet, Aoshi dismissed the errant thought. Mention of the blood debt so suddenly had simply pushed him off center. There was no reason for him to be so paranoid. It made perfect sense for the aging leader of the Kouga to ask about the baby who had caused so much trouble for his clan. But if that were the case, why did the faint taste of unease hang in the air?

    Yorihisa is hiding something from us.


    Yorihisa is lying to us.

    Something in his words did not ring true. But what? Everything that he had said – every memory that had been brought up – was something that Aoshi himself had witnessed or heard about from the other Oniwabanshuu. But if that were the case, why didn’t he trust Yorihisa?

    The back of his neck *****led and he turned as he felt a presence move in front of his room. No doubt that it was Misao. Impressive that she had waited this long to seek him out. He had half expected her to chase him down the hall when he had ended their conversation. Yet another sign that Misao was growing up—

    Without any further announcement, the shoji slid open and Misao met his expectant gaze hesitantly. She had changed out of the traveling kimono and into her more casual clothes, he noted. Judging by the expression on her face, she seemed very determined to accompany him tomorrow. "Aoshi-sama," she began after a moment.


    The one sound seemed to confuse her immensely. Misao fell silent before starting once again. "Ano… are you planning to leave tomorrow?"

    "Are you thinking of following me?" he countered quietly as he moved closer to her.

    Her lips curled into a pout as she glared at him. It was an unconscious gesture and Aoshi knew quite well that she was unaware of how lovable the expression truly was. Realizing the direction in which his thoughts were heading, Aoshi focused his attention on her eyes as she replied, "Maybe."

    Narrowing his eyes, he shook his head in negation. "No."

    Tilting her head to the side, Misao was silent a moment. Then, "You really think I’ll stay here while you go meet that man and his little group?" As he opened his mouth, she continued hastily, "Aoshi-sama, I’m not a little girl anymore. You don’t need to worry about me."

    Oh Misao, you have no idea how wrong you are. "Misao, I believe I told you that this was not up for discussion."

    She frowned. "Are you ordering me to stay as my Okashira?"

    His muscles tensed at the sharp accusation in her voice. Yes, he could order her to stay and he was almost certain that she would but that would not be fair to her. Not when her desire to accompany him stemmed from her—

    Again he cut off the thought before his mind could acknowledge it. Finally, Aoshi said softly, "Iya. But I am asking you to please stay."

    That stubborn glint entered her eyes. "No. I will not. Not unless you give me an explanation why I should."

    Once those words left her lips, Aoshi nearly took an involuntary step backwards. If she went, Misao would learn why the blood debt existed. And if she stayed at the Aoiya, she would find out eventually. Perhaps via her curiosity or one of the other Oniwabanshuu or a million other possibilities. How ironic. She had deftly maneuvered him into a trap without even realizing it.

    "You don’t even have a reason!" Misao’s hands clenched and unclenched at her sides. "Aoshi-sama, you’ll need help in this, right? And you haven’t asked Jiiya or the others yet. Jiiya said you haven’t brought the subject up with him yet. See? No reason at all!"

    Oh, but he had such a good reason. But Misao did have a point. She wasn’t a child anymore and she did have the skills, though the training he had given her in the past year was intermediate at best. Hopefully it would be enough for whatever they would encounter.

    Despite all his efforts, fate had apparently dictated that it be time for Misao to learn about her parents. Miharu-san, despite everything I have done to make your wish come true, Misao has taken her own path.

    Resigned, he said, "If you want to come with me, be ready at dawn."

    Like the sun, Misao’s smile brightened the entire room.

    If only he could be so optimistic.

    * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- * --- *

    Next ~ Part 3: The Problem

    Glossary of Japanese Terms
    aa: yes
    ano: filler word; similar to "um"
    arigatou: thank you; arigatou gozaimasu is a more polite form
    Bakufu: the Shogunate government
    demo: but
    gomen ne: I’m sorry (the cute, girly version)
    iya: no
    Kami-sama: equivalent of God
    kuso: damn
    mou: typical female expression of exasperation
    nani: what?
    naze: why?
    shoji: sliding door
  6. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    HEHEHEEEEE [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] !!!
  7. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I know you want to know what happened right? [​IMG]
  8. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I found these ones in the last minuet ...



    Fabee, this is the best!!

    I really hope that you like them >=]

    The revenge continues..
    - Zanza
  9. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    Thats a very long post Zanza .. Im not going to read it...(kidding)
  10. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Awesome POWAA!!

    Is that last pic of Aoshi and Misao by any chance? Thanks for posting all this stuff, I kinda wanted to know more about Aoshi [​IMG]

    (now goes to post Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu moves)

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