I Made This aaa

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by PorPor, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. PorPor

    PorPor Guest

    aaa^-^" an angel i drew cuz i never drew wings before this

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  2. PorPor

    PorPor Guest

    Now those are some wings that I'd love to have! I like their wild, masculine flow.
  3. guest

    guest Guest


    Sweet, wow first time! could of fooled me!!!!!!!^_^
  4. guest

    guest Guest


    add more wings and spread it out more. its really good still but if u paint it red n tie it to his neck it would look exactly like Shinobi-Still thu, das hella nice
  5. guest

    guest Guest


    add more wings and spread it out more. its really good still but if u paint it red n tie it to his neck it would look exactly like Shinobi-Still thu, das hella nice
  6. guest

    guest Guest

    White Dragoon

    angels fule
  7. guest

    guest Guest


    man....wow. Your patience must be incredible. All the art here looks like it took a lot of focus.

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