Recreation [Dare Thread]Not so much as dare, Show the Anime you own!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seishin, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Yes. Maybe not all people may be able to post, but I did want to see how someone else's Anime and Manga collection looks like. Please show us the Anime you OWN, not all your blank DVD's or a picture of your files on the computer. I could show you thousands of those!XD

    Anyways, here's the wall that sticks by my bed everyday!

    Oh, and sorry if the thread's not that good.

  2. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    hmm I'm directed to the wrong pic.
  3. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Eeek! So sorry! Editing, changing, done! Beware, lots of showoff in that link!:p

  4. Soitsu

    Soitsu Flame Alchemist!

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Dude you cleaned the shelf off you ordered that shelf used to be covered by a whole lotta crud...
  5. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Old plates, papers and such is NOT crud. It's simply things that were slightly misplaced.

    I hope to get a lot more starting summer again, since I quite my job, I won't buy anything other than FullMetal Alchemist or Kodocha, since my budget isn't excactly the greatest.

    Grocery stores.....ehh....

  6. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    boy that is anice set up! I'd like to snap mine but that requires *sigh* going in the garage to dig thru a huge ****ing box, then under my bed for another box. ORGANIZED?? wish i could be like yours :p OMG fruit baskets KILLS :D like i LOVE it :D!! ^_^!!!
  7. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Taking pictures of it? :p At first glance I thought it was like [thread=6174]this thread[/thread].

    I would, but apart from not having a digital camera I need to reorganize my shelves.

    In any case my list is the same as on that thread and that's mostly what matters.
  8. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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  9. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Awsome! I notice that you too contain FullMetal Alchemist in the collection! What happened to volumes six and seven?*sad OMGWTF face*(<-?)

    I love how your shelves are almost exactly the same height as the DVD's. Maybe by like 1 or 2 inches. Mine have like 5 inches, and as you can see, the length from the back to the front is preety long. You could fit two DVD's on each column. But then I wouldn't be able to put Vash or Bradley anywhere. Good god they need more companions, and wow I'm making this post longer than it should be.

    Main Point:Nice collection (Especially with having FMA), love the shelves!

  10. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Well, these are really crappy quality, because I don't have a digital camera, and had to take the pictures with my cell phone. But, here you are. The first image contains my manga shelf and the first anime shelf. The second contains the first and second anime shelf, including my collection of Playstation 1 & 2 games:

    The proudest parts of my collection remain my two Ultimate SMJ collections.

    As well, one manga book (last one on the right, nearly invisible after the Slayers Super Explosive Demon Story), and one DVD (the Japanese-titled one, right before Neon Genesis Evangelion), which were Christmas gifts to me from Jedimdo, originating from Cloud. Sentimental value, these two. :)

    You'll also notice, on the bottom shelf in the second image, a copy of SMJ: Battle Sabers. Still haven't played it :)/) but it's one more piece of my waning SMJ fandom that I plan to hold onto.

    Missing from these images: Weiss Kreuz Vol. 1, and Xenosaga Episode 1. Both are currently on loan to relatives of mine. (and have been for months... jerks)
  11. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Almost all anime I have was downloaded from the internet by my friend. Same goes for manga, and here you can borrow manga from the library for free...:D However I do own about 7 volumes of manga and 3 licenced DVDs with anime ^^

    EDIT: and that was my 500th post in over 2 years. Example of a lazy Bjpean. XD
  12. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Well, anyone can 'borrow' Manga for free!:p

    I feel for everysingle case. Anime and Manga aren't the cheapest subjects on the block. Manga being around $10 on US, and I belive $15 in Canada, and soemwhere close in other countries, it's hard to ever complete a series. Anime DVD's also stand from twenty to thirty dollars EACH. And most of them bring only four episodes. Lots bring three, and rariries bring five (Ah! My Goddess, Gunslinger Girl). Box sets are the only way to go. Or SUBS.

    I guess that DVD's are more for DUB kind of people, no?

  13. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Man, I thought Seishin's collection was preety big. It looks soooo small in comparison.
    How much money did you guys say you spent again?

    If i count correctly, Seishin has around five or six hundred plus dollars there.
    (Gosh...anime is expensive...)

    - Kaiyon
  14. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    My collection is the culmination of over 2 years of collecting, including 2 $800+ spending sprees at Anime North 2004 and 2005.

    I'd hazard a guess at an original retail value of ~$2000. It'd have been more, but since Ciel bought my third SMJ Ultimate Collection from me... :p
  15. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    does anyone else wait till the box set is done? or is it just my fruity self? i find its cheaper and i just love the boxes it comes in :D. but then that means i have to wait till the series is actually done and that is like rough :(.
  16. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    I've never actually thought about how much I've spent collectively... let's see... probably about $160 on manga and probably something like $1215 on anime. Most of that was probably done last summer, when I was at Ikasukon in Cincinnati.

    As for boxed sets, I do prefer to buy them (in fact, I've a few duplicates for sale because of this), but I often find I don't want to wait that long if I've already seen the series.

    And along the lines of sub v. dub and DVD purchases, I much prefer subbed, but buy the DVDs to support creation and aquisition of anime along the lines of what I really enjoy.
  17. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Duuuhuuhuuude!! In Australia manga is like $20-22 per volume T_T;; So, if I bought all the manga that I read I would be soooo broke. If it cost $5-10, I would buy it more often ofcourse :D. DVDs are $30 each with 4 episodes on them. Damn they overcharge us here in Aus. Be blessed...teh internet!!
  18. Qarion-kun

    Qarion-kun New Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    be happy you can actually buy manga and anime at your place. the only place that sells them here that i know of is a games shop which has a small anime corner in the back of the shop. (and i can't buy online , no creditcard:( )
  19. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Here is my manga shelf. I have almost all SJ I am missing 6. Plus one isn't on the shelf right now.

    Manga 1
    Manga 2
    Manga 3

    This is on one shelf, btw.

    I'll post the anime once we are done building the wall.

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