BotP Comic out Tomorrow!

Discussion in 'Gatchaman' started by Elvin Ruler, Jul 9, 2002.

  1. Elvin Ruler

    Elvin Ruler New Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    Be sure to pick up your Battle of the Planet comic book up from your local comic shop tomorrow. ^_^ I cannot wait to see it. Here's a preview of the varied comic covers (Alex Ross does a different cover than expected. The one that's been previewing everywhere is his Dynamic Forces special edition cover. I personally think the Top Cow version is better.) . I can't wait!
    Elvin Ruler
  2. Mark

    Mark G-Force Commander

    Jan 30, 2001
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    WOW! I would love to get my hands on that set, but I just don't have the extra cash. Those are VERY cool covers.

    Will all four (excluding the LE cover) be available at comic book store?

  3. Elvin Ruler

    Elvin Ruler New Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    Top Cow said that the comics would be shipped in a 25/25/25/25 ratio, as far as covers go. ^_^ I will be at the comic shop at exactly 11:00. Which is when it opens. It should have at least a couple of them. I also saved the pictures of the covers. ^_^ That way I can at least print them out. I actually only plan on buying the one with the Alex Ross cover. The others I will print out as posters or something along that line. I'll probably have to fidget with them a little to make them higher quality, but it isn't that hard. Anyways, to those with more money than me, the comic stores should theoretically have all four covers. (DF's Alex Ross cover is also available, but only the $70 version. ^_^) Anyways, buy at least one copy of the comic. ^_^ That way they'll make more.
    Elvin Ruler
  4. Elvin Ruler

    Elvin Ruler New Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    >.< Don't think they'll have the limited edition, though. There are only 5000. I'm not holding my breath on finding it at the shop I'm going to, but who knows? ^_^ Get there early. I imagine that it's a higher price, but I don't know what the figures would be. Like I said, DF's special edition is $70, so it may be that the bidding price is better than the retail price. *shrugs* Don't really have an answer on that one.
    Elvin Ruler

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