Welcome to Star Wars [Read Rules V1.0]

Discussion in 'Star Wars' started by Seishin, Mar 26, 2005.

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  1. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Welcome to the Star Wars Forum. I hope you enjoy this forum and have a good time posting here, like in all the rest of the Boards. Also, like you've very much aware of, there needs to be some rules in this Forum so we can keep all in order. Here are the main points you must always obey:

    Simple Rules:
    This are just the simple mistakes that we all encourage that should not happen.
    *No bad language of any kind.
    *Always respect the other users in your posts. No disrespectfulness.
    *Absolutely no double-posting, unless no user has replied for long periods of time.
    *No spaming. All spamers will be reported.

    Other Rules:
    *Do no try to and disrespect any authorites, including all mods, hosted mods, or myself.
    *At your first misconduct, you will be left off with a warning, after repeated miscundoct, serious punishment will be unleashed.
    *Only threads created to Star Wars. I know, it's preety obvious, but there's always somebody for anything.

    All rule breakers will be reported to me. All other major rule breakers will be reported to me, and most likely one of the Administrator, and may be a chance of banning.

    Hope you have a good time in this Forum, and May the Force be with you....


    Reminder:This site is not fully operational yet (3-26-05). Not all the threads that should be here are in this Forum. I will update this when all is in place.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    As of today, the Star Wars Forum has all of it's threads placed, and in order. This Forum is now fully operational and completly inagurated! Hope you enjoy this new forum, and remember, i'm still looking out for those naught boys and girls....so remember to keep on your best!

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