Computers awesome p2p meta program

Discussion in 'Computers' started by MamiyaOtaru, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    36 Copy paste this URL to another browser window for a shot of MLDonkey. Note that I am connected to the edonkey network, fasttrack (as in kazaa), soulseek and gnutella.

    It also has support for direct connect, gnutella2, overnet, opennap and bittorrent. That about covers the bases :)

    Perfect for downloading demos, or linux ISOs or movie trailers or whatever :)

    pita to get working, eps on windows, but it's doable.

    *edit: forgot Direct Connect :D
  2. TheSonOfBattles

    TheSonOfBattles New Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Is it infected with spyware and adware?

    Does it include facilities for direct connection to another pc, or does it HAVE to go through the networks?
  3. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    spyware/adware: no. It's all open source. I just compiled it myself in fact, though there are binaries available.

    All you really need is the core. The core can then be controlled via telnet, your web browser, or any of a number of GUIs.

    There's native windows GUIs, GTK GUIs, KDE GUIs, plenty of choice.

    You could even do weird stuff like have a core running on a linux box and control it with a windows GUI from a windows box.. no need to though; it can all run on one comp.

    As far as transfers go: I assume they work pretty much like normal for whatever network you found the file on. *ignorance* On most p2p networks all transfers go straight from peer to peer.

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