Naruto Another Game: How to tell when you are obsessed with Naruto.

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by 13_Jesalae, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. 13_Jesalae

    13_Jesalae New Member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    You know you're obsessed when...

    When you collect every single head band, & assign each one to a day of the week. On Saturday,s you wear them all.

    Upon get very angry, you shout out an attack, comple the with handsigns, then curse loudly when it doesn't work.

    When you cosplay to Halloween, with all of your friends.

    When you clumsily try to replicate one of Lee's attacks, & end up in the ER.

    When you fix up your favorite black jacket, so that it has red clouds all over, paint your nails purple every day, & act all moody.

    When you reign your knowledge of all spoilers over the n00bs.

    When you know enough about Naruto to start a thread like this...

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