Video Games The easiest Tier 2 level gear in the game

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by wertitis, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Yup, with the implementaion of the new honor system even a casual gamer can get thier hands on the impressive Rank 14 PvP Gear set. The armor and weaponry provided are on par with Gear ranging from MC and BWL, all the way through Naxx. (60 DPS daggers/swords? zomg) All it takes is some grinding and you'll be equipped for the Outlands, ready to push for level 70.

    Question is, does this patch ruin the top end of the WoW gaming band by practically giving away tier 2-esque gear to the casual gamers, or was Blizzard correct in giving the casual players an opportunity to get really good gear for thier Outland adventures?


  2. Luffy

    Luffy I Can See A New Horizon

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Yes indeedy the wert!!!!!!!! That just screws raid all together and makes it lame to even talk about ot. people will still do it (raiding that is). I not 60 yet will be able to raid MC for teir 1 and XP hopefully for XP in TBC. I hope that will work >.< but there will be teir like 6 out before I reach teir 2 lol. but any way buying teir2=lame bacause it takes no skillz. If it cost gold not thoses new confangled arena coins the you can know e-bay your teir 2 yay?
    In short lame ebayiers with no skillz will have teir 2 in a second and it took real players a month or so to get the real deal >=(

    P.S. Perhaps I'm getting this the wrong way if not my opinion stands!!!!!
  3. Fudge_Monkeys


    Mar 30, 2005
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    I think Its awesome that Tier 2 is easier to get... Maybe i can actually get some good Weapons/Armor Now. =)
  4. Luffy

    Luffy I Can See A New Horizon

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Yeah me=not very smart you buy them with WSG/AB/AV marks of honor and honor points heh.... Crazyness
  5. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    i think it's nice to give something to us casual gamers over spoiling the hard core raiders. it's still gonna take awhile to get, but i don't have to spend every waking moment grinding through a raid i hate. =3 not all of us want or can spend huge amounts of time in elitist raids.

    hell, i've only been to MC once, AQ20 about 5 times, and about 8 times for ZG. i think i'm attuned for BWL, and i know i'm not for onyxia and nax.

    so, wasting my time giggling about moonfiring everything that moves is ok to me =3
  6. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Considering that level 64-65 greens are going to put an end to the tier sets the implementation of thier new BG system is a smart move, imo. For a little while Casual gamers will be able to stand toe to toe with the hardcore raiders.


    I know that I've fought guys before who were horrible BGers, but because they have tier 2/3 on they stomp me every time. Payback will be a *****. I know that a lot of guys plan on actually quitting when BC comes out. BG gear will be worthless (as will all the time they invested into it) and many of the larger, powerful guilds will collapse down as raids go from 40 man to 25 man, which means that the scrubs who have been around for a while, but never got the gear are going to get pruned. My guild on Y'sondre punted me while I was out on vacation because they joined up with another guild and had a surplus of rogues- and they still weren't even taking into account the new BC raids. No sweat off my back though. I now have more time to run BGs with my friends and I'm going to get better gear than my old guild could ever hope to get me. I can live with that "trade."

    I dont think people are going to stop doing raids altogether though. They're still alot of fun and putting forth a group effort to get something accomplished is always a blast. It'll be fun to see how they go about designing the new dungeons based off of thier experiences with the latter raids like BWL, AQ and Naxx.

    Oddly enough, the biggest guys complaining about all these new implementations are the Rank 14 goons, probably not realizing that with the advent of BC thier gear will be obsolete anyway. I guess when the new BG sets come out they'll stop crying, but until then...

    Oh well. QQ

  7. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Bingo. It's sad, but if you're raiding solely for drops and you've not progressed out of BWL yet, you're wasting your time. The five man dungeon right from the get-go (Hellfire Ramparts can be done at 60) offers loot on par with Tier 2 (sans set bonuses naturally).

    I think the GM weapons are just a bit too cheap, however. I got my Grand Marshal's Dirk today after a measly solid two days of Arathi Basin. That's peanuts in time and effort compared to what the rank 14 pvp'ers had to endure. I admit the system was extremely stupid, because it locked out anyone who had a life outside of the battlegrounds, but the system in place now is very very easy. Not really complaining, though...our luck with Dagger drops in Naxx has been pathetic (read: zero daggers) so it's nice to finally get an upgrade. :)

    I know of a number of guilds that have actually turned focus to running guild battlegrounds, which is probably a very nice change up from the same ol' predictable dungeon encounters. It kind of depends on where the guild is at in progression, like I said before. AQ40/Naxx loot will hold up pretty decently until the upper levels of the expansion, and the gear surpasses the pvp stuff currently in game.

    I've heard many of the early ones are very straightforward start-to-finish track runs. I've also heard that many bosses are toned down 5-man versions of existing raid bosses. For instance, there's one with a poison cloud similar to Venoxis in Zul'Gurub.

    In closing, the "top-end" raiding guilds could maybe pick up a GM weapon or two for their raidforce, but I really don't see them dropping raids that offer superior gear. Plus, as fun as playing against other people is, sometimes you just gotta go dungeon delving and take on something huge.
  8. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    In a game with the scope that WoW entails, that almost goes without saying.

  9. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    the real issue, is how to destroy warsong and make sure the hell that it it, is removed from existance in as many forms as possible >.>

    i'm sick of premades from shattered seems to be where all the asses are; in warsong...maybe that's why that fight will never be one cares enough about it cause only asshats seem to play there continueouly...(only 20 more tokens to go >.>)

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