Debate Are people born sinful or pure?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrunkenDaydream, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. Sleeper_awake

    Sleeper_awake New Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    In what I said earlier, I said people are born pure, which I still stand by. This is because we haven't made any choice to walk away from purity. We are born with a naturally clean slate. Thank you renaissance.
  2. Spike Kenshin

    Spike Kenshin New Member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I have to disagree, we already know, yet so many people don't realize it. I'm sticking with my main man God on this one. I don't mean to ramble on about religion, but God tells us in the Bible that we were born sinners and were born "unclean". He also tells us the only way we can get a "clean slate" is if we turn to his son Jesus Christ.

    Thank you for your time

    ~Spike Kenshin
  3. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Your main man? What, is he a drinking buddy? Perhaps a lover?

    Yeah, God says a lot of things in the Bible. Prove any of it is from him directly and wholly truthfully. God also tells people to slay pregnant women in the Bible, does that make it right?

    Revelations, 20:12: The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.

    You see that? What they had done, not who they believed in. I think the only nutters who still hold the belief of salvation via faith are hardcore muslims and protestants. Buddhists, Wiccans, Hindu, even Catholics admit it doesn't matter what religion you follow. (Its also possible some Hebrew believe this; as I am not sure, I don't include them. If someone does know, feel free to mention it)
  4. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Who said that we had that choice. For all we know, we dont even have a choice like that. WE are born with life...and a mind. One that is affected by the world around us, one that later can make decisions for themselves. If you consider not knowing anything a naturally clean slate than yeah....most of us are born like that, but in any other way i just dont see it.
  5. IceLands

    IceLands New Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    I think we were born sinful,
    example: look at the babies their so greedy, they cry on purpose (some times just to anoy you), and they also do some little evil things(but their still SOO CUUUTE:p)
  6. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    I believe that people are made as they grow. I think you are born neutral to the world and is up to you to shape your destiny.

  7. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    I don't belive in this religion crap. How can someone be born sinful, isn't a sin more or less a wrong doing? Unless a child comes out of the womb with enough moral concept, to understand that there doing something wrong , then how can they truely be evil or sinful? I think people or born "pure" they haven't commited any wrong doings so how can they be a sinner?
  8. SilverBrair

    SilverBrair New Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    People's innocence dissapear as they grow older and learn more about the world. and even so you still don't really know who you are until after your teenage years and you've figured out where your place is in the world and look at how you've shaped out. where you live and the people your around have minimal effects on you.

    people are born "pure" but you can't really say that until you have a good feel of what "pure" is.

    some people are born in sin so doesn't that mean that they are born sinful?
  9. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Charlie's theory

    The whole thing here is what is good and what is bad. People who say that we use to do 'bad' stuff very often are forgetting that we use to do 'good' stuff too. As I think, nothing is good or bad, in an absolute point of view. Things are good sometimes and bad someothers. Think, revolutions, end of czarism, I guess almost everybody would say: 'good' thing. But there is another revolution actually, guess wich one, I think you'd say: 'bad' thing. When is war a good thing?

    Anyway, as a specie, our main goal is to survive. Survives the best, and we must do anything in order to survive. That's what is good.
  10. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Counterpoint: How, for example, was Charlie Mansons slaughter a good thing? Moral relativism only goes so far. This isn't to say everything is black and white; I'm just saying that once every so often, it can be.

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