Creative Writing Been A Little Busy

Discussion in 'Written Arts' started by ~ Zack ~, Nov 12, 2002.

  1. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Well as some of you may know (and to the very few of you that care(d)), I took a short leave from M2A for a little under a month, and through that time I've been doing a lot more work on my writing, and in association with the suggestion of many of people in my Creative Writing class, I decided to start a book/novel-like project and see just how far I get with it. So far it's been pretty successful, currenly five chapters typed at 52 pages (at a 12 point font, 1.5 spacing as that was preferred by the general census of people, easier to read and such). Anyways, I know many of you are wondering the point to this and it's quite simple, really... wait... lost my train of thought... uhh... oh yeah! Well, as you can tell, 52 pages is much too much to place up here, so I'm simply putting up the offer if anyone wants to read it, feel free to send me an e-mail, AIM, PM, etc. and let me know. And seeing as I forgot this in the beginning, the work is a fantasy setting, and my eyes are currently half open and my brain has suddenly ceased to function, so tomorrow when I feel up to the challenge, I'll be posting a short summary of what it's supposed to be about... Anyways, if any of y'all would want to see it 'fore I post the summary, drop me a line.

    BTW for those insane people who for some reason liked my artwork, I'm hoping to get a few pictures up of characters from this work.
  2. GenericHero5

    GenericHero5 All Ska Super Star

    Nov 5, 2001
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    Welcome back!

    It wasnt the same without that one extra cynical person here :p

    I wanna read i wanna read can i can i? Chapter One was great!

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