Saber Marionette favorite characters & reasons

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Sachiko, Jun 29, 2002.

  1. Sachiko

    Sachiko happy SMJ shoujo ^_^

    Feb 3, 2002
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    Favorite character(s):


    :D I'm curious and I'm pathetic ^^;
  2. c0ke

    c0ke New Member

    May 15, 2002
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    Favorite Character(s):

    Baiko: Emotionless, Tough, Dual Energy Swords, and that powerup juice in that jug she carries around.

    Tamasaburo: Same as Baiko for the first two. Naginata, and multiple different weapons hidden under her Kimono especially her gigantic wooden Mallet.

    Lime: She was so cute on the first episode in the second hand clothes shop, and on J to X on that float battle, she just look so cute.

    Gennai: Don't know why, I guess it's because he packed a certain something that resembled the railgun from Q3A. Also I liked him on episode 9 of SMJ to X.

    Akashi: Though not exactly my favorite one, He gave Otaru what he deserved on the end of episode 6 of SMJ to X

    I have more, but can't think of the reasons
  3. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Lime, because she's uh... um... erm.. You know. She's cool.
    Cherry because her fantasies are funny, and she's cool.
    Obichi Soemon because ya got to feel sorry for him, and he's cool.
    Hmm, I like all the characters though. They're cool.
  4. kapitanbar

    kapitanbar Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    Favourite Character: Lime
    Why? She is eager to learn everything. She doesn't tries to hide her emotions, and besides that she looks innocent, in the last parts of the two series (J, but most in J to X), you know that she teaching more than one lesson about humans, being a marionette.

    As for any other character, I like Panther. Powerful and Cheekyness all in one, makes her dangerous and charming. And she also writes poetry!

    I like Tiger in SMJ's manga. The author finally developed her character on paper better than on tv.
  5. Sachiko

    Sachiko happy SMJ shoujo ^_^

    Feb 3, 2002
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    o.o whatta reason... ^^;
  6. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    What he deserved? I dunno, I could argue that fact....
  7. Lady Aoi

    Lady Aoi Princess of Shirataki

    Oct 17, 2001
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    This is all gonna surprise you... :rolleyes:

    Hanagata: Because... I've covered this so many times. He just rocks my world.

    Panther: She's saucy, sassy, and kind of ignored. She's also funny, and I love her interactions with Bloodberry.

    Yumeji: He's just so damn cute (I know BakaMattSu will disagree with me, but that's because he has Yumeji for a brother. But no, this doesn't make him Hanagata)

    Bloodberry: She's really quite fascinating and very, very deep. And I love her with Akashi!

    Luchs: Again, who pays attention to her? Nobody :(.

    Kamatarou: He's just... interesting. Why didn't he get more screen time?!? *pout*

    ~ Aoi
  8. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    *deep deep breath*

    Here we goo! Bear with me, as it's hard to convey my emotions in words sometimes...

    Lime: I love her, because it was her genki innocence that first had me die-hard to watch the series, and as it progressed, so did her character. Had she remained as she did to begin with, I would've eventually been bored with her...but she presented both comedic value as well as emotional moments...

    Faust: Nobody in any the Saber series has filled the villain shoes as wonderfully as Faust did. He had the makings of a perfect enemy, even if it was warped intentions that made him that way. It was great, because while he filled the shoes, he had a distinct character that made him more than the normal evil guy...

    Otaru: What can I say about him? He's cool no matter what anyone says about him... While Otaru may have a short temper (a trait accompanying spikey hair :p), he upholds plenty of morality, tries his best to care for those around him, and has an occassional moment of glory/wisdom. While it sometimes gets to his ego, he eventually comes down to earth again. He is the epitome of "the Japoness Man".

    Hanagata: He also added much to my enjoyment. The underdog, the fall guy, the pathetic whiny loser...whatever you want to call him, he is the ultimate in comic relief. At first I flipflopped from wanting to see him get his just desserts to feeling sorry for him...but now I find him a crucial member of the J team. Viva Spiff-Cam!

    Cherry: She's too cute, especially when she gives that smile/laugh combo! My choice for Otaru, somewhat, since they'd be soo cool together!

    Tiger: If anyone really gave me the most emotional pull downward during J, it would have to be Tiger. She gets pushed to the limit, and carries out many decisions hard for someone with her personality. I do admit I find her and Faust together too mushy for my tastes though...:p

    Gennai: The genius from downtown Japoness is not afraid to let his opinions be known, and I find it awe-inspiring that he can piece together strange contraptions from the junkpile in his backyard that actually function!

    [To Be Continued...You didn't think those made up all my favorites did you? :p]
  9. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    Luchs, because I think she feels so much pain, but she hides it so well.......

    Obiichi Soemon, because he's been through so much!

  10. c0ke

    c0ke New Member

    May 15, 2002
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    Argue away BMS I would like to here you, well you know arguments.
  11. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I have no quams with a debate, as long as I know we're on the same subject... Tell me what it is he deserved and why, just so I know we're talking what I think we're talking...
  12. Sachiko

    Sachiko happy SMJ shoujo ^_^

    Feb 3, 2002
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    Hmmm...I'd like to site back and hear :p
  13. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Luchs because she's calm til the end. Well, at least she gives that impression. Besides, the hidden eyes thing is pretty mysterious.

    And I agree with the Lime at the float battle...hehe...she bopped the float with her butt.
  14. Deathscythe

    Deathscythe New Member

    Feb 16, 2002
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    favourite character: Lime
    Reason: because she's funny and cute
  15. Bau

    Bau New Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    what i like

    form what i seen of SMJ i like lime the reason that i like her is because that she is funny charater and does funny things....

    hmmmm.. for some weird reason she reminds me of noa on legend of legaia...


    hmmmm maybe its the voice or maybe its the funny things that she does...

    hehehe but i like here just the same....:)
  16. OverMaster

    OverMaster New Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    -Cherry.Because she's funny,kind and warm.
    -Luchs.Because she's smart,sexy and rational.
    -Panther.Because it's a lot of fun to see her enraged.
    -Otaru.Because he's one of the few anime male protagonits who aren't either idiots or jerks.
    -Hanagata.One of the best comedy reliefs ever!
    -Dr. Hess.Dark,mysterious,and (apparently) cold as ice.A good villain.
  17. sailorvenus

    sailorvenus 24 days to go...^^

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Favorite Character: Cherry
    Reason: She's just kawaii!!! PLUS she's a homebody, proper, and caring. That's it, nuff said.
  18. SaberJ2X

    SaberJ2X Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    'cause and only 'cause of episode 8 of SMJ2X
  19. Black Robed One

    Black Robed One New Member

    Feb 21, 2004
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    Note: I really like almost all SMJ characters, but if I must choose the favorites among the favorites…

    Favorite Characters:
    Dr. Hess


    Cherry: She is oh so very sweet, gentle, loving, tender and caring. She doesn’t like to fight, but always ready and willing to do her share of fighting when it is necessary to defend her beloved master or to help her sisters (or to punch/kick Hanagata, but IMHO this isn’t really a fighting ^_^). When she is in her ‘Fantasy Mode’, Cherry is somewhat funny as well as extremely kawaii; and her cheery smile is extremely kawaii as well! IMHO, Cherry is the sweetest and the most romantic and emotional among all SMJ characters! And finally, I like the way Cherry can quickly switch from anger to gentleness (or vice versa!) very much.

    Lime: She is innocent, brave, funny, kawaii, and always willing to go on until the bitter end! There are a lot of funny scenes with Lime, but there also are a lot of rather serious and deep scenes. Lime’s personality develops the most during the series, and needless to say, this makes Lime a very interesting character.

    Tiger: IMHO, she is the most deep and tragic character of the series. She is very gentle, devoted, and always willing to go on until the bitter end, just like Lime! She is willing to sacrifice everything just to please her master and to regain his trust and favour, and as the series progress she does just this! Also when Faust abandoned Saber Dolls and when Luchs was too downtrodden to fulfill her duties of a tactical leader, Tiger was willing to accept the burdens of leadership even though she wasn’t designed for that role.

    Luchs: Her mysterious smile and hidden eyes always make Luchs appears like she is up to something, and this is probably right, at least in the most cases! Luchs is very cunning, rational and intelligent, and thus, she is a great tactical leader; even though I am a die-hard Cherry fan, I must admit that Cherry’s tactical cunning pales comparing to that of Luchs. Also I liked to see Luchs in her “Fantasy Mode” very much, even though I have seen Luchs in her “Fantasy Mode” only once. Hmmm, it seems that marionettes’ designers decided that “Fantasy Mode” is a necessary attribute for a tactical leader… ^_^

    Faust: I like him because of the way he is able to keep painful memories and emotion deep within himself, and go forward despite everything. He is alone against the whole world, and the mission before him is nearly impossible, yet he goes forward, willing to success even if all odds are against him. Appearing cold, calculating and uncaring outside, Faust bears the great pain within himself; and not only his own pain, but also the pain of the nine who were before him. And there is nobody who can ease his pain, although this is his own fault, as he views his Saber Dolls as nothing more then tools to archive his goal, even though he doesn’t really know how to you these tools. And in the end, despite all his pain and despite everything he came through, Faust was able to realize his mistakes, and does everything he can to correct them. Also I have a feeling, that when Faust has finally found what he was looking for 300 years, he came to realize, that what he was really looking for was in fact much closer, but he simply didn’t know where to look for it. (Note: Keep in mind, that I haven’t seen Saber Marionette J to X yet, and so, I can easily be wrong about my last assumption).

    Dr. Hess: This guy is mysterious, calculating, intelligent, and IMHO, he is the most cold-blooded human character of the series! The way he always appears from some shadowy place is also great! And finally, I just love how when things for ‘bad guys’ are starting to get hopeless, somebody cries out “Dr. Hess is gone missing!” This guy certainly knows how to make an appearance, as well as how to disappear in the right time!

    Panther: While she appears to be angry and merciless outside, she also has a gentle side, which she hides deep inside herself. Panther is almost as faithful to her sisters as she is to her beloved master; and she was even willing to question her master’s will in defense of her sister, which is something that neither Tiger nor Luchs ever did. While Panther is quick to get angry, she forgives just as quickly. In short, if you look under Panther’s mask, you will find a very interesting character inside.

    Hanagata: This guy is simply a walking comedy, and his appearance almost always lightens the atmosphere, although in some serious parts (like episode 20 of SMJ “Love Unending, Hearts Distant”) he was also shown to be capable of somewhat deep seriousness. And under his appearance of a walking comedy, Hanagata is also a very devoted (obsessed is probably a better word though ^_^) person, and he isn’t giving attempts to win his beloved Otaru-kun’s love, no matter how many blows he takes and no matter how hopeless his attempts seem to be. On the humorous note, Hanagata seems to be absolutely invulnerable, as he was blown up, repeatedly smashed through the walls and ceilings, and repeatedly struck by the blows that were supposed to be strong enough to crush tank or a huge combat robot, and yet he always lived to tell the tale!
    1 person likes this.
  20. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    excellent explanations :) It really is hard to narrow it down.. Welcome to the boards.

    I always rather liked Lime. It's probably because I saw SMJ around the same time I saw Nuku Nuku, DNA², and Video Girl Ai; I was on a bit of a Megumi Hayashibara kick :D

    Hanagata is of course an important part of the series, and always good for a laugh.

    I can't really think of any characters I don't like.. Yumeji would be the one I come closest to disliking I guess.

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