RPG Requests Fighting Academy

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Morrigan4000, Jun 8, 2004.

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  1. Morrigan4000

    Morrigan4000 New Member

    Jun 7, 2004
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    Story Line:
    Sakura Akamatsu opened a Fighting Academy after the death of her beloved son, Yu. She wanted to teach those who had a love for fighting as her dead son did. Opening it to all who wanted to learn. She built it on a large open lot in Tokyo. The Academy had dorms for both sex, a feild, gym, kendo hall, lunch hall, and the main building. Over the years the Academy enters in all fighting and kendo tournaments. They have been open for 3 years now and have stayed top of the fighting schools. Now they are chalenged by the Chinese School Of Fighting, top in Chinese Schools. Will they win or will they lose to the Chinese?

    RPG PART: Well really it's just like a tournament. But their will be a few months of training & school before the tournament beings. A fighting and kendo team will build up. Also I hope to get a cheerleading team for them.

    A few rules:
    *No boys or girls are allowed in the opsite sexs dorm.
    *Unifoms must be worn when school is in session.
    *Only 15 students are needed for the Fighting team, same for the Kendo.
    *Any wishing to enter the school must be between the ages 14-19.
    *I you wish to enter one of the teams your grades must be passing or you will be removed from the team.
    {I do hope mine becomes a real RPG, I think it'll rather fun really. Thank you for reading my idea it means a lot to me.}
  2. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Rejected on the grounds that 'Anime High School' exists. It's not a terrible idea, but even if we didn't have AHS, I wouldn't accept it because the whole fighting tournament style RPG doesn't appeal to me. RP fighting always has a predetermined winner, and if it doesn't then it takes forever and doesn't end.

    That's just my opinion though. Maybe somebody else will accept your RPG.
  3. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest

    It's too similar to Anime High School for my tastes.
  4. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    WAYYYYYYY too much like Anime High School. Rejected.
  5. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest

    Then it's settled~
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