Square Enix FF 13 and FF Vs 13

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Fudge_Monkeys, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    These are 2 new games being released! by Square Enix Both for Ps3 Another ff 13 is being released on the phone

    FF vs 13 is a project by The KH Director. The Cinemetics are being made by The team who did FF 7 AC and the Gameplay is by the KH Staff So Kh 3 might take a very long time to come out.

    FF 13 looks pretty weird it doesnt seem like a traditional TBC battle like in the other Final Fantasys and it looks pretty weird
    Anyone have any more info?
  2. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I don't think they should be breaking the sacred Final Fantasy sationary battle system, but fine. It seems really good, even if they ended the tradition. I only don't want to go buy a PS3 though ( im broke )...the PS2 and X box have been so faithful to me...

    Here, It's still on the same site as one you put, but a different link:

  3. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I herad of these months ago. Haven't bothered to look at the trailers yet.

    Lemme just say this.

    Square is getting ahead of themselves.
    They've even announced a movie for this one.
    For crying out loud they JUST released 12 in Japan. And I heard 12 is a wonderful game. Problem is tho, I'm not excited for it. I was over a year and a half ago (actually 2 years now) when they announced it. But the excitement died as time went on. Giving out the trailers of 13 now is NOT a good idea.

    They're trying to turn this into another FF7. Am I the only one that sees a problem in this!? This is a perfect example of don't count your chickens before they hatch. this could easily become the worse FF game ever if they try to overhype it. Or it could eb the greatest one ever, I don't know. But trying to get another 7 is not going to work. 7 is a lucky number, but typically 13 is not.

    Still I look forwrad to the first female lead character (with exception to X-2) and the return fo gunblades. =D
  4. Rai Konoko

    Rai Konoko New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    done the same with advent children ... i saw trailers that said coming summer 2004 or 2003. something like that ... yea good games an' stuff but, they should really start making a game or something before they release its trailers -.-
  5. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    They've got the fanbase that will eat up every little scrap they throw at them, so why not throw as many scraps as they can. It can be sickening to watch a cash cow milking in progress, but at the same time completely understandable. They've met success and failure in the past - some notable failures being Square Pictures and its CG movie and of course the disgusting herbal drink "Potion".

    As a long time follower, I will be continuing to follow the title series, but will avoid the less-substanstial spinoffs completely after the trap I fell into with the Unlimited anime and the X-2 game. And as soon as the series strays from my interests I'll move on. There are quality RPGs out there that don't have the budget or namesake the FF series has that have met or exceeded the entertainment value for me.

    From what I recall about 12, it starts to go away from ATB/TBC combat as well, does it not? I remember comments during development that it was closer to real-time and modeled somewhat after 11's system.

    In regards to Squenix seeming to jump the gun at pumping their FF13 goods, you have to take into account that the game has been out in Japan since March, so of course their marketing is going to move on to the next game in the wings.
  6. Fudge_Monkeys

    Fudge_Monkeys www.boards.jp

    Mar 30, 2005
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    have u ever played the doc hack game with kite and braclet?? i was looking at the ff-12 trailer and it sorta seemed like the .hack way of fighting expect monsters are every where and there arny any portals monsters spawn at. and ir freezes when u want to do a move.
  7. Rai Konoko

    Rai Konoko New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    im sorta getting bored of the FF series now ... prefer 7 still ... they got bad after FF9.
  8. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I heard about the trailers back in April from my friends. sorry, but that's still a little too soon for me. June...yeah okay, I'll stomach it..but it still feels to me that this will be the downfall of FF...all this early marketing...

    Uck, milking the cash cow...I understand it completely, but I agree, it's something not nice to watch. >>

    There was a potion drink? xDDDDD omg~

    ....I liked X-2 =D;;;;

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