Battle of the Planets #8

Discussion in 'Gatchaman' started by Mark, Mar 27, 2003.

  1. Mark

    Mark G-Force Commander

    Jan 30, 2001
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    I once again I am thrilled with the latest issue of Battle of the Planets. One thing I noticed right off the bat is on the inside cover, it says this is Part 3 of 4 in a 12 maxi-series issue. This is the first indication in the book that the title will be cancelled after 12 issues. At least we’ll probably get this in a trade paperback.

    But anyway, the art was fantastic once again, and I’m getting a feel more and more that these are our beloved Battle of the Planets characters. I especially liked Jason’s line of, “Tiny, don’t make me shoot you.” I got a chuckle out of that. Munier is doing a great job with these characters. Also, you have to love Jason’s determination to take on that mob of people coming at him. But with hundreds and mind-crazed citizens and Spectrans coming at him…with GUNS…I think Jason is overestimating himself if he feels he can take them on for five minutes. But, that’s our Jason. I think Princess knows that when trying to convince him to go. Having him hold this mob off for five minutes would be a little unrealistic, so I think we’re see the two of them leave…but not without something to keep the mob occupied or distracted.

    Oh, and thank you, thank you, thank you for an entire issue without the word “Prin.” That drives a shiver down my spine.

    I might be in the minority, but I love this version of Zoltar that we’re seeing. I mean, his face is spooky! In Battle of the Planets, he was kind of a goof. But here, he’s ruthless and menacing to the point where you would fear for your life if you were near him. I like that a lot. He’s really crazy! He wants his utensils and privacy before going into the room with Mark and Keyop? Wow! If only we knew exactly what was running through that incredibly-warped mind of his. I also like how vicious the Spectrans look, especially in that two-page spread. Again, in the series, they came across as goofs. Here, they are anything but.

    I like that we’re finally seeing what Tomak is all about, and I enjoyed seeing that lighter side of him when he was talking with the waitress. In the last issue, when I saw he eyes, I thought maybe he was possessed by the Spectra mind control. Maybe I didn’t pick up on something, but it gave me a mystery to deal with until the beginning of this issue. Now we know how Riga comes into the picture. Very cool.

    This is another enjoyable issue that I will re-read several times, and I’m looking forward to Issue #9!

    Any thoughts about Issue#8?

  2. condorjoe

    condorjoe New Member

    Sep 23, 2002
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    The story is coming along well from what i can see. Issue 11 was already shown in Previews this month. It just seems like they have done the turtle king episode and thought sod the rest of the stories we will just do a drawn out episode and finish it at 12 issues.

    I just hope that when G-force comes out it will be refered as Volume 2 instead of a mini series. Much like how Gen 13 was done when tht came out and finished the around the same time last year then got a new lease of life with the volume 2(acutualy 3)
  3. Elvin Ruler

    Elvin Ruler New Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    This one was great! Everything from the way the characters interacted to the plot development was wonderful. I have a few questions, but that in itself is a good thing (for me). I like things that provoke thought (unless it has anything to do with stuff I *have* to do, such as the homework I am currently ignoring). Tomak, admittedly, is the main aspect that is arousing my curiosity. He's gone from jerk who refuses to follow smoking ordinances to alien who's become addicted to cigars. ^_^ For whatever reason, that really changes the entire way I view Tomak. The art was fantastic! Really enjoyed this issue, I can't wait for the next one. ^_^ So many BotP comics coming out this month...circuits overloading...

    :D I'm even going to buy the Thundercats X-over. ^_^

  4. Mark

    Mark G-Force Commander

    Jan 30, 2001
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    What do you know that I don't??? :eek:

  5. Elvin Ruler

    Elvin Ruler New Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    According to Top Cow, in April there will be four BotP comics coming out: Battle of the Planets #9, a one-shot of Mark, the BotP/Thundercats crossover, and a Battle of the Planets Battle Book.

  6. Mark

    Mark G-Force Commander

    Jan 30, 2001
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    WHOO HOOO!!!

    Wowzers, you're right, Elvin. FOUR Battle of the Planets books coming out in April, and that's no April Fool's joke. This "Battle Plans" book should be really neat.

    Then in May, in addition to Issue #10, we have the Jason one-shot. It will be interesting to see Munier's idea's about Jason's origin and how he came to be the characer he is. Very cool!

    I never knew about that previews section on the Top Cow site. Thanks for the heads up, Elvin!


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