Recreation Books

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bloodberry, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    hehee just to bring this, also, out of the movie thread for kevin smith...vash and i were talking about neil gaiman...dman good author if ya want a very good read and like weird stuff...

    now, to answer the question vash, yes i do like neil gaiman...haven't read much of his stuff tho...i have stardust(novel version) but haven't read it ... (had it for a few years now..hehe i think i lost it somewhere...)good omens i got cause of terry prachett, and then the book i have signed. Dream Hunters by gaiman and Amano. signed by both tho i worked that weekend so my bf got it signed for me...(we were out there the weekend before cause mononoke opened in theaters...went to dream haven and saw that they would be there the next weekend...which i couldn't take off...or switch...i trried hard....<cry> ) Foxes and dreams...*^-^* and amano was "signing" with drawings...i have one of terra in the front cover of my but a friend of mine...the line wasn't too long or anything really...he got three signings out of in the book, and 2 in the art book...the wind up D (vampire hunter) is cute as hell!!! and then he looked at his sketchbook(i hate shawn for this too....) and draw a pic in it....grrrrrrrrrrrr lol

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