Movies Anakin Skywalker

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Novus, Sep 12, 2003.


Which Anakin Skywalker was the worst?

  1. The guy from Return of the Jedi (who was he?)

    1 vote(s)
  2. Jake Lloyd (The Phantom Menace)

    2 vote(s)
  3. Hayden Christiensen (Attack of the Clones)

    4 vote(s)
  4. They equally suck.

    2 vote(s)
  5. They weren't THAT bad ...

    7 vote(s)
  1. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    I'm still in a Star Wars mood, so I'm going to use my Jedi mind tricks to make you read this. It obviously worked, I mean, you are reading this, right? Well, if you're not, then how do you know that it didn't work? You don't even know I used my powers at all!

    Anyway, to end my ramblings for now, I'll get to the point. There have been three actors to portray Anakin Skywalker in the five Star Wars movies. I'm not counting David Prowse and James Earl Jones, who played Darth Vader, by the way. The question this time is not which is the greatest, but which is the worst. I mean, the two biggest ones (Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christiensen) both fouled up the character royally. That's no secret. Which do you think was worse?
  2. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    ...The guy in Jedi did a great job. He didn't even know what Star Wars was and he still makes me cry whenever I see that scene.

    As for the prequel-ites...

    Well, Lloyd is a child actor. He's not going to be giving a performance worthy of an oscar, people.

    As for Hayden...

    See the thing is, people complained he was too awkward when flirting with Padme.

    He's spent the past 10 years in a sexual-love-free environment, you dolts. Its the equivalent of a monastary. HE ISNT GOING TO BE FRIGGIN ROMEO.

    Naturally the role had a lot of rage, and he was pretty good with that. He did fall flat a couple times, but lets be honest, he was about on par with every other bloody actor out there his age and experience level...

    It could have been worse...

    We could have had Keanu Reeves.
  3. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Well, my complaint stems from the fact that Christiensen just can't act. I mean, the way the script was written, Anakin could have been a seriously cool character, with much more interesting problems than a bit of angst. He got wussed up too much too, and in scenes where I should have been reduced to tears, I was laughing nonstop. Even my sister didn't feel for him, and she cried at the end of Spiderman.
    As for Jake Lloyd, he was 13 or so when he played Skywalker, so he wasn't really a child actor. He was just a bad actor.
  4. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    I dont have a problem with any of the actors.

    Jake is just a kid--consider that to be his biggest role since Jingle Bells, I think he did good.

    Hayden is an unknown---give him a break--the last episode will be his best work.

    The guy from ROJ did a great job to re-introduce Anakin back to the Light.

  5. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    So was, at the time, Mark Hamill. He didn't seem to have a problem. The thing is, Star Wars once always tried to get the unknowns in acting, to create a distant ambience. It worked when the actors were good. Now, we have mostly unknowns, and yet they don't do as well.
  6. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    I really think that Jack Lloyd's character was horrible. He was way to cute. I wanted to vomit in disgust. I like Hayden because he is Canadian and was quite cool in the movie.
  7. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Maybe because we dont want anyone to expect that this kid is going to become THE ULTIMATE HARBINGER OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM?
  8. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Well my complaint about Christiansen's Anakin is he was just an a$$hole.
    I dunno maybe it was intentional or something. But he was not a likable character, he did not come across as the hero of the movie.
    It's essential that you connect with the character, but I don't know how anyone could feel or care about this character. It really blew the movie for me.
    When he ultimatly turns to the darkside in the next movie, if the audience doesn't feel any kind of loss(or anything at all) Lucas has totally failed.
    In my eyes Anakin in AOTC is just an uninteresting *******.

    oh and Darth Vader(his body anyway) was played by an english body builder called David Prowse.
  9. Thin Yume

    Thin Yume New Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    well honestly i think that they were both equally horrible. then again i'm comparing them to the original people and to adults. so in my opinion, don't listen to me. however they were somewhat good.
  10. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    Ah Hayden, he of the shi** eating grin. I can't decide if I hate that more than "I'll try a barrel roll, that's a good trick!" aaargh

    Why must everything he says soun like a whine? I won't care to see him leave the light side. Good riddance. 'he's holding me back whaa'

    To be fair, a good deal of that is due to the crappy writing. Speaking of: n AOTC, it seems Padme only loved him because she has to, Luke has to come from somewhere after all.

    Hayden- "I slaughtered them like animals, the women and children too" (paraphrased natch)
    Natalie- "wow, I think I love you. You're so tender, I want to have twins with you and only tell you about one of them"
    Oh yeah, that seemed real.
  11. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    well if you think about it.. Hayden is supose to be a big Baby.. Why cause he is supose to be the ultimate jedi and everyone is holding him back. So that kind of shows you that when he feels the dark side for the first time he will love it and want revenge on all those who made him look bad..

    I just want them to STOP USING SO MUCH CGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to much is NOT good.

  12. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Come on, at this point, Anakin is supposed to be turning into a badass UberJedi, hence his insistence on being allowed to attempt more difficult tasks and the like. He was portrayed as a wuss. I mean, if I was a Sith, I'd be more intimidated by a snail crawling across the floor.
  13. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Heh yeah I was kinda wondering about that too.

    To give Pame a little more credit (but not bloody much) she isn't exactly experienced in the love arena either, having spent most of her life in the political arena. Neither of these knuckleheads is actually in love, they just have Romeo and Juliet style obsession-crushes.
  14. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    they Should have made it a one night stand sort of deal and got rid of the love story..

    yeah that would work!

  15. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Almost thought you digressed into a Luke Skywalker/Mark Hamill description there. Maybe all Skywalkers have to be held back by someone at some point so they can be whiny...? ^^

    "I was thinking I could apply to the Academy this year. There's more than enough droids...That's what you said when Biggs and Tank left!"

    The anakin's in the prequels didn't really hold my interest, which is sad, considering he's supposed to be the main focus.

    In Episode I, he earned my least favorite spot right behind Jar Jar. That singsong whiny badly voicing on every line really grates on me with Lloyd. (And as a stickler I will correct the previous named movie title as Jingle All the Way, where he was in close acting competition with Arnold)

    My favorite actor in Episode I would be Ian McDiarmid. The whole view of the Emperor manipulating the unknowing Amidala and council the way he did was just great.

    In Episode II, I again didn't really enjoy Anakin. He and Amidala almost seemed like side-characters. The real interesting bits involved Obi-Wan, to which Ewan McGregor could finally do a good performance without being resricted to the lines "yes, master", "indeed, master" or "may I kiss your mmhmm, master?".

    I will go against the flow and say I enjoyed the "I slaughtered them" scene to which Amidala comforted him. It may not be the way true life goes, but there are those who are emotionally drawn to those who seem in need. It was at least 10 times a better moment than their romp through the countryside (gag) or at least 3 times better than the "Amidala peepshow" ...err...I mean the fireside "can a Jedi love" scene.

    I'l reserve judgment until the next movie, however. How Anakin is portrayed in the next one will make or break things.

    Oh, and Sebastian Shaw is the name of teh RotJ actor.
  16. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Something that bothered me about Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christiensen was that they had a lack of emotion. At first I thought this was because they were bad actors, but more or less Vader is a man of little words too. I'm really not sure how they should have acted, it would be difficult to portray Anakin in his struggle to choose between light and dark. But, the main part that made me cringe in episode 1 was when Anakin was asking what midichlorians were.. maybe it was just the timing and mood of that scene @_@
  17. seraphinx

    seraphinx Oy, Artista!

    Mar 5, 2003
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    So actors take all the blame for how they portray their characters? I thought the directors and storywriters are the ones who measure how much emotion goes into each character, and the actor acts it out. Even though the actor brings the character to life, I'm sure the director isn't just gonna stand there and let em do it any old way.

    I liked/disliked all the Anakins about the same (actor-wise). Character-wise, of course I don't like him in AOTC cuz he gets selfish, arrogant, whiny, etc.
  18. Phalanx

    Phalanx Long Live M2A!

    Dec 15, 2002
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    Considering Lucasarts had that Titanic bub (Leonardo Dicaprio), i'd have to say that the middle aged Anakin are not that bad (actually, quite a relief).

    I didn't mind the little version of him from Phantom Menace either.
  19. soundofsilence

    soundofsilence New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    Isn't that the name of an old X-Men villain? Anyway, I think Hayden Christiensen was my least favorite Anakin. I was very disappointed in his performance because he actually can act (see Life as a House or Shattered Glass if you don't believe me). The director and writers are to blame too. They pretty much killed any interest I had in Anakin and Padme's part of the story.
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