Psychology Acceptable or unacceptable in Society- An understanding

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Basher, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    This is what I was going for when a created another thread.

    Anyway, I was wondering why things are acceptable or unacceptable in society. What I mean by society is a large community. (I am going to use the United States that is where I live and they are the most pig headed of all in my opinion.) Acceptable is for what society says is alright and unacceptable is what Society frowns upon.

    I know there are threads about what people think of certain things but that are peoples views not societies. I believe we should look at society and their views before we can touch on our viewers. They are the ones who started it after all. I noticed though once I looked better some have touched on the subject but I want to go into it further. I want to dig deep into it. I know one thread was on societies view but it got shot down because of debate. This isn’t a debate it is about understanding society.

    I have a few things but if you can add more please do.

    Respecting your elders
    Beautiful people (a certain image)

    Letting it rip in public
    Talking about crap or pooh
    Certain Images

    That is only a few but there is more and some thankfully don’t pertain to all communities. I am going with the U.S. If you have some more post post.

    There is a lot I want to say but I’ll keep it short.

    First off with “letting it rip” in public. I made a thread which you can view here.
    I think that farting or burping is natural and if you have to then do it. Everyone but one person said no but that person posted that they did. So we can say everyone does it. I know some settings are not okay for it but society makes them not okay. I can now say it should be okay anytime. I believe society doesn’t understand because it is out of “moral indecency” (Hehe Shinryu :p ) Why don’t they understand though? I believe lack of knowledge. Why though do they lack knowledge when all they have to do is look it up? Internet, libraries, and doctors are a good source of knowledge in this case. I think it is because society set this standard that we go buy. They are afraid of change. I’ll go on why further there but I wanted to keep this post short which it appears it isn’t.

    Respecting your elders society says we should but why? Because they are older and know more but not necessarily. I believe that if someone doesn’t respect you, you shouldn’t have to respect them. More on that this is to long.

    What I mean by images is what society preserves as okay. You don’t see heavy set people drinking diet pop unless they are famous on commercials and I have yet to see an ugly person warning people about S.T.D’s. You know what magazines and TV say that are acceptable so use those as examples.

    I don’t know if this thread belongs here but I’ll speak with the moderators if it needs to be moved.

    Remember the rules of the boards when posting take the rules in Recreation Forum Chartinger for example.

    And please try and ask yourself why until you are blue in the face.
  2. Kyo935

    Kyo935 New Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Subhuman living
  3. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Like Basher mentined not all socities are the same, it would often depend on where you live and that would mean that the society will be different. I Japan its ok to slurp while eating and also to burp i think, as these all show signs respect and thak you to the chef for a well cooked meal. While in most other parts of the world its all frowned apone for just being rude. I guess it all dpends on the society, and they can be as diverse as every person on the planet.
  4. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    As long as you all don't question and argue about others' reasoning, it could actually stay in here. But it could turn into a debates thread as well. When you post your answers, state your 'why' as well.

    I read something like if you point at a person in Japan.. it means something worse than if you do in North America? I mean this thread may not really work out unless you post which country before you place your answers down, right?
    Another example is, I can stick my spoon in the middle of my porridge and that's fine here,. but if I place my chopsticks down in the center of my rice bowl, that's bad luck considering it reflects the incense sticks that they place at the death markers of loved ones.
  5. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Yep. I was hoping people would ask why as much as they can. Agreed to state where you are talking about. See, I see it as an understanding not a debate. Like Ceil said don't question answers or argue. They are trying to understand society in their own way.

    I'll start with appearance first off. In the U.S. appearance is rather big. See people believe in first imprecision. It is kind of harsh if you think about it. How many people actually looked their best when you first met them? I think it is safe to say more don’t then do. But why does society put significant on first imprecision’s? I believe it is a misunderstanding. See, people want to believe that this is how the person is. Some people don’t want to get to know that person because of their first imprecision and they could have been your best friend or a hideous person. I have also fallen victim to first impression. Next time I won’t try and judge a person.

    Another thing is that in the U.S. thin and beautiful or handsome and fit are in as far as appearance. You see models, magazine, TV, celebrities, and all types of ads showing this. But why are these things so important? I believe society paints an image to what is acceptable. It is another case to misunderstanding. See if society cared about the person and not the looks then maybe more people would be happy. I believe people gain weight or lose too much weight because they are unhappy. I noticed in a magazine about famous people and their weight. Those who lost enough weight are said to be a “winner,” those who gained weight “let themselves go” or “loser,” and then there was some who turned into rail thin who were also a “loser.” Care about the person not the looks. See if you cared about the person and medical doctors said what was a healthy weight for us then help them achieve that then no one would be a “loser.” I believe then the people in society would be a little happier because they would have gotten rid of one big stress. A lot of Americans are over weight. I don’t care if someone is happy and they weigh like 400 lbs. They should think about their future not the now. How long could they live with so much stress on certain organs? Everyone should want to live.
  6. Kyo935

    Kyo935 New Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Ah, im sorry, I had a wrong understanding of the thread.

    I was born in Poland, so I was raised by a European family which had strict rules and it wasnt just my family, it was every family which had the same stings of rules.

    For example I was told by my grandma/parents to never wear hats when it comes down to sitting in front of the dinner table, or when you're in the house over all, they considered it rude.

    It was unaccaptable to take food out of the kitchen, God forbit eating on the couch, or in front of the T.V.

    Now, I've been a Canadian citizen for ten years, moved out of my parents house, been on my own for about 6 months now. I have friends come over all the time, and none of these set rules which my parents had apply here, I might be wrong, since this is comming from my own experiences.
  7. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    I can give you the U.S. from what I understand they are pretty close when it comes to certain things. I'll have to look to our dear friends up north.

    That is alright.
    Manners something society is about. So most people don't but they do. I think on this one it has been considered okay but still frowned upon by certain people. So now ask yourself why is it rude? ;)

    I can say yes to a little about this. See people shouldn't but they do. I think society doesn't want them to but we don't always listen now do we? Once again manners. I don't think that god forbide it in the U.S. though I could be wrong. I did have friends that weren't allowed to eat in front of the TV and at one point I didn't either. I have seen this on TV and also light snacking if you need to take food out of the Kitchen. Now ask yourself why it is unacceptable in society. :D

    I hope that helps some. Like I said I am from the U.S. They are different but they do have some things the same.
  8. -Vicious-

    -Vicious- New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    talk of abortion
    holding hands and skipping with the oposite sex (nothing against gays it just looks funny when u see 2 guys skipping. not to mention holding hands)
    selling drugs
    selling bootleg cd's and dvd's

    im forgetting alot
  9. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Technically selling drugs is unacceptable but people do by it. So there is a thin line there.

    If a person takes the time to DL it and burn it. You should pay for that not the item itself. Hehe does that make any sense.

    See I think we need to understand society and why did we mess it up so much.
  10. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    I have something on respecting your elders. In the Asain communnity, you MUST respect your elders, no matter what. They are older and thus are considered wiser and must be respected. In other countries, like the US, respecting your elders is nice but not unacceptable. I believe respect should be earned not given. And age does not mean wisdom. Experiance means wisdom. If you sit around the whole time and grow old, you really haven't learned anything. But if you get out, you learn more aboutt he world around you.

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