Naruto Oh no... *Spoilers* Chapter 327+

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Basher, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    It is something I didn't expect. Probably more that I didn't want.

    Yeah spoilers. Only warning for this thread.

    I liked the battle though it was a little short. Hidan is diffently ranks up there in ninjitsu and creepy factor.

    Asuma has always been a tough character. From his appearance, his actions, his fighting, and his smoking. I didn't want him to die.

    I guess I should have figured out something when he stopped smoking. He thought that the battle was serious enough. Also with his relationship with Shikamaru deepened more atleast I thought it did. Maybe it was expected but not something I wanted.

    Getting hit in the Vitals 4 times I guess it was supposed to happen.

    Okay did the leader show up? The copies I get suck. :(

    Also the King. Make me wonder...
  2. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    That was the leader telling them to gather (Hidan and Kakuzu). And technically this was the second time he stopped smoking (remember while he, Shikamaru, Kotetsu and Izumo were on their way, Shikamaru notes how Asuma quit smoking for a couple weeks shortly after Sandaime died).

    The King I believe isn't really a single person, but metaphorical for the Konoha village itself. The ideals, the people in general, everything. Asuma sacrificed himself and died for all that, went down fighting on behalf of everyone to show that they won't stand idly by and let their country be threatened by criminals and invaders, whatever the cost might be.

    But that's just how I feel.

    Also a popular theory floating around is the possible pregnancy of Kurenai (their relationship being even more strongly hinted at with Asuma's flashback of himself buying flowers at Ino's parents' shop and seeing Kurenai look out at the rain at the very end of the chapter).

    I know it's a bit of a stupid thought but I wonder if Shikamaru will really take up smoking now in Asuma's memory. :p

    I personally would like to see Shikamaru be the one to finish off Hidan (Hidan was pretty cool at first but the past few chapters I just kept thinking he's getting annoyingly obnoxious) and I'm frankly annoyed at the unending theories of Naruto getting Asuma's trench knives... I don't know, I guess just part of my theory of not seeing Naruto as much of a weapon user. Naruto's power relies on more brute strength and fury, more attributed to that of a brawler or fist-fighter while Sasuke has always been a bit more fluid, precise which fits much better with a style of weapon-fighting like with a sword (which has been argued with the fact that people thought of Asuma's style as more brutish, in a way, but I found Asuma's style to be rather fluid as well, but eh).
  3. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Thanks. I learned to never assume.

    That is one I never thought of. I was thinking the rest of the Tail beasts. Hmmm maybe.

    Yeah I was thinking that too. We all guessed that they had feelings for each other.

    LOL. Smoking is addicting but not that addicting. It would be a big surprise if that happened.

    I like Hidan maybe because he is so different. Right now it looks like he is hard to beat. Of course Shikamaru would want to get rivage. I see maybe all 3, Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru taking him out. But Heh that is just my thoughts.

    Now that I have read the next chapter maybe King is actually the World.

    The plain is crazy. It sounds to me like it will take a long process. I can see why the members would gain from it.

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