Inu-Yasha Favorite Moments

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Basher, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I recently saw a clip of a scene from episode 160+ where Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi (Kagome's friends from her era) get a chance to talk with her infamous "boyfriend" at last! Hysterical, and Inuyasha just looks adorable in his bandana! (Actually he looks like a maid or a wannabe rebellious gangster [though from my recollections the bandana was some shade of pink *laughs at thought of Inuyasha in a "tough guys wear pink" shirt*)
  2. Black Nyoko

    Black Nyoko New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Funniest Moments

    Inuyasha is so full of funny moments...its kind of hard to try to remember them all :dizzy2: Anyways I love when Inuysha thinks that Kagome is either dead or in danger. The episode when they were fighting the Thunder Brothers and Inuyasaha thought that Kagome was dead because he saw her and Shippou in that weird spirit thing that was actually Shippou's father's spirit. Inuyasha was like "WAIT don't GO"! I mean Myouga didn't help either but Kagome was pretty confused.

    I also think that episode (whatever number it was) When INuyasha and the group head down to another town and Miroku of course, is womanizing a young girl, and then an old woman grabs him and is ready to get it on. Poor Miroku he finally gets a an offer and he has to resist. :eek:
  3. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    The episode that premiered last night on C.N was flippin' hysterical. I especially loved the scene towards the beginning where Inuyasha was getting all hyped up about training while Totosai proceeded to scratch every part of his body. Hah, my favorite quotes would probably have to be "Hmm, my rump itches too," especially when he starts talking about a bath and Inuyasha thinks it's part of some intricate training ritual. And I especially love this scene.

    Myoga: Wow, I've never seen master Inuyasha work this hard. He must really be concentrating on his training.
    Totosai *bathing*: Training? What training? I simply wanted the neccasary materials to bathe with; I hadn't bathed in ages. It's not my fault if he thinks it's some ancient training course.
    Inuyasha: Would you like some more wood, Totosai? *all cheerful*
    Myoga: Erm, Master Totosai, do you realize exactly how Inuyasha's going to react when he realizes all you wanted was a bath?
    *scary looking imagination scene where Inuyasha turns all black and his eyes shine a bright blue as he charges to slaughter Myoga/Totosai*
    Totosai: Oh dear, I'm shivering just thinking about it.

    Probably got some of the dialouge wrong, but that scene was freaking hilarious.
  4. jakotsu chan

    jakotsu chan Nevermore!

    Jul 21, 2004
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    lol I do remember that. Another one of my favorite parts is this.

    Jakotsu: Inuyashas hot but the monks damn sexy

    Miroku: Is it ok to suck this guy up

    that was so funny
  5. yakamashi

    yakamashi New Member

    May 18, 2003
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    lets see... my favorite parts might be...

    : possible spoilers:

    1. when inuyasha thought that kagome them died because of ryuukotsu...? that was cool...

    2. when kagome thought that inuyasha was dead when he was fighting with ryuukotsu....? like she thought that he exploded.

    3. in the first movie when kagome was possesed by menoumaru guy and tried to kill inuyasha.

    4. in the second movie when inuyasha was turning into the demon form and kagome tried to stop him by like, hugging him but he just stuck his nails into her arm.

    5. in the third movie when inuyasha was possesed by the sounga and he did the gokuryu-ha!!!! that was cool.

    6. in the third movie when inuyasha and sesshoumaru were fighting in the bamboo forest.

    7. once again in the third movie. anyway, when inutaishou came back as the spirit thing and it was all quiet. then sesshoumaru looked back and was all like, "... chichiue ....?!" that was so... cool!!! don't know why though...

    kinda a lot isn't it... oh well! :D

    oh! i almost forgot. i also really thought that it was really funny in book 36 when inuyasha and sango were looking for this medicine man and inuyasha got drunk sniffing his scent and he went chasing butterflies! fell off a cliff though....
  6. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Though I haven't viewed it yet, I recieved the oppotunity to read through an exact script of the scene, and I was practically convulsing in laughter (I can only imagine what I'll be doing when I actually get the opportunity to view it in all its glory. Brilliant scene).

    at the episode where a sake monster intoxicates Kagome/Sango, and they start acting uncharacteristically ridiculous, including Kagome/Shippo/friend forming a can can line and proceeding to sing and dance, and Sango making a futile attempt to hit on Inuyasha, for which quite a few sits are administered
  7. Kos-Mos

    Kos-Mos New Member

    Sep 13, 2002
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    Well, my favorite moment's consist of pretty much any sit moment. That's for sure.


    Another of my favorite moments is when the old lady flea (forgot her name) took over InuYasha's body and her started jumping around like a flea and hitting on shippou (even though it was really Meoga who was sitting on inuyasha*

    *End Spolier*

    And then I like any thing with Kouga in it, couse that's always a good mix. (InuYasha and Kouga) ^.^
  8. jakotsu chan

    jakotsu chan Nevermore!

    Jul 21, 2004
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    one of my favorite parts was when jakotsu first saw inuyasha, it was so hillarious, lol i remember when he said "inuyashas hot, but the monks damn sexy" lol i think it went like that, it was so funny, i also like the part in which renkotsu dies :D

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