copying, trading and selling

Discussion in 'Gatchaman' started by djw2332, Jul 26, 2001.

  1. djw2332

    djw2332 Guest

    First of all Cavelle, (from comment he made awhile ago) it is not illegal for me or anyone else to tape BOTP off of a TV and then to trade it with someone for something else, (not cash) if we gave it to each other as gifts. If we predetermined to do this for each other, then it would become illegal because we would be benefitting from it. Things like this are sold on Ebay all the time - If I trade you a Van Halen CD for a Motley Crue CD, is it illegal? I think not. If I sold it to you for a higher amount than fro what I purchased it for, then this is where it becomes illegal, because, 1. I don't have license to do this, and 2. Motley Crue and/or Van Halen would not be receiving any royalties. This is still a very gray area as well, as scene in the courts, but get your facts straight before saying everything is illegal.
  2. Keith

    Keith Guest

    If you don't really want to hassle with all
    that taping, trading, selling, guess what?
    While attending a "ScifiExpo" event in Plano,
    Texas this month (and, forgive me, not even thinking about G-Force!), I found five VHS tapes from the original Battle of the Planets series (all in original tape cases), and some toys, which included a small battery-operated fan, a stand-up figure of Mark in uniform, and a package of small G-Force Team figures. No, I didn't buy any of it, for I had already spent about $200.00 on
    *gasp* Star Wars stuff, and spent more acquiring autographs from Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict (Battlestar Galactica). When I attend the Expo in Plano next year in February (get on to find out the particulars), I may spring for some G-Force stuff....we'll see.
  3. Meridian

    Meridian New Member

    Mar 28, 2001
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    By February the official release of Battle of the Planets by Rhino video should have started. So you'll have the option of buying fresh episodes on VHS or DVD instead of many-generation bootlegs.
  4. tachyon00

    tachyon00 Guest

    There's an awful lot of people having garage sales, and pawn shops, and used cd stores that are going to jail apparently, as they are re-selling cd's.

    This isn't illegal either, so maybe you should get YOUR facts straight, tighty-whitey.

    I can sell anything I own, to anybody else.
    If I have an old Madonna CD that I paid 49 cents for, and some collector wants to give me 490$, I can take it. I am not going to go to jail for it.

    Of course, not copies of BotP because while I may own the cassette, I certainly do not own the program taped on it. It is, and remains the property of SFP.
  5. djw2332

    djw2332 Guest

    I couldn't agree with you more tachyon00.
    I don't know what that Cavelle guy is thinking.

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