EXPO and Soft Rock Compilation

Discussion in 'Tomita' started by ndkent at optonline.net, Sep 13, 2003.

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  1. In 2002 Toshiba released "EXPO and Soft Rock Compilation" as part of
    their "Tea Drinking Rock" series of compilations. The item of interest
    is inclusion of Tomita's rare "EXPO'70 Multiplex Sounds For "Global
    Vision" promo only single that was composed specially for the Toshiba
    IHI Pavillion at the Worlds Fair.

    I should try to ask Nasu I guess if no one knows what, if anything the
    B? side was. What is included on the new Toshiba compilation is one
    3'57" cue that starts with spacey sounds and does a mixed medley of
    samples of many styles of music which sound Tomita composed. It sounds a
    little like cleaned vinyl rather than master tapes. Other tracks on the
    album for the most part sound like they are from masters and sound
    higher fidelity

    The rest of the album is pop music from the early 70s. Only part of
    Tomita's medley is actual pop but I guess it does foreshadow the rest of
    the album. I guess it's implied it all came from Expo 70 or at least
    1970 which is what I was hoping for given the neat cover art

    I've run into filmscore legend Akira Ifukube's interesting Expo '70
    music elsewhere, but as mentioned this compilation is just early 70s
    soft rock (upbeat pop) as 13 of the 17 tracks are from 1971-1973 not
    even 1970. My understanding is New Folk was the hip genre of the early
    70s and this isn't it. While some of it might have seeped into the "soft
    rock" here, this seems to chronicle the pleasant and commercial and
    might serve a purpose of reintroducing it, I have no idea of how much
    stuff is out now, though as I mentioned, I understand New Folk is
    considered now to have been the music pop art of that era and there have
    been lots of reissues of New Folk.
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