I Made This aac

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by imported_BakaMattSu, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. aacthatguy

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  2. guest

    guest Guest

    Skuld baka-artist

    A classic FF type Black Mage! Cute hehe... The coat is awesome! I like the way it's colored. It looks shiny and sort of leathery in a way! :) Nice!
  3. guest

    guest Guest


    thanks ^___^x I sort of used manga mage in my adventure game from my OAC computer class... it's kind of scary because they are everywhere ;)
  4. guest

    guest Guest


    I'm decorating my room with it, it's coo, you could use it for a video game like strap a helicopter on its back and give it a gun. hehe
  5. Lol, did you give him ViVi's ticket to that one show? What is that thing in his hand?

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