RPG Masquerade Act I: Heroic Arrival?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by BakaMattSu, Oct 26, 2005.

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  1. Misuzu sqeaked, surprised at how quickly the old man had moved to take her dinosaur plushie, It made sense, he obviously was upset that the people he'd hoped to save them refused to do so.

    Feeling bad about upsetting the poor man, Misuzu was about to apologize and tell him she'd stay, even though she wasn't sure what she could do to help, when suddenly a tired-looking man rushed into the room and shouted, "Elders! General Yanus is coming!"

    Watching in horror as the scene unfolded before her, Misuzu could only turn to the elder named "Thurgrin," in the hope that he'd find some way out of this situation.
  2. Trunks watched as the scene before him unfolded. The man coming in startled, the Elder shot in the back and a patrol of men with swords. Trunks barely knew the Elder but he was furious just the same. He watched as everyone else was looking around, trying to figure out what to do. Trunks walked up to the man who seemed to be in charge, arms crossed and looked directly into his eyes. In a calm but cold voice he said,

    "Who the hell are you and who the hell is this General Yanus?"
  3. "Well enough waiting around. I say we should just play along"

    Izumi turned to Sosuke questionable like expression, and Trunks said "What are you talking about?"

    "Just what I said" Said Sosuke "We should play along, I'm sure you've all heard of the meaining of 'improvisation', correct?"

    "Well said" muttered Izumi, and then added out loud "All right, kid. Give 'em hell....someone's gotta do something..."

    "Affirmative" Said Sosuke, and yelled "You be greatful! We're throwing down our weapons, but we require to talk to you in person...."

    While walking towards them, Sosuke softly said "I hope you've been trained in hand to hand combat....be ready...."
  4. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
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    Feb 16, 2001
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    "Who the hell are you and who the hell is this General Yanus?" one of the youth spoke up cockily as he closed some of the distance from one end of the room to where the soldiers barricaded the entrance.

    It infuriated Captain Bromwell, the undecorated leader of the Ashen Force task unit, to be running errands after frail old men. It was a waste of time and resources in his opinion, considering how little power they actually possessed in contrast to the power so many falsely believed the prophets had. Bromwell had about broken even by getting to taste one of their deaths, but the fact that he was met with insolance from some village brat changed all that.

    "Hold your tongue young one," he snarled, training the crossbow onto Trunks. "That is not how you address a Captain of Baron."

    "You be greatful! We're throwing down our weapons, but we require to talk to you in person...." Sosuke interrupted the staredown as he came from the back ranks of the summoned ones.

    "And you stop there, boy," Bromwell ordered. "Our business is with the old men. You kids can stay out of this."

    With a slight nod of his head, three of the men behind him stepped foward to seize the remaning three living elders. The elders, wide-eyed, looked over to the summoned six with a desperate look.
  5. M-Izumi

    M-Izumi Guest

    Izumi quickly summoned a wooden wall between the Intruders ,the elders and The other summoned warriors.

    “we must move quickly. we are not prepared and we have very little time.” She Looked to the elders and then to Sosuke. “Any more brilliant idea’s?”
  6. Izumi Looked to the elders and then to Sosuke, and said “Any more brilliant ideas?”

    Sosuke thought and in a split second he said "Roger that!" and ran to his grenades, grabbed them, and threw them out to the attackers, then grabbed his handgun and aimed the gun towards them.

    "We need to get out of here....My suggestion is that it's time to fight...."
  7. M-Izumi

    M-Izumi Guest

    “we should spilt. Up for holding them off?” She asked him.

    explosions sounded off in the distance.

    “This wall isn’t going to hold much longer. There ‘s nothing supporting it.” She transmuted another wall.
  8. "Roger. I'll hold them off for a while. I'm gonna need at least a bit of back up for a while....let's hurry now, the wall's almost gone..."
  9. M-Izumi

    M-Izumi Guest

    "I'll help you," she told him. " the others will have to find a place to go quickly. we can regroup later."

    She slid into position, prepared for hand to hand combat.

    "these poor boys don't know what they're getting themselves into."
  10. "Good, I haven't had a descent fight in quite a while" Trunks said. He pulled his sword and stood ready for an attack then looked at the others.

    "Lets show these people what pain really means." One minute he was in standing there, the next he was standing in front of Captain Bromwell.

    "Heh" Trunks laughed and he punched the Captain in the face.
  11. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Izumi's conjured wall stopped the soldiers in their tracks.

    "They've got magic, sir!" one stammered, backing up along with the line of troops in obvious fear.

    "Idiots!" Bromwell thundered, battering the wooden wall with an armored shoulder. "A simple piece of wood can't stop the might of Baron!"

    As the wall splintered, a mess of projectiles spun in from the other side before a new wall rose in place. A chaotic flash of explosions lit up around the Ashen force as Sosuke's grenades went off.

    Gritting his teeth, Captain Bromwell dropped his bow to move a protective arm to shield his eyes from the mass of smoke and split wood. "Kill 'em!" he barked, drawing steel from the sheath at his side. A moment later, Trunks' fist filled his view as it hammered into his face, knocking him back and half off his feet.

    The five guards under his lead charged towards Trunk swords first.

    * * * *

    The elders had backed away behind the summoned ones. One elder, with shoulder length straight white hair stood directly behind Izumi, speakly softly. "They're barring the only way out of here. And if Yanus is truly here as they claim, there will be many more soldiers waiting outside."
  12. M-Izumi

    M-Izumi Guest

    “I’ve been through the gates of hell and back again,” Izumi quickly transmuted a wall surrounding the others.

    She shifted slightly to look at the elders.

    "You were strong enough to summon us here, you should be powerful enough to protect your selves. We’ll cover you.” She continued to explain. “The wall will follow you and keep them separated. Now is your best chance of escape."

    A near by solider ran toward her. She did a high roundhouse kick to the side of his neck.

  13. Trunks watched as the 5 guards attacked him. He saw Izumi roundhouse kick the guard.

    "You're not a bad fighter, you know that" he said with a smirk. Trunks set his sights back on the attacking guards and just as they were about to attack, he spun himself in a circle and slashed all 5 of them across the chest.

    "As for this Yanus guy and his other soldiers, they'll have to wait."
  14. M-Izumi

    M-Izumi Guest

    Izumi right punched the next guard, back flipped and finished him with a high kick to the skull.

    “Too many,” She mumbled.

    She sidestepped away from the next guard couching; she low kicked, Back-fisting the guard behind her, before elbowing his middle. Izumi reverse chin kicked the next guy. She ended up behind Trunks.

    “Got any disappearing tricks?” She asked.
  15. "Yeah, one or two. Everyone get close to me and hold on to a piece of my clothing!" Trunks shouted. He blasted the on-coming guards away with a ki blast and the hero's and guardians hung on to him.

    "Everyone ready? One of you elder guys describe a place to me far away and quick." The closest elder started describing it to him. Trunks put two of his fingers to his forehead and in a flash, they were gone. They appeared next to a stream surrounded by trees. They all moved away from Trunks and he turned and looked at the elders.

    "Okay, now that we have some breathing room, time to start explaining!"
  16. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    For a long while, the elders passed glances between one another like a hot potato. Finally, all were turned to the white-haired member of the group. He sighed, beaten. "I suppose I should start at the beginning."

    The man motioned for everyone else to take a seat as he took his own on a large flat rock.

    "Nature is not something that simply exists and governs itself. The very essence of the world itself depends on certain forces to remain in balance. I know not how this occurs in your own worlds, but here it has been kept in check for thousands of years by Guardians - ancient beings of extreme power and knowledge. To some, they are regarded as gods.

    While the guardians rarely made their presence known, their watching and work made things right. They guided the elements of nature in their own way, leading us into the path of light. Until recently.

    The world is shuddering violently. Darkness is falling fast, and something needs to be done before it envelops everything. Those who have kept watch for so long are suddenly missing. We fear something terrible has happened to those guardians.

    As if their disappearance were not enough, the people of the world have turned a blind eye to it. They deny the evidence before them of a dying world. Only we elders, we prophets seem to hold the candle of awareness. Worse yet, they fight amongst each other.

    You saw the soldiers - a small contingent of an army ammassed that call themselves the Empire. They have many supporters and kingdoms pledged to their cause. They promise order and unification. They fly a flag of peace, but falsely, as they destroy those who refuse to join their cause. There is something else to them - something uneasy about their high interest in our group of elders and prophets. They have cut down and executed many of our members, to the point where us few remain. What threat we pose is unknown to us, but the Empire hunts us relentlessly and without mercy.

    Thurgrin lead us to where the Tome of Judgment lie, and within its pages was the world's saving grace. Words that presented hope in the form of four saviours of the light who could be called upon to restore the balance and temperament of the chaos now gripping nature.

    You six appeared. Four or you must be the ones foretold. The powers displayed speaks volumes of it."
  17. M-Izumi

    M-Izumi Guest

    "they act like hermits,' She mused.

    Izumi stood silently against an old tree. She didn't know whether to be annoyed or bored.

    Both, she thought, would suit her quite well at the momment.

    she looked at the other members of this awkward assortment of people.

    "Have you taken any other precautions before now to try and throw them off?" She sighed softly. "or any investigating to maybe find out why they're hunting you?"

    ' I suppose thats what they need us for,' She thought.' the physical labor.'
  18. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    "Have you taken any other precautions before now to try and throw them off?" Izumi sighed softly. "Or any investigating to maybe find out why they're hunting you?"

    The white haired elder hesitated before answering. "The Empire has eyes everywhere. We have been trying for months to keep a low profile, traveling from village to village. They always seem to be one step behind us, though. Each escape is cutting closer and closer."

    "Lentis, we must get to Karindorn," another elder interjected. "It is not far from here."

    Lentis nodded to him, before turning back to Izumi. "Karindorn is the holy ground of the Earth Guardian. As you are the chosen ones, perhaps upon arriving it will become clear to you what has happened to cause them to vanish."
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