I Made This aab

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by kOgepan, Mar 24, 2003.

  1. kOgepan

    kOgepan Guest

    aabElf Girl

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  2. kOgepan

    kOgepan Guest

    I know it's pretty faint, but there was nothing I could do about that. :( sarry! Anywho, yes, elf girl on log. Lovely.
  3. kOgepan

    kOgepan Guest

    Elf girl... On log... Must resist innuendo... Gragh...
    Nice pic. It be faint, but it be pencil. All my art is like that. So long story short, melike,
  4. kOgepan

    kOgepan Guest

    She looks a bit like Umi from Rayearth for some reason. ._. But ugh this is good. So what if it's faint, it's awesome! >.

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