I Made This aag

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by !##NULL##!, Jun 6, 2003.

  1. !##NULL##!

    !##NULL##! Guest


    Attached Files:

    • aag.jpg
      File size:
      98.4 KB
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    this is part of a larger image, that has a ribbon and thin paper running through it. this is more the center of the image. I called it 'Life'. My teacher hated it.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    O_O so this is only a part of a big piccy!!! Wow, It's magnigficent, >.< Why did your Sensei hate it? Is it because of the name or the piccy itself?
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    He hated anything that wasn't simple. I guess I'm a complicated person. So the abstract artwork I create is complicated ^__^

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