Hellsing About Hellsing v1.0

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Dante, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    In the heart of Great Britain lies the Hellsing organization, a secret organization led by Sir Integral Wingates Hellsing. The Hellsing organization has been around for many years, disposing of the foul undead of Europe under the orders and prayers of Her Majesty the Queen herself. However, there are some cases in which even the soldiers of the Hellsing organization cannot handle, and that is when Integral sends in her secret weapon; a rogue Vampire by the name of Alucard, an arrogant, cocky, and all-righteous Vampire who hunts the scum of the undead-world who disrespect the name of undead everywhere. Under the servitude of Sir Integral, Alucard dances to her ever tune but not without adding in his own steps, doing things his own way to get the job done.

    In the anime, we follow the tracks of the seemingly quintessentially immortal Vampire Alucard and the fledgling slave-Vampire of his, a former police girl and new Hellsing trainee Seras Victoria, as they try to hunt down the source of mysterious pseudo-Vampires that have been appearing, while having to tap-dance around the "Judas Priest" of the Iscariot Organization, the Irish zealot Paladin Alexander Anderson all while trying to keep the Hellsing organization under wraps and away from the public of Great Britain.

    In the manga, Alucard and Seras Victoria hit much closer to home as they hunt down traces of the pseudo-Vampires to the Millenium Group, a faction of Neo-Nazis led by a man no better than Hitler himself who plans to rule Europe with an army of undead, and Alucard and Victoria must travel all the way to Germany to stop him and his crew, while still having to deal with the Iscariot's regenerator, Alexander Anderson as we are thrust much deeper into the past of Alucard and his origins.

    Episodes: 13

    Japanese Cast:
    Fumiko Orikasa as Seras Victoria
    Jouji Nakata as Alucard
    Yoshiko Sakakibara as Sir Integral Wingates Hellsing
    Motomu Kiyokawa as Walter
    Nachi Nozawa as Paladin Alexander Anderson
    Takumi Yamazaki as Incognito
    Unshou Ishizuka as Peter Ferguson

    English Cast:
    K.T. Gray as Seras Victoria
    Crispin Freeman as Alucard
    Victoria Harwood as Sir Integral Wingates Hellsing
    Ralph Lister as Walter
    Steven Brand as Paladin Alexander Anderson
    Issac Charles Singleton Jr. as Incognito
    Bill Morgan as Peter Ferguson
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  2. JennaSyde

    JennaSyde New Member

    Oct 24, 2004
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    I take it not many people watched Hellsing :( Tsk Tsk guys you dont know what you are missing.
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  3. -Vicious-

    -Vicious- New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    hellsing is a cool ass anime. i must say that alexander is awsome with his swords. i havent seen all the episodes which is why i plan to buy the dvd. i also heard that alucard is a certent famous vampire from a long time ago. dracula. i dont know if its true or if it is givin away in the last couple episodes but i would like to know.
  4. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I noticed that this thread is named "Hellsing v1" and I noticed that JennaSyde is watching "Hellsing v2".

    I'll assume that v1 is the one I watched, but whats the deal with v2?
  5. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Yes, now I'm curious. I've seen all thirteen episodes of Hellsing that I know of. It started with Celas being turned into a vampire by Alucard? (Actually, I watched a bootleg DVD a friend lent to me. I look forward to watching the official version)

    But what is this V2? Is it a new release? A remake? Oshiete kudasai. (Please tell me)
  6. Paranoid Trooper

    Paranoid Trooper Reanimator

    Apr 23, 2004
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    I'd like to know that if there are more episodes than the thirteen I just watched... If there are I'll at least attempt to hunt them down... Hellsing is a great anime... Arucard is a great character and Seras too... well, they all are!
  7. Raphael

    Raphael New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    Damn good Anime, but Paladin isn't Irish, he's Scottish. Well, in the manga his speech is written as a scots.
  8. Julius II

    Julius II New Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Helling is an awsome anime i only wish that they would continue it. but who knows where they would go with it.
  9. -Vicious-

    -Vicious- New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    they should have episodes about alucard before he meets that cop chick.
  10. Julius II

    Julius II New Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    they do kinda give a little backround. but it would be kinda cool but then the next question is how would they go about bringin it back since it was cancelled only after 13 episodes. But like anythin we can only hope that the artist is still alive and still willing to bring the Hellsing Organization back from the grave!!!!
  11. alucardismygod

    alucardismygod New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    if you havnt seen em all get stars channel pack they show all episodes like 5 times in a month and they play the whole thing like every 2 or 3 months with vandread and streetfighter two which are bothe very awesome aswell but not as awesome as hellsing, and yes alucard is decent from dracula, or he might be dracula himself, in any case he has some relation, hense the name alucard read it backwords most people know that by now. excuse my language in this but what i wanna see in the next episodes is, i wanna see how the hell Gabrielle Van Hellsing captured Alucard, seeing is how alucard is pretty damn powerful it would be an interesting treat if they put in some alchemy or something.
  12. Arucard_gott

    Arucard_gott New Member

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Hellsing is one of the most enjoyable Anime`s to watch, in my opinion. Arucard (aka Alucard) is one of the coolest anime charecters ive seen. I too also wish to know what Hellsing v.2 is, ive seen most of the 13 Hellsing episodes, and im to buy the DVD set this week, but i havent heard anything on V.2. Any sites, or Fan-sites with info on them?
  13. Jackabee

    Jackabee Captain Jackabee Sparrow

    Jul 19, 2005
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    *is noting the fact that alucard uses the same letters as dracula* hmm... I shall have to investigate this series further.

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