RPG Archives Bakamatsu Era RP:SisTer Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Fudge_Monkeys, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Well Me And Tomoe Himura were going to start this a while back.. but apprerantly we did it didnt go very well so i think im going to try my luck again.
    Basically The Time of the RP is During the Meji Revolution No Back Info Unless someone Can Supply

    Saito Hajime (Shinsengumi Shogun)
    Kogoro Katsura
    Okubo (Imperialist)
    Yamagata (Imperialist)
    Tomoe (Unknown)
    Rurouni Kenshin (Imperialist
    Sozo Sagara (Sekihoutai)
    Sanosuke In His Younger Form (Sekihoutai)
    Kaoru's Father//Kaoru
    Yahikos Father
    Shi Shi O (Imperialist)
    Okita Shoushi(Shinsengumi Shogun)

    Thats Bascilly all the Characters i know so far

    Not All Characters Have to be filled.
    For New Characters

    Weapon Of Use (Swords, Fist Etc.)
    Style of Fighting (Kamiya Kashin, Hiten Mitsurugi Etc.)
    Side (Imperial or Tokugawa)
    Military rank (Civilian, Soldier, LT,Sergeant,General, Etc.)
    *Special Group* A Special Group sided Like Sozo Sagara who was the leader of the Sekihoutai which were sided with the Imperialist but were betrayed by them
    HISTORY Not Really Required Just be nice to have some
    Land Of Orgin if Not From Japan

    I was Expecting Tomoe To be the Game Master But She hasnt been on in forever So If you want GM Position PM me
    Since i No Longer have the OVAs i cant consult back to them to cheak stuff.

    Oh OH I made this thread a while Ago But Im gunna be more Orginized this time and i think it might be more successful than before
  2. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    How many characters can we have?
  3. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Emmmmm Ill say 2 for now...Well See depending how many people are up to it i meant to Put RPG oOo it justa habit to put RP
  4. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Okay. I'd RP Kenshin but I want to check something first. Could my created guy have a style that's more powerful than Kenshin's because I based it on Kenshin's, gave it different names and more moves from other styles (not all though). I'm only using it for RPGs and I've always though about making this RPG so I could use it :D. But if I can't use it, that's fine too.
  5. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I think Ken-san Should Stay at top =)

    YOu can Use kenshin as ur rp char tho
  6. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I thought so too but when I looked about the created character, I just instantly thought about the style I created and I just thought :D

    Anyway, I'll RP Kenshin and I'll post up my created guy's profile soon.
  7. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Weapon Of Use:Sword

    Style of Fighting:To Be Updated


    Military rank:Soldier

    Special Group:Sekihoutai

    History:At the Age of 16 Rytan was unsure of his life until he found love. One year later they got married but because of his past life he had to escaped from the land, while they were escaping to China his wife was caught and killed. Rytan Wandered the land in sorrow until he found true happiness again and married another women at age 20. His new wife died died four years later. He than wandered to Japan and 12 years later he met Sagara Sozu and Joined hi group of Sekihoutai when teh war started. Other History so far is Unknown

    Land Of Orgin:Taiwan

    Appearance: Dark Haired and Since hes in the sekihoutai he wears the outfit they are supose to wear. (Refer to Episode 4 or 5 to see)

    Name: To Be Updated

    Age: 17

    Weapon of Use:Fist and a Katana

    Style OF Fighting:Shaolin, Unknown


    Rank: Lieutenant

    History:His Original Birthplace was China and His parents were chinese. Because of reasons unknown his parents sent him when he was a baby on a ship headed to Japan during a fierce storm. The ship crashed somewhere along the western coast. He was found by the wife of a shogun and was raised by them.

    Land Of Orgin:China
  8. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Name: Matak Rordo

    Age: Unknown but he looks like he's 18

    Gender: Male

    Weapon Of Use: Two black tachi swords that are strapped on his back.

    Style of Fighting: Master of Ishi Yama Ryu

    Side: Imperial

    Military rank: A Hitokiri known as Hitokiri Sumiyaka

    Appearance: He wears a black hakama and black top like Kenshin's (could someone give me a name of what Kenshin's shirt is called?). He wears sandles like everyone else. He has short black ruffled hair. He wears a black band around his head and at the front, it has the Japanese character for "Silence". He wears two black tachi swords that are strapped on his back.

    Personality: He's always quite and doesn't say much around others. Like Kenshin, he fights for a new era. He is kind and you always see him training.

    Likes: You don't see him liking very much of anything but he does like tea for some reason.

    Hates: The only thing that he hates is people in his way of the new era (at least that's what he says).

    Love Life: None

    Virtues: He's very good at a sword and doesn't give up that easily to anyone. Even though he is good at a sword and can sometimes match Kenshin in some things like speed or strenght, he's not the second best as a Hitokiri but he isn't the weakest either.

    Faults: He can be quick to angry and since he rather uses speed and not strength, his body can't stand too many hits or cuts.

    Family: Unknown

    History: No one really knows who he is like most of the Hitokiri. But during the Bakamatsu, he's made friends with a lot of people, even more so with Kenshin then others. Kenshin and Rordo are sometimes paired with each other on missions that need more than one person but don't always happen.
  9. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Sorry i guess i migh of started this at the wrong time with a bunch of other RPS going on but can we keep it alive for a while and see if it will be more active later on?
  10. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    If other RPGs are going at the same time as this one, that isn't always the case for why people aren't joining right now. If no one has answered to this RPG in like a week, you could always ask people if they might be interested in joining. If they do, then that's good but if they don't, then that's okay too. Some people may want to join, some may not, it just depends on a lot of things like the RPG itself. Like this RPg, its based on RK, some people may like it, some people may not and then there's some people that don't know what its about at all. If no one else seems to join right away, you could always have a link to wiki about RK. People may or may not read it but its always good in my opinion to have a link to something about what its about.
  11. Tomoe Himura

    Tomoe Himura New Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    SHWAH!!! I'm here!! Okay! Since I noticed you said two charies... I CLAIM ALL RIGHTS TO OKITA AND TOMOE!! ^-^ Joking about the all rights part... but I would like those to characters... sorry I've been gone so long.... heh heh.... Glad to help with the RP Fudge_Monkeys! Now that I'm back and if I get motivation I'll continue to come here again on a regular basis.
  12. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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  13. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    what about Hiko?!?!?!?! come on now theres got to be a Hiko Seijuro! if so i would sooo take his role... but only if this RPG has some good Rp-ers if nto then anyone esle could have it... cant take a risk on dying rp's. No offense, just dont have time Up the waazoo.
  14. Tomoe Himura

    Tomoe Himura New Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Seijuro Hiko is awesome! ^-^ He's like... my fave after Tomoe, Okita, and Kenshin. ^-^ Heehee....
  15. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Can I play Tomoe?

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