I Made This aaa

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by imported_BakaMattSu, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. aaaseraphim

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  2. guest

    guest Guest


    I really admire your work. It is really the most creative. I mean the anime DVD's are Subperb. :) You are very Talented Seraphim! I can see that you have worked soo hard on it. *thumbs up*
  3. guest

    guest Guest


    Wow! I love it! The mascot looks so...hmm...what's the word...innocent & she has a bundle of anime goodies, yay!
  4. Why didn't I see this earlier? Raimu-chan is in it ^^! lol..Well anyway...I love it! Im surprised I didn't catch this one sooner!!!
  5. guest

    guest Guest


    I really like this picture ^^ and I was there when you were working on it as well. I like all of the image editing that you did as well and how you added pictures of DVD's in her hands ^^
  6. guest

    guest Guest


    this is a really good picture..no...great picture! It so deserves to me mascot. Took a lot of time, yes it must have. Great work! Keep it up!
  7. guest

    guest Guest


    Ooo . . . I love it! it's so detailed, espeacially the DVD's . . . this is GREAT!!!
  8. guest

    guest Guest


    This is very well drawn picture.So much talent.The detailing of the girl is very well done.The DVDs she is carrying is a nice touch.It deserves to be the mascot.

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