Debate Stem cell research

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AsIaNgUrL, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. AsIaNgUrL

    AsIaNgUrL ~*☆Dream AsIaNgUrL☆*~

    Apr 20, 2003
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    :confused:Hi everyone, It's me Misao again... haven't been here in a long time.. i am here again and came up with a controversial topic that comes across for many of us is whether stem cell research shall be legal and be passed as a law. I would like to know your opinions and provide reasonable reasons, facts and details for why you think it should or should not be legal. I would really appreciate all of you to give out ur opinions, this would help me alot :eek:
    I believe that it should be legal for many reasons which i will not state so i can first see what ur opinions are.
    thank you.

  2. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Good topic. There are several types apparently. So I am guessing Embryonic stem cell research.

    Arguments for
    Embryonic stem cells are thought by most scientists and researchers to hold potential cures for spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, hundreds of rare immune system and genetic disorders and much more.

    Scientists see almost infinite value in the use of embryonic stem cell research to understand human development and the growth and treatment of dieases.

    Actual cures are many years away, though, since research has not progressed to the point where even one cure has yet been generated by embryonic stem cell research.

    Over 100 million Americans suffer from diseases that eventually may be treated more effectively or even cured with embryonic stem cell therapy. Some researchers regard this as the greatest potential for the alleviation of human suffering since the advent of antibiotics.

    Many pro-lifers believe that the proper moral and religious course of action is to save existing life through embryonic stem cell therapy.

    Arguments Against
    Some staunch pro-lifers and most pro-life organizations regard the destruction of the blastocyst, which is a laboratory-fertilized human egg, to be the murder of human life. They believe that life begins at conception, and that destruction of this pre-born life is morally unacceptable.

    They believe that it is immoral to destroy a few-days-old human embryo, even to save or reduce suffering in existing human life.

    Many also believe that insufficient attention been given to explore the potential of adult stem cells, which have already been used to successfully cure many diseases. They also argue that too little attention has been paid to the potential of umbilical cord blood for stem cell research. They also point out that no cures have yet been produced by embryonic stem cell therapy.

    At every step of the embryonic stem cell therapy process, decisions are made by scientists, researchers, medical professionals and women who donate eggs...decisions that are fraught with serious ethical and moral implications. Those against embryonic stem cell research argue that funding should be used to greatly expand adult stem research, to circumvent the many moral issues involving the use of human embryos.


    I am for it.

    It benefits life in a bigger way. I must say I am pro-life to a point. A few days old blastocyst hasn’t had time to develop into anything that would be considered human.
  3. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
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    Feb 23, 2001
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    i think an issue with it could also be that people might be afraid of girls going out, and aborting, and then selling the abortion to science. often.

    personally, i'm for stem cell research of both kinds. embryonic just adapt to all the cells around them, making them very versitile and handy. such as replacing skin grafts, especially if the subject doesn't have enough sking to graft to the area in need. grafts also don't have the sweat pores and hair folocels that normal skin has. umbilical cords can help with that actually.
  4. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    The biggest enemy of Stem Cell research as of right now is mis-information. People simply aren't going out and learning just what's going on behind Stem Cell research. They have a hard time looking past the fact that the cells used for the research are basic human fetus cells. They see the harvesting of such cells as nothing less than murder. They believe that life begins at conception.

    Well taking a page from George Carlin's own stance on the issue what about the millions of fertilized eggs nation wide that are flushed from millions of women during that lovely period of time about once a month. Not all fertilized eggs catch and become babies. Using the logic that fertilized eggs are living, soul bearning human beings makes any woman who's ever had a boyfriend/husband a serial killer.

    Opponents of stem cell research say it'll be over 10 years before we see any appreciable results from such studies. Michael J Fox, a proponent of stem cell research and a sufferer of Parkinson's Disease, was quoted as saying "Ten years? That's it? I'll wait ten years, that sounds great to me."

    What he's saying is that if we use the resources and technology we have now, the price of waiting ten years to start solving diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinson's Disease, and spinal cord injuries is a small price to pay for the perminent cure for such life threatening illnesses. I have to agree with him.

    "How come when it's with us, it's an 'abortion', and when it's with chickens it's an 'omelet'?"
    ~~George Carlin

  5. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Heh, George Carlin for the win.

    I'm for Stem Cell Research, Abortions and other matters of a females body that some find unethical. Why? Because as a female, it's my body and I can do what I want with it. Simply put, noone should have the right to limit my abilities when it comes to just what I want done with my unborn children. Why? Yet again, they're mine. You want 'em? Buy your own. ;3
  6. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
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    Feb 23, 2001
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    i would assume aborting so many times, and if this is your only means for money you're gonna do it alot, that it would hurt your body over time. and then there's the whole "get me preggers so i can sell a fetus" thing that just...sounds wierd. mind you, i'm pro-choice.

    but a lot of current research is being done with cord blood, which is taken after a child is born, and is usually discarded anyways. it contains stem cells, and isn't harming any one in any way...unless you wanted the keep the cord...then you're just wierd o_O;

    hehe carlin <3
  7. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    "Yet we must also remember that embryonic stem cells come from human embryos that are destroyed themselves. Each of these human embryos is a unique human life, with inherent dignity and matchless value. We see that value in the children who are with us today. Each of these children began his or her life as a frozen embryo that was created for in vitro fertilization, but remained unused after fertility treatments were complete. Each of these children was adopted while still an embryo, and has been blessed with the chance to grow up in a loving family. These boys and girls are not spare parts." P. Bush.

    His speech on why he veto it.

    Okay my understanding that Bush is for it but doesn't want stem cell research federally funded.

    He sounds like a deadbeat father. I am for having the child/stem cell research but shouldn't have to pay/federal funding for it.

    Why do people constantily want to choose the middle of a topic? There is either for it or against it. There is no middle here.

    I believe no one is completely pro-life. We all eat.
  8. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    The hardcore pro life is a stance generally reserved for staunch christian conservatives. While I'm against the act of Abortion myself, it's not my right nor place to try and press that beliefs upon other people. Since stem cells can be garnered from cords those who are strictly against its research are losing ground as thier arguments are becoming invalid. Science always seems to find a way. :3

  9. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    "if you're really pro life, don't block clinics; lock arms and block cemeteries." -B. Hicks ftw

    i think most pro lifers who are sternly against stem cell research, just don't really know anything about the current state of it and the alternatives to finding sources for them anymore.

    and hell, i'm for it and i didn't know about the cord blood till i was looking something up for my post awhile back =3 that link has some neat info in it on the modern basics of it.
  10. poisonthemon

    poisonthemon New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Well said. I was going to say the exact same thing. I'm sick of people trying to force others to do what they think is right and especially the attack by the religious right upon the separation of church and state.I completely agree wertitus and I instantly respect people like that: people who realise that others have their own beliefs
  11. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Stem Cell research is just one of those subjects where Religion and Science, common enemies, go head and head and see who comes out on top. For me, this whole subject is purely circumstantial. My belief is abortion should be used for the most special causes, such as rape and like-circumstances. I am sorry, but if you have unprotected sex, and are not married or of the like, and you get pregnant, you should deal with the consequences. You knew what could happen and you chose the latter. That is your fault.

    Now, here is my alternative. Like I said, it is all circumstantial for me. If you get pregnant having consensual sex and you support stem cell research and allow them have your unborn fetus, that I will support. You are giving a life that could possibly save millions of others and in my book, that makes you a great person. Most of these problems could be resolved if people would actually research these topics before openly discussing them. "I'd rather people think me a fool than to open my mouth and remove all doubt." This is a saying I picked up. If people would take this to heart, maybe we could get somewhere.
  12. poisonthemon

    poisonthemon New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Yes and no. I don't think late stage abortion is ok, but what about these 14 year olds who make one mistake? They should be allowed to have an abortion, as they will not only have to deal with a world of pain and misery if they actually have to have the child and a) bring it up or B) adopt it out. Either option here will cause hurt, in case a its financial hurt and an unprecedented burden on the young girl, in case b, most young girls will want nothing else but to talk to their child and will live without them in their life
  13. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Going on puberty and alike, 14 year old girls are more than aware of their bodies, what sex is and that there will be consequences to their actions. They chose to have sex, unless they were forced to, and are aware, to the obvious, what could possibly happen. I fthey don't want to have to deal with the consequences, simply dont do it.
  14. poisonthemon

    poisonthemon New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Yeah, but children are stupid. I drank when I was 14 knowing the consequences, and I only regretted the actions the day after. Sex happens, everyone knows that.

    we aren't going to touch that tangent. removed that chunk.
  15. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Although I am pro-choice, I still believe that if certain young ladies are stupid enough to go and have sex in such a way that makes it likely for them to have a baby, then they should learn how to take care of it. Stupidity shouldn't be an excuse for anything.
  16. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    My point exactly. Being drugged and forced to have sex, there's a plausible excuse I can deal with. The fact you were young, curious and stupid, is not. If people never learn to deal with the consequences of their mistakes, they will never learn anything.
  17. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    I pitty narrow minded people who oppose things like this. It really upsets me to think that someone would really deny hope of people with life threating diseases.

    I can see where taking a life is wrong yadda yadda. Thats all BS

    I say that what if the emboy was only concieved for the purpose of the research. So the life really was never meant to have a chance. It was meant to be used in study. :)
  18. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    problem with that, kayasha, is it opens the whole "it's a life; no it's not" flood gate. dodging that with cord fluid is easiest(and far less annoying that dealing with prolife groups that have nothing better to do than to attack doctors, and gives you the same stuff to study and play with, without throwing fuel to the fire. you can't get mad over something that wasn't ever alive, and isn't part of the embroy/baby when it comes out. it's more like molting in the womb, if that's an easier way to see it. no one gets mad, and people can still be helped. you just dont' get as much from cord fluid as you would from an abortion is all.
    they're already doing amazing things with this stuff; growing skin grafts with pores and natural hair growth, "body parts" (i saw this one on a discovery channel was ...odd to watch...o_O (mostly cause they're err...gender related in function...)).
  19. Popogeejo

    Popogeejo New Member

    Oct 28, 2006
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    Yeah, we really want want more teenage parents.
    People shouldn't impose their own moral beliefs on others.

    As for Stem Cell research, it should be allowed with normal regulations like all other projects. It's may be "wasting potential human life" but the stuff they use is going to be thrown away any way so it's better to make use of the material than let it truly go to waste.
  20. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
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    Feb 23, 2001
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    and the point a couple of us have been making, is that an embryo does not have to be destroyed to gather embryonic stem cells. they can be gathered from cord blood. so supporting or objecting to it's research on the front of "a life will be destroyed" is moot.

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