Sailor Moon Saddest, Funniest, Greatest, Favourite Sailormoon Scenes?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Fushigi Rockna, Mar 29, 2003.

  1. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    The Saddest scene in the anime for me was when Nehplite died. Sniff, sniff, I cry when I see thta scene, poor Naru! ;_;
    The funniest scene for me was... oh my gosh! I don't know! it's all just so funny! Maybe with that Tea master who tried to be a sailor scout... no wait! In the S season where they're all trapped in those cards and Chibi-Moon attempts the Pink Sugar Heart Attack. It ends up breaking moon free.
    Moon: Hey you're suppose to aim at the monster not me!
    Chibi-Moon: At least I got you out!
    Moon: Hey, you did would you look at that!
    LOL And the scene in the first season, the episode with that one cta ebign the carrier of a rainbow crystal, when he and Luna are falling into the sewer. HILARIOUS!!!!!
    Now the greatest scene? gee, uh... Probably when Mamoru and Usgai at the end of Stars are tlaking, even though I didn't udnerstand a word of the japanese!!!!!!!! :mad:
    My fvaorite scene? At the end of SuperS when eveyrone's syaing Goodbye to Pegasus/Helios. That's my favorite.

    Now in the manga.... I haven't read much of it, but the funniest scene was the one wear Michiru broke her lipstick in half after Yaten saoid it was a trashy color to get her mad. That was funny!
    The saddest scene so far? Before Minako and Rei died, when they're tlkaing to the Starlights about how loyal they are. So sad.
    My fvaorite, at the end before Mamoru and Usagi's wedding, when they're in bed.
    I've only read two volumes of the SM Stars manga (SM manga period) So don't sue me if there are better scenes!

    So which are your favorite scenes? Which do you think is the greatest, the funniest, and the saddest?
  2. Aya Nekoneko

    Aya Nekoneko New Member

    Jan 30, 2002
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    I really never found Sailor Moon to be sad... SM is a fluffy anime so I know everything will turn our right anyway. Maybe when Sapphire died?

    The funniest though... has to be that episode in Sailor Stars where Usagi and Minako(?) were listening to the Sailor Starlights sing and Minako said they're "voice training" and Usagi goes "breast cleaning?" I just cracked up (and rewound).
  3. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    But Nephlite's dath was just so sad and shocking because SM usually isn't sad. It was just so sad! Much sadder than Sahpire's death in my mind. Still, poor NARU!!!!! Her crying made me cry, but what made me cry more was when she ended up with Umino. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    It was class in the Pegasus Series..when they thought Chibi Usa's boyfriend was a donkey face LOL Well it was a great episode..trying to figure what ChibiUsa was up to...and when Minako went off about it.. It was Classsssss
  5. SGI

    SGI New Member

    Mar 29, 2003
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    The funniest scene has to be in the legendar episode 184. With all the Senshi holding back Star Maker using Star Gentle Uterus in Usagis cramped Kitchen. The Phage tries to get their attention, welcomed with Star Fighters fist on his head.
  6. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest

    I find it strange that Sailormoon successfully healed the Ayakashi Sisters yet did not for the Shitennou. I think it's because it hasn't been revealed in the anime that they were Endymion's protectors.

    The funniest scene for me is when Venus acts as a fake Sailormoon.

    As for the greatest scene, when Usagi and Mamoru bid their farewells to the Starlights in episode 200.

    My favourite scene is when Uranus and Neptune die in Stars: They reach out, with all the strenght left in them, and grab eachothers' hands for the last time.
  7. Niu-chan

    Niu-chan New Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    The part I find saddest is when Serena starts crying in the phone box after Darien tells her he doesn't love her...waahh!
    I've always found that i know everyothing will eventually be ok with Sailor Moon...don't get me wrong, I love the show to bits but it's just that kind of anime.
  8. Phalanx

    Phalanx Long Live M2A!

    Dec 15, 2002
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    - The end of the last episode (where Usagi and Mamoru kiss each other with that gigantic moon in the backround). Why? Because its the end, thats why!

    - IN the japanese edition, the first episode of the third season right after Rei and serena collide heads. That whole scene right up to were Rei walks away (well, I find that part very comic...).

    - Bah, can't decide. They're all great in their own ways.
  9. Firefly

    Firefly New Member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    NOTE: all scenes are from the jap. version

    Saddest: (Stars) when Eternal SM sees the rose Fighter threw and realizes that she misses Mamoru so much. She then starts to cry. Awww, I almost cryed as well. :( *sniff*

    Funniest: (not sure) well, actually, I think that whole episode's funny. The one when Minako helps the girls because they're sick. lol

    Bestest ;) : (Classic) the 34th episode, when Mamoru finds out Usagi's SM and she finds out he's Tuxedo Kamen. The episode's just awesome. (and she turns into Princess Serenity, o, what an episode :dizzy2: :) )
  10. Sailor Earth

    Sailor Earth New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    I agree, that IS so sad... and also the episode where Usagi is reading Sleeping Beauty to Chibi-usa, Sailor Moon falls into a trance, and Tux rides to the rescue on a motorbike. Then he tells her he doesn't love her anymore. It makes me wanna cry so much!

    The best episode is when Sailor Moon becomes the princess, and I can't pick a funniest one cos they're all hilarious!
  11. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I found the funniest episode was Tainted Tea Party... kekekekewkekeke.... It's my favorite of the S season.
  12. Amarhyllis

    Amarhyllis New Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    I thought that the greatest scene in Sailor Moon was the episode when they defeated Queen Beryl. That would have to be my most favorite episode of all time. I can't remember if I cried or not...all the Sailor Scouts gone and then they came back to life and placed their hands on Sailor Moon's crescent moon wand...that was the most touching episode of Sailor Moon I've ever seen.
  13. Sanyu

    Sanyu Member

    Apr 20, 2004
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    -Agreed, at the end of umm first series?.. when they defeat Beryl and the scouts all touch the wand. Aww!
    -The episode they find out Sailor Moon's the princess. She and Mamoru are in the tower with (I cant spell her name..) Zoezite (and the other guy... gedite? sorry havent seen that series in a while), and Darien is stabbed in the back. The sad song comes on and Usagi is crying and aww I'm too much of a sentimentalist!!
    -And when Sapphire died :sad: poor Sapphire..

    -I watched this episode today, in the Heartsnatchers saga, where Kelly and ChibiUsa (is that Rini? I'm trying to learn the Jap names) have to run a race but neither know how to jump the vaulting horse.. This is more of a funny moment, or, I found it funny.. When Rini was on the bed with a photo of Mamoru (darien??) on her pillow and jumps on it "catch me darien!" (subbed version), while wiggling her butt in the air and kissing the pillow, lol. Then Pegasus asks her what she's doing.. Hehe, funny.

    -ummmmmmmmmm, oh just pile up the hard questions...
    nup, can't choose. As was said before, they're all great in their own ways. ^^

    --Beauty :catgirl:
  14. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    Beauty-san -- you got Chibiusa/Rini and Mamoru/Darien right. Kelly, though, is Momoko. ^_^ (Momoko meaning "peach child"... how cute. ^_^)

    The saddest scene, for me, was... ack, I can't remember. x_x; It's been so long! I thought it was sad when Nephrite died. Also, Saffir/Sapphire's death ATE my HEART (it's back now don't worry~), especially because it'd just been revealed that he and Petz/Prizma loved each other. ;_; I was also saddened when Ann was killed during the Makaiju saga.

    Funniest scene? UM. XD In the beginning of Stars, between Neptune and Uranus. One is holding the other (as they hang from a fence encircling a building's roof), and the one holding the other (...Uranus, I think) says, "Have you been eating lots of sweets lately?" It was very "!?!?" to me. XD

    Overall greatest (and also my favorite, and that's saying a lot because I heart SM), the episode in the first season where Queen Serenity takes the senshi to the moon. It was just... amazing to me. <3
  15. Firefly

    Firefly New Member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    I know it's been a long time but I just need to add the scene from my sig here. I just love that scene + the music is too awesome. (I need an "in love" smilie ;) )
  16. Hildi Maxwell

    Hildi Maxwell New Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    I agree about the favorite scene being Uranus and Neptunes death. I was looking as I read this and started to wonder WHEN someone would name that scene. For me, it'd also be the saddest. My sister and I love Haruka. So we've always been top for her.

    But another saddest scene is when their going to fight beryl(not fighting her YET) and Reis death scene. As my sister says. All the others were TO much if they spoke. Reis was nice though. It was so a demented sorta way since she was blasting thoughs creatures appart before she died, to try to lessen the number.

    And a funniest scene and another sad one(this is harder to understand as sad) is the scenes with Uichiro(probably spelled that wrong...) hes the guy who stays at Reis temple and seems to idolize over her sometimes. It was sad when he left..I dun remember now what episode. But the scene with him leaving and the end of that episode was so sweet. It was sad because he seems to love Rei and she never notices, she always shoves him aside.
  17. Star Princess

    Star Princess Haters are retarded.

    Mar 30, 2003
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    1.) Episodes 45 & 46 (first season)-when everyone died. It was so sad. 2.) The episode in SMS where it shows Hotaru dreaming about her sad past (after she collapsed chasing after Chibi-Usa; who was turned away by Kaolinite). I can relate to my own past with that episode... :(
    3.) (Sailor Stars manga) When Kakyuu is killed... :sad:

    Funniest: The episode where Luna meets the fat cat Rhett Butler. I love cats, and this episode cracked me up.

    1.) When Sailor Moon becomes the princess for the first time.
    2.) When Sailor Saturn appears and saves the world!
  18. Ria

    Ria New Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    I tend to remember the saddest things the most (not that i like
    sadness or anything^^;;)so i will talk about those.

    i don't really have one special sad part i have lots

    the one that never fails to come to mind is the one in the earlier
    episodes when Serena discovers Darien is Tuxedo Mask then he
    gets that crystal stuck through his chest..i'm pretty sure i was
    in tears and the song in the background didn't help make me
    feel any better either.
    Also, the part when All the sailor scouts are going together to
    defeat Queen Beryl and those stupid evil fairy things kill each of
    them one by one and how Serena starts remembering them.

    Both Sailor moon Black Dream Hole and Secret of the Rose(?)
    are sad too.

    I can't really think of the greatest or favorite moment.

  19. ANIKA1213

    ANIKA1213 New Member

    May 27, 2005
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    Saddeset,greatest,favorite Sailor Moon Scenes

    Saddest-when Nephlyte Died I Felt What Molly Felt How You Can Lose YOUR True Love and When My Mother (rai) Died In The Super Sailor S

    Greatest-when Rai (mother) Kissed Chad.

    Funniest-any Show Where Serena Made A Plum Fool Of Herself

    Favorite-when Serena And The (help From The Other Scouts) Defeat Queen Beryl. :(
  20. ~ruby_zeal~

    ~ruby_zeal~ New Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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    saddest: when sapphir died :(

    funniest: when we first see the bizzare monster-of-the-day

    greatest: when they showed the episodes of the past in the first season.

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