Recreation Any paraphanalia collectors out there?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr. J, Oct 19, 2001.

  1. Mr. J

    Mr. J New Member

    Oct 18, 2001
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    Just wonderin' if there were any more toy/other paraphanalia junkies out there? If so, whatcha into?

    My personal favorite stuff is the Trigun: Planet Gunsmoke action figure line from Kaiyodo (minor dieties of action figure design).
  2. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    I'm a Star Wars Customizable Card Game junkie myself. Although recently I haven't bought any, I need to save up for University [​IMG].

    Matt, Tamakamekami, GenatatsuNoZanshi: Although, I wouldn't mind getting a tournament going sometime....

    I play D&D and other Role Playing Games's fun!

    errr, I used to collect Kinder Egg toys [​IMG]
  3. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    When I was a kid, I was into collecting those Kenner Star Wars action a whole bunch for a buck each...not to mention yard sale stuff...

    I'm into customizable card games...

    'not really anything anime-related tho' collection of anime is anime - and that's it...

    BakaMattSu, if only SMJ collectibles were more accessible... and only if I had the cash.... [​IMG]
  4. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I am a pack rat... so I still have all my old McDonald's toys.. I have quite a few Beanie Babies.. and for some reason am subconsciously unaware of when I next get a Hello Kitty item and I find out much later...

    errmm.. I have 4 wallscrolls..couple laminated posters, so I do have some anime stuff, and unopened action figures of FF8's Shiva, McFarlane's Vash the Stampede, Ryoko, Tenchi and Major Mokoto Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell,as well as an open Tenchi, and a vynil figure of Quistis.

    probably have a whole bunch of other stuff, like coins or what not thats been collected as tons of cards.. yuck..pogs are in there too.
  5. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Star Wars, Pokémon, Magic: The Gathering, Overpower ... if it's customizable and you play it, chances are, I've had at least a little interest in it at some time or other. I'm a big fan of McFarlane Toys action figures too, but I lack to funding to purchase any at the moment. I've also got a pile of Battletech stuff sitting around my room ... the manual, a few minatures, a large stack of old record sheets ...
    My biggest collections are of cards, posters, CD's, and books. I have everything Douglas Adams wrote and all of Limp Bizkit's works (plus a few posters)My stacks of cards span my whole room, filling boxes, shelves, binders, and every millimetre of space I can find to store them. I've got posters of all varieties, too.
    I have my walls covered with old card wrappers, CD covers, instruction manuals pieces of wrapping paper, shiny materials, and stolen caution tape. Just remember the saying, one man's junk is another man's treasure (or boat, if you want to bring seafaring vehicles into the picture).
    It's getting to the point where I might be called [obsessive].

  6. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    Oh, when I was a bit younger I loved collecting all sorts of different gemstones and rocks, so I got a few of those, and lots of different sorts of seashells. As well as I recently became interested in Dragonware, i.e. plates, cups etc. that have designs generally of dragons on them or rarer Geisha.
  7. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I guess I collect...stuff. I have a rock collection, a gundam collection, an anime collection (working on that one), a book collection (HUUUGE! All books I've read over 100000), a cool stuff collection, like a brazilian nameplaque for my bedroom door.
    I used to collect Barbie when I was five (sorta ashamed of that.)

    ~I am always saving the world. I choose what to eat and save the world. The cereal I choose could cause me to get up for more milk, then maybe I'll be a little later to where ever, then save the guy who's going to invent the "Splitchgork" and end war, or something by making him have to walk around me on the street.He'll be a little later that day. I just saved the world, or changed it. Just something to think about~
  8. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    There's a whole lot of cool stuff out there, if you're willing to look for it, and to pay for it once you've tracked it down. I have, for example, a military compass from China that my cousin brought back when he went there on business. I have some junk from France, a little bit of stuff from Ireland, England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany. I probably have something or other Swiss around here ... Anyway, what I'm saying is that it's really cool to have stuff from other parts of the world. It makes you look very cosmopolitan, if you know what I'm saying here. The only trouble is, the cost of imported goods is usually a whole lot more than the domestic. I recommend picking things up in your travels, or befriending a business traveller or something.
    Dammit! I've rambled again!


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