Full Metal Alchemist Child Voices

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by User18, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. Sieghardt

    Sieghardt Man With the Machine Gun

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I only watched the first half in english, but I liked Nina's voice.
  2. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I didn't find them THAT annoying. O-o; I thought Elicia's was all right, and the young actress did a fantastic job in that funeral scene.

    Nina's was annoying yes.

    Although, the reason for this would probably be FunI was deadset on using REAL little kids to do the voices of the young characters, which isn't so great an idea. I'm sorry, people may think it's the 'authentic' thing to do and therefore better but.....Lock, Shock and Barrel in Nightmare Before Christmas were all voiced by adults (Paul Reubens, Catherine O'hara - who was also Sally - and Danny Elfman - who was also Jack's singing voice and the composer of the movie's score - respectively) and they sound VERY much like real little kids (I used to find their voices annoying but now I find them cute in a way :))

    So yeah, maybe you just find little kids annoying altogether, 18 XD
  3. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    I didn't really find anything wrong.

    Nina may have at one point MAYBE have been a bit odd, but Elicia was fine.

    To me.

  4. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    at least they aren't adult male voice actors? D:
  5. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Now see, that's because you're heartless. :p Lol

    It could've been worse. She could've been bawling like most kids do.
  6. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    So true.

    I hate all english voices. It takes 40 episodes at least to grow on me. Which for this doesn't leave much left.
  7. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I honestly think you're just narrow minded about dubs Basher and automatically assume the worse before you watch them, but whatever.
  8. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    They never show the uncut of the anime on TV unless on adult swim. That plays the biggest part.

    Also need I say One Piece voices?

    But once you watch an Anime in Japanese the voice feel off in English.

    And I am picky. :p

    I think it is more to the fact is that despite the show being translated into English. The anime is orginaly japanese. The voices japanese. So a lot of it doesn't take.
  9. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I just watched a couple of engdubs for .hack//roots, and i hate how kid voices sound (namely Tabby's). It seems to me that they want to overemphasize their accent as in "speak clear". It sounds so awfully fake. Real kids don't talk like that, even teenagers (at least in TV documentaries).

    Is it just me, or they use much younger kids just because they have a high-pitched voice? Ugh. :mad: Young kids SUCK at dubbing.
  10. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    One Piece is in a league of all its own and you know that. You can't compare older dubs and 4kids dubs to the dubs that are coming out now by companies like FunI.

    The voices in the FMA for the most part are just as good as the Japanese. While I too prefer the Japanese, it's a very slight preference. (except to Aaron Dismuke) And in one case, I like an English voice more than the Japanese (that being Wrath's voice)

    it's also very forgivable in FMA because FMA actually takes place in a Europe like setting and all the names are English names that are often said wrong in the Japanese version. EDOWARDO ELURIKU. ARUPHONSAY ELURIKU. ROI MUSTANGU. MAES HYUGHESU. Not that there's anything too wrong with this, it's just nice to hear the European names Arukawa-sensei gave her characters being said correctly.

    Dubs are getting better. Vic Mignogna was telling us at Animethon that the reason for that is more companies are using actual actors instead of just radio personalities or people picked off the street as companies used to. You just gotta look for the groups who are really pasisonate about their dubbing. 4kids isn't, Funimation is.

    And for the record, I harp on people who only like Japanese voices, as well as people who only like the English voices equally. I find both groups are typically close minded.

    Anyways,about the child actors, let's take a moment to discuss Aaron Dismuke, one of the only FMA english voice actors I COULD NOT STAND.

    The kid was 12 when he started playing Al (who's 14) and had no emotion as he was reading his lines. >>
  11. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Did you know that Funi is releasing a One Piece version? Thank god. At least then it might be tolerable. But watching 300 episodes plus and 6 movies may take some time to get used to the characters.

    It’s really about preference really. Those who have watched the Japanese version won't like the FMA one as much. I for one say it grows on me. Though it takes lots of episodes.

    That is one of the draw backs of Japanese. With Death Note I got used to it. But that is one draw back compared to like a billion. One thing helps though is when you don’t speak the language.

    Thats good news. But until they release the uncut ones on tv I still think they will lack.

    You really don’t want to get me started on anything about the Dubs.

    I could talk for miles on the English Voices alone. Then and in the quality of everything.

    Another thing when a voice says they are hurt or act like they are hurt. And you can’t see that they are. That is why if I can I only watch Uncut.

    Didn't Al start to lose his memories? Which made him lose some of his emotions? The worest part for Al I thought was his voice echoed. It seemed like he was inside the armor. They should have made it more metal sound like he was part of the armor like they did in the Japanese version.

    I thought Ed voice was okay for the first few minutes. Then it got annoying. There is a certain lack in his voice. He just doesn't hit the words right.

    I think luvweaver is right. They make the child actors speak the words right which loses the actual tone.

    But I did rewatch eppie one of FMA. It gets a little better.
  12. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Tbh, I didn't like the FMA dub at first either. I DID start watching it in japanese, I insisted in doing so, and I still prefer the Japanese voices over the English. When I gave the English voices a try, I couldn't stand it...untill sometime after episode 13. Then it seemed everyone got more situated into their roles and the series. Later in the series, I started asking myself "Why didn't I like these voices before?" then I rewatched the earlier episodes and realized they DID suck in the beginning. XD

    Oh, and for the record, the person who plays Ed isn't a kid, he's a full grown man with over 80 titles under his belt. He's also uber sweet and funny, I got to meet him in person. :> I'm mostly impressed with the fact that he also played Brolly in DBZ. Lol, whut?

    Ed's is the closest to his actual voice tho.

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