Current Affairs [Cloud's Blog] Murdered for His Phone

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bijin, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. Bijin

    Bijin Bot

    Feb 8, 2001
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  2. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I really don't understand how people get like that. I thought it was how they were raised and the people they hang around with and the things they are into. But even the family doesn't want anything to do with the kid.. but I do wonder..

    It's sick. Just recently I heard on the news that people in Windsor found broken glass superglued to the slide and monkeybars of one park. The city park people then went to every park to make sure this wasn't done elsewhere. I also heard someone took razor blades, stuck them in boards and hid them under the sand at public beach volleyball courts. There's so many sick, murderous people out there.
  3. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Its true. There are sick people out there. People are murdered everyday for the dumbest thing. Heck, my little brother, one of his and mine firneds and one of his friends almost got into a fight today with some 40 year old who after further communication by the mothers, figured he was hgh. He was trying to pick a fight with them, trying to get them to punch at him. He even tried it with the moms. How sick is that. And about 30 minutes ago, some @$$holes were speeding down the street, obviously a fight had broken out, and the driver of the car behind the other one was trying ot throw a shoe at the other and they almost hit my mom. sick and mean people live in this world. thats why i carry protection.
  4. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Its stupidity that governs this and people that dont have anything better to do than cause others misfortune because of how pathitic they are and want someone to suffer for it. that plain and simple they have nothing to do and the only amusment that they get is seeing someone in pain,truly people like that just need to be hanged and thats it.
  5. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    I just dont see what goes to the minds of these people when they do this kind of stuff...It just doesnt make sense. To end someones life just for a phone? And whats even worse is that this is a 14 year old we are talking about. Someone who is just learning about life is already taking it away. Its pathetic...

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