Creative Writing Worst Mary Sue you've ever seen in an anime fanfic or RPG?

Discussion in 'Written Arts' started by Dilandau, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    Yes, I know there was a thread discussing Mary Sueism - but it was very, very old. And here, I'd like to discuss specific examples. No need to mention names of authors, characters, or fics if you feel that's unfair, but hey - when it goes online, it's public, so...

    Mary Sues, by the way, are generally described as ideal characters who act as inserts for the author, living out his/her fantasy of being perfect, beautiful, all-powerful, and possibly in love with a canon character. They may also be "imperfect" at times as a sympathy ploy.

    I'm just wondering what your worst experiences have been with Sues (be they Mary Sues or Gary Stus, it matters not) in the realm of anime-based fiction and roleplay. Are there a few not-so-shining examples that stand out from the run-of-the-mill perfect goth girls and ruggedly handsome what's-his-names?

    One that stands out from the crowd for me was an OC in an Escaflowne RPG I used to be in. There character was a Dragonslayer by the name of Dillan Albot, nicknamed Dilly. (I kid you not.) He was described as looking like "movie version Dilandau." Why this character was allowed in at all is beyond me. But things really started to get interesting when he went from a regular human Dragonslayer to a telepath/telekinetic who sympathized with the good guys. And then to a telekinetic vampire who had no sun weakness and drank dragon blood. (Mind you, there ARE no vampires in the Esca setting whatsoever.) Eventually, he was Dillan Albot the Dilandau-clone, a 2000-year-old vampire who had been sent to join the Dragonslayers to spy on them, lived on dragon blood, could read minds, could smash a person through a tree with his telekinesis, and could shift into another plane of existence at will, a la Raziel from the Legend of Kain: Soul Reaver games. x_x;

    Then I went off on him and he left the RPG. XD I guess some things do have a happy ending.
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  2. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    My god, this was so ridiculous it had me cracking up.

    O.K, so I was just at looking around for some good Inuyasha stories, and since (as usual) I couldn't seem to find any, I just picked a random one in hopes that looks were decieving.

    They weren't. Not at all.

    Within the first three paragraphs of the story some absolutely beautiful woman popped out of the shadows and told Sesshomaru that she missed him (apparently they used to know each other), and that her parents wanted her to find a mate, so she came to see if she could go out with Sesshomaru.

    And of course Sesshomaru, who never expresses emotions toward anyone or anything, suddenly becomes shy, starts blushing, and then they start to kiss because she was just SO charming.

    Within two chapters they're practically married, and the woman had saved Sesshomaru from horrible dangers at least three times, even though Sesshomaru is a powerful demon and perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Also she becomes like a second mother to Rin and a very good friend to Jaken, and now I have NO IDEA where this story is going because within about a three day timespan, this woman has made Sesshomaru's life a happily ever after.

    And of course the whole thing was written with absolutely no grammar skills whatsoever.
  3. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    ...I have only one question for you: Was her hair "black as a raven's wing," or something similar? XD It always seems to be that way.

    That reminds me, there was someone I used to know who always, ALWAYS wrote female characters with "jewel-bright eyes." EVERY TIME. And they were always strong, intelligent, independent young women until the second that a man came along for them to attach to like parasites. ~_~ Then, of course, they became vulnerable and weepy.
  4. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well this is how they described her other then having Sesshomaru rave on about how beautiful she was, which wasn't a very helpful description.

    She had deep ocean blue eyes and white ears like Inuyasha’s. She had beautiful silky black hair, and a vibrant purple dress on.

    Yup, and I've noticed a lot of Mary Sue's are described with not only raven hair but also "emerald green eyes".

    Ah yes, I've noticed that too. And if we're working with male characters here, they always seem to be these dark twisted souls...

    ...until the second a woman comes along and they suddenly turn into vulnerable sappy wussies.
  5. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    God, she was an Inuyasha rip-off as well? e_e

    Hate that. Hate it, hate it, hate it. If these people MUST write Sues, wouldn't it be nice if they could leave out their apparently unquenchable desire to copy one of the canon characters in the process? Wishful thinking, I suppose. Was she even a dog demon, or just some random person with ears stuck on for no reason?

    ...Did they spawn OC brats? >_> Or do I want to know?
  6. soundofsilence

    soundofsilence New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    Ick. Both of those sound like complete terrors. I hate "god" characters in rpgs. They totally suck the fun out of the game.

    My example also comes from that highly respected source of great literature, I was bored, so I decided to see if an author I like had updated her X (aka X/1999). She hadn't, so I started looking for something else in the section to read. One story had no description at all, just a line from a poem, so I read a little of it to see what it was about. Mistake. The OC lead had "hair as red as sunset" and "sapphire eyes" and she, of course, was an extremely powerful telepath, although we only know this due to her endless bragging. By the end of the third paragraph of the first chapter, she already has Subaru, one of the canon characters, wrapped around her little finger. This happens in spite of the fact that Subarau is GAY! ARGH!!!!

    I can't talk about it anymore. It's just...AGH!
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  7. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    One defining point of a Sue is that they're not any fun for anyone but their creator. :/ I mean, the entire reason that we enjoy characters is usually becuse we can relate to or sympathize with them - but of course, a Sue really appeals only to the person who's fantasy they represent, and to people with a very similar fantasy. (Which is why there are actually people who'll compliment those god-awful abominations on @_@)

    But it can actually be kinda fun to mess with Sues in-game, by avoiding their auto-hits or not falling in love with them on sight. XD The players get so pissy...

    Yeah, a little thing like canon sexual orientation has never stopped a Sue, has it? because, y'know, they can make ANYONE love them. e_e

    *recalls the many, many girls that get paired off with Dilandau, despite his canon lack of interest in anything female* But of course, it's never stated in plain terms what his orientation is, it's just my interpretation that he probably isn't straight. XD It's a totally different issue when you have a character like Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi, or Touya and Yukito from CCS, and some Sue is with them. ~_~

    And then again, there are the yaoi-Sues who persist in making obviously straight characters gay for no good reason. >_> Bleh.

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