End of the raid

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by BakaMattSu, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I recently realized I was working two jobs. Normally this would sound like a profitable situation, until you break it down and realize that while one job was bringing in a paycheck every two weeks, the other one wasn't. Break it down further, and you realize I was actually paying to attend my second job. Monthly.

    I can see the lights coming on over all the smart people in the audience. You got it, alright. World of Warcrack.

    Hold on, though. Is this the same BakaMattSu who has always praised the WoW title? Yes it is. And it's also the same BMS who traversed the void of being clan dropped to bounce back into active raiding and see end game content that only 10% of the population base sees without browsing through google video.

    Now don't get me wrong - WoW is an amazing piece of work. It's beautiful, it's fast, it's friendly, it's fun. But it can also be a huge timesink. It's not so bad at the casual level. It can be taken in moderation, and it's a load of fun that way. But it has a limit for casuals, and sooner or later the remaining content is open to none other than the hardcore.

    I speak, of course, of all those tough dungeons Blizzard crafted that require huge parties of 40 players to traverse. The Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, and now Naxxramas. They are challenges that just can be traversed with your standard casual player. They're tough, they're big, and they take time and dedication.

    Which is their point. The best available items in the game lay within them. To keep players playing and shooting for those rewards, Blizzard makes it tough enough that the players have to spend the time to reach for them. Because once the player has reached their level cap, progression is solely material.

    It was a trap, and I fell into it before Admiral Ackbar could speak up.

    When I got picked up into a guild again, it was one that labeled themselves as "casual raiders". They hit up the Molten Core once a week for a day or so, still learning it when I cam on board. Just one week prior to me joining, they had their first Magmadar kill, and within a few months, I was among their ranks staring down the big bad boy Ragnaros himself. It was fun in the sense that I got to experience content I couldn't on my own, I was able to earn points for attendence and buy the first Perdition's Blade that dropped with them duly saved up. It felt like a real accomplishment.

    But then the novelty wore off. Sure, we killed Ragnaros at last, but it was for the loot he dropped, not the accomplishment. So we returned, week after week to kill him again to see the purple-lettered epics drop. For a casual player, it's like running a Stratholme Baron group, only on a larger scale. You weather the entire instance for the hope that when you get to the end, your coveted new pants will drop. A Baron run takes around an hour. A Molten Core clear takes a high-end guild three times that (more for a less equipped one).

    And little changes from there. Thousands of players are chasing after that one item that will improve their character and spending hours during the week or weekend just for a chance to get it. Timesink? You betcha.

    I've changed guilds again recently. My new one blazes through BWL, has cleared AQ through to C'Thun, and is now planning to hit Naxx full force. And while the content endgame is certainly cool to see, it's not worth it. Raiding is a second job, and one that only pays out in imaginary cash and rewards.

    I put in the cancellation for my WoW account today. I can't trust myself to not raid and remain casual, so the best thing I would say is to cut me off completely. Baiko will never see all the cool weapons and armor I had been dreaming of, but I'm breaking free from the addiction and moving on. Sweet dreams, girl.
  2. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    S.W.A.T. on Dalaran runs MC in about 45 mins to an hour fifteen, then again, they're almost all decked out in Tier three and play more than sin.

    Don't worry, the withdrawl syndromes are sure to bring you back, that is if the expansion pack doesn't.

  3. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    And by the time you can run

    And by the time you can run it in 45 min, it's really to say you can, or else for fun - much like I would run a 5-man instance recently. I can't see a t3-decked group seriously wasting time in there.

    If I ever do end up returning to the game, I will avoid the hardcore raiding. I spent enough hours at work during the day to go to another job in a game. :)
  4. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I'm glad you woke up! :)

    A game should be fun, entertaining, and make you have a good time with your friends. The moment you acquire a responsibility, it stops being a game, and even hobbie, and becomes a job.

    Well done! :) Another slave freed from WoW!

    p.s. If you want to have a good time lauging at WoW, try reading http://www.thenoobcomic.com/ and you'll see what I mean ;-)
  5. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    A friend of my wanted me to

    A friend of my wanted me to start playing it and I just wasn't very interested in it at first. Yeah, it seems pretty good and I would like to play it some day but I can't just pay for it. We're having enough trouble with money as it is and we just don't have enough so that I could play it. Plus, I may not have enough time when school kicks in to really play it like most have. BJP is one of the main things I go to when I get on the computer and I've just started going into Gaia Online. I can't get anywhere else though but for some reason. I think I'll make a thread or something about it.

    Anyway, I don't think I'd play it anymore either if it takes up too much time.

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