Movies Back to the Future Trilogy

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Izzy, Dec 18, 2002.

  1. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Hey guys. New post from the Izz-ster. Anyway, today...actually, YESTERDAY (12/17/2oo2) marked the return of the time-travelling DeLorean. A lot of you may not be fans of this movie, but I grew up on this and is one of my all-times (Right up there with Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffany's, etc.). It is rereleased/remastered for the DVD and has both special and widescreen editions. At the Best Buy, the first 70 also had belt-loop watches that came with it.

    Anyway, I haven't watched it yet, seeing as how it's 1:30 AM...but guaranteed, I'm watching it ALL tomorrow. :D

    Oh, and in the first one? The part in which the DeLorean makes its first trip...that mall is actually the Puente Hills mall...about a five minute drive from where I work! Actually, that's the ultra-asian/rice-rocketeer hangout...and I used to traverse that mall every week.

    Anyway, what did you guys think of the trilogy? For all you's a classic. Hehe, well, you don't HAVE to, but everyone I've seen it with so far always enjoys it. Did you people that have watched it liked it? Would you guys want to actually OWN the collection? (This is actually the first set of DVDs I'm getting for myself to keep in my room that is NOT anime...all else goes outside...though I might just put in Casablanca and Breakfast in here for kicks too.)

    Thoughts! Comments! Critique! I wanna know what people think about THIS "El Speilbergo" trilogy!
  2. Slydice

    Slydice ave, Lex, morituri te salutamus

    Apr 4, 2002
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    I got it last week

    yea, it's great alright,

    brings back those memories

    the trailers on the dvds were cool aswell
  3. Odin

    Odin Member

    Nov 26, 2002
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    The Back to the Future Trilogy is one of those classics that I could watch again every once and a while and it would never get tiring. Kind of like Indiana Jones.

    I fully intend to buy the trilogy . . . eventually . . .
  4. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I just told my fiancé to ask for that for Christmas.. man, he has all the lines memorized.. yunguns? makes me feel old.. how many times have I watched Back to the Future? maybe I was older... I didnt get to watch the entire trilogy of Star Wars until I was in high school.. maybe BtotheF was on tv...

    This trilogy is a must buy!

    violin waltz from 3 plays in my head... oh Christopher Lloyd! You were a good Klingon, a great crazy bald man and also a fantastic mad scientist!!! what a brilliant mind...

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