
Discussion in 'Blogs' started by imported_Nightmare, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. I am afraid to say this but I'm starten to think of just leaving bjp for good....I feel like a stranger here at times yet i don't. but it's not that... It's the fact that Neph getting banned for stating his reason of leaving got him banned. No offense but i know the so called racist but i don't give a damn about that. It's the fact that someone stated there reason and was punished for it. I also can't stay here unless i figure wtf happened between Neph and the quote unquote racist. It just eats at me to find out.

    I realize that people are entitled to there opnions and to stand by what they believe in. From either view. I know ideas clash and that brings misfortune, but i can't release from my mind on why someone was banned unless i find out the WHOLE truth behind the matter....all well isn't like anyone gives a damn on what i say. maybe i should just get my ass canned out of here....gah...I need to think for awhile.

    Nightmare out
  2. Eternal-Blaze

    Eternal-Blaze New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I'm certain Neph was banned not for stating the reason, but for giving the name of a specific person who acted racist.

    Anyway, DON'T LEAVE! :(
  3. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Neph was banned because he went ahead and told everyone who he suspected was the racist. As far as the admins were concerned he made an accusation without proper grounds. THAT'S why he got banned. It's not because he wanted to bring this whole thing to light, it was because he named names without real proof. It wasn't a matter of opinion. It was a matter of action.

  4. Jackabee

    Jackabee Captain Jackabee Sparrow

    Jul 19, 2005
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    Leave if you want... you won't make anything better by it though. Mayhaps you would like a temporary respite from BJP though. Take a break and see what happens. Sometimes if we step back, we can have a new perspective.
  5. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    well hello there, dont leave..youll end up crawling back like my dumb &*^ did and embarrass yourself. well *tear tear* i miss neph take care and smile even when your feeling sad..(ive been playing ff10 alot)
  6. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    Well, i sure do give a damn if you leave! and if you do, ill hunt you down. All we have to do is inquire and prod, and im sure we will find out everything that happened with neph. Calm down kk? messege me.
  7. me need to update..>.> not only this journal but all of them..thier all a couple a months late ^^;

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