Full Metal Alchemist FullMetal Alchemist Otaku challenge!

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Seishin, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    The rules are simple, I have four sets of questions up ahead, you are to answer ONE, and only ONE set of questions. If you answer any of the set of questions already answered, your points do not count. Here's how the points are going to count:

    YOU GET--
    *One point for already taking a set of questions under your command first (activeness)
    *One point for each correct question
    *Two extra points for getting them all correct

    Like on 'STOMP THE MODS' thread, you also have the opportunity to earn a couple of points, making it more interesting to see who wins. ONE QUESTION PER 2 ROUNDS.

    However, there's a backfire to all of this, observe what happens--
    *5 Points if I can't answer the question
    *1 Point off if I can answer the questions

    So there are the main objectives, get points, you have more than one way to catch up. Each round lasts two days or so, so people have a chance. Oh, and for the not-faithful trying to take this quiz, and for the real fans:

    *10 Points off if you take a set of questions, and get them all wrong (Set of questions then becomes available)
    *2 Points for every correction you make to other players (if all set of questions are taken, and you don't have a set)

    Now, to start the game, here are the set of questions you can take, for the easiest of course, time to start, ROUND 1!(Based on the first episodes)

    *"And God sees all those good deeds, and writes them down in stone"
    Who said this, and to who?

    *"Damn it....it wasn't.....no...it wasn't supposed to be like this..."
    Who said this, and when?

    *"Who're you calling so short you can't see him without a magnifying glass!"
    Ed said this, but what did the other person really say?

    *"What? Are you still thinking about Winry?"
    Who said this?

    *Who says "Great choice of words your holiness" to Cornello, after his sermon?

    *What is the truth about the sun God?

    *Who "wrestled with darkness and pervailed"?

    *Why does Al scare Ed in the beggining of the episode when they're heading to Lior?

    *"If you can't find a door, make your own!"
    Who said this? Why?

    *"What the matter you poor bastard, can't get a good taste?"
    What excactly was happening when Ed said this?

    *"But..where's the...bell?"
    Who said this? Who was walking behind him with the bell?

    *"WHAT!? You bastard! *gunfire*"
    Who said this? What was happening?

    *What did Ed use to trick Cornello?

    *What does Rose have, that she can simply just get up and use?

    *What happens to Cornello in the end?(Be excact)

    *What is the fake Cornello's excuse for his 'return'

    You may begin folks :p

  2. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I took number 4 if its ok...

    *What did Ed use to trick Cornello?
    Ed pretended that without his alchemy watch that enhanced his alchemic powers, he couldn't do alchemy without a circle.

    *What does Rose have, that she can simply just get up and use?
    Rose has two good, strong legs that she can get up and walk with.

    *What happens to Cornello in the end?(Be excact)
    He is eaten by the Homuculi (sp?) Gluttony, like chewed and swallowed.

    *What is the fake Cornello's excuse for his 'return'
    The only thing i remember was his (envy) saying that the devil was at work while he was away...

  3. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    I'll hit set one up

    *"And God sees all those good deeds, and writes them down in stone"
    Who said this, and to who? A: Cornello to Rose

    *"Damn it....it wasn't.....no...it wasn't supposed to be like this..."
    Who said this, and when? A: Ed in the very beginning of the episode when they did the Human transmutation for thier mother.

    *"Who're you calling so short you can't see him without a magnifying glass!"
    Ed said this, but what did the other person really say? It's been so long I can't recall exactly what they said so i'll pass on this one ;.;

    *"What? Are you still thinking about Winry?"
    Who said this? A: Alphonse
  4. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    took SET THREE

    *"If you can't find a door, make your own!"
    Who said this? Why?
    Ed said this when Cornello's followers came into the room to be exact it was priest like men

    *"What the matter you poor bastard, can't get a good taste?"
    What excactly was happening when Ed said this?
    the lion like cimera bite into his right arm

    *"But..where's the...bell?"
    Who said this? Who was walking behind him with the bell?

    THe bell ringer guy and alphons was running behind him with the bell over his head
  5. Seishin

    Seishin Guest


    Ashika-4 Points
    Nightmare-4 Points
    Shinigami-4 Points

    All tied, and all missed a question each.

    SET TWO remains for the taking.

    I guess I'll start with the next questions.

    If these were difficult, it only get's harder folks!^^


  6. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Mind asking questions about FURTHER episodes, please? :D


    *Who says "Great choice of words your holiness" to Cornello, after his sermon?
    I think it was Rose, but I'm not sure.

    *What is the truth about the sun God?
    It's no god. Just a bunch of burning gas.

    *Who "wrestled with darkness and pervailed"?
    Argh, I can't remember, but it could be 1 of 2:
    1) The sun-god Leto
    2) Ed and Al, Al told this to Rose after she lost her faith.

    *Why does Al scare Ed in the beggining of the episode when they're heading to Lior?
    He fell in the sand.
  7. Seishin

    Seishin Guest


    Final scores:

    Ashika-4 Points
    Nightmare-4 Points
    Shinigami-4 Points
    luvweaver-3 Points

    Here are the answers you all got wrong in order of sets:

    Set One-
    *"Who're you calling so short you can't see him without a magnifying glass!"
    Guy in bar when they rach Liore. That was a hard one since it was unoticable :p
    Set Two-
    *Who "wrestled with darkness and pervailed"?
    Rose. She leads Ed and Al to Cornello's chamber, and he says ;you've wrestled with the darkness and pervailed Rose, thank you for bringing them here.

    Again, trick :p

    *Who says "Great choice of words your holiness" to Cornello, after his sermon?
    Cornello's most faithful 'pawn', Kain.
    Set Three-
    *"WHAT!? You bastard! *gunfire*"
    Cornello had just realised that he'd been tricked by Ed, and all of the town could hear his true intentions.

    Set Four-
    *What did Ed use to trick Cornello?
    Simply, conversation. He had a microphone that was linked to a megaphone, which the whole town could hear. Tricking him into telling the truth, so the whole tow would hear.

    ROUND 2 tomorrow ^^

    Contains Eps. 3-6

  8. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    It's been tomorrow a few times dude. :p
  9. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Is today not yesterday's tomorrow? :p

    Here's round 2

    Episodes 3-6 (Episodes will keep on piling up XD)


    You know the rules; Be greatful I'm putting them in order, that chance won't happen later on. New implemented rule!!

    If you can't answer half the questions on the set, you loose a point for every blank question!

    SET ONE--
    *What is Edward Elric’s mother full name?
    *What do Ed and Al do to scare Winry?
    *There were four people trying to calm Winry. One was Pinako; the other one was Ed’s mom, who were the other two?
    *Do they show her face?
    *What happens to her?
    *After Winry and Pinako received a letter about their relatives, and Ed and Al heard about it, what was Ed and Al’s reaction?
    *What is the first sing of Ed’s mother’s illness?
    *What is the actual reason for Al’s mother’s death?
    *Where do Ed and Al go after their mother’s death?
    *What do they attempt?
    *How do Pinako and Winry help?
    *What is their last act before they leave?

    SET TWO--
    *What is shown in the first scene?
    *What does Al ask Edward when their on the train?
    *What does Pinako hope?
    *Where were Ed and Al headed to?
    *What happens when their waiting on the train station?
    *What kind of information does the officer give them as thanks for the help?
    *Who is the name of the Alchemist that appeared on their father’s letters?
    *What kind of explosion scares Ed and Al when they’re going to the person’s place?
    *Who comes and fixes a broken object?
    *What was happening on town that was scaring people?
    *Who was causing this? Why?
    *What actually happened to the lost lover?

    *What is the title of this episode?
    *Where are Ed and Al at in the first part of the episode?
    *Who does Ed call while waiting for their ride?
    *How does Ed act to this person?
    *What does this person tell Ed and Al to do, or go home?
    *Who said this?
    “It’s a miracle! Ever since she’s been pregnant she’s been hotter than a love Goddess?”
    *What's his rank?
    *Who is the person in charge of a ‘tight security’?
    *Why does this person get hit by the bad guys?
    *What do Ed and Al do?
    *Who helps them accomplish their goal?
    *Tell what happens when Ed and Al get to their destinations (don’t leave out details ;p)

    SET FOUR--
    *What does Mustang suggest Ed and Al to get at the beginning of the episode?
    *What is the name of the Episode?
    *Who is are the current second lieutenants with Mustang?
    *The teacher has a daughter, what is her name, and how old is she?
    *His daughter has a pet. What kind, and what is his name?
    *What happens special that had Hughes invited Ed and friends to eat?
    *What happened that ruined, and made a special event both to the Elric brothers, and the Hughes’?
    *In the middle of this, what did Ed realize he could do, that no other alchemist was supposed to?
    *What did Ed and Al have to work hard on?
    *When Bradley asks Ed why he wants to join the military, what does Ed respond?
    *What does Ed do to impress the Fuhrer?
    *How old are the brothers at the end of the Episode?


  10. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Can I protest?

    ...about the voices.

    I live in Mexico, and I get a spanish dub. So what should I tell when you ask who dubs who? Do you mean the english, or japanese, or what? I think it'd be better if you left those questions out.

  11. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    EDIT ma' boy, EDIT. I'm sure you've got access to that.



    I just made the questions kinda tricky.


    *What is Ed's DUB voice actor?

    *What is Trisha Elric's oldest son name?

    See? Not that difficult. Take it as a scavanger hunt, with free points! Can't make it hard, but not easy! :p

    Besides, how do you think "I" found who makes the voices? I don't read the ending titles! XD

    *Edit=no hints for you naughty cheaters :p
  12. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Yeah, but isn't Googling "cheating"? I mean I feel bad when I do that in the "name that quote" game, why should I in a game where the greatest element is your memory of the episodes?
  13. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    *What is shown in the first scene? they are on the train

    *What does Al ask Edward when their on the train? he asked about the alchemist who appears on there fathers letters and about hiuman transmutation

    *What does Pinako hope?

    *Where were Ed and Al headed to? on there way to central

    *What happens when their waiting on the train station? a guy robs a lady of her purse and the they stopped him

    *What kind of information does the officer give them as thanks for the help? he talks about the strnage things going on and he tells then about majahal

    *Who is the name of the Alchemist that appeared on their father’s letters? majahal

    *What kind of explosion scares Ed and Al when they’re going to the person’s place? the fire works that claus adn her friends were shooting off

    *Who comes and fixes a broken object? majahal fixes the broken pole

    *What was happening on town that was scaring people? there is a girl ghost killing people

    *Who was causing this? Why? a girl that majahal loved and h emade a liveing doll of her becaue he was inlove with her and wanted to bring her back

    *What actually happened to the lost lover? her wagon fell off the road and she hit her head and lost her memeory
  14. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    SET ONE--
    *What is Edward Elric’s mother full name?
    Trisha Elric
    *What do Ed and Al do to scare Winry?
    Try to create a doll for her with alchemy.
    *There were four people trying to calm Winry. One was Pinako; the other one was Ed’s mom, who were the other two?
    They were Winry's mother and father.
    *Who makes the English voice of the female in those two?
    Caitlin Glass (checked the credits)
    *What other character does she voice at the same time?
    She does Winry's voice.
    *After Winry and Pinako received a letter about their relatives, and Ed and Al heard about it, what was Ed and Al’s reaction?
    Ed tells her he read a way to bring back humans with alchemy.
    *What is the first sing of Ed’s mother’s illness?
    When she was passed out on the floor?
    *What is the actual reason for Al’s mother’s death?
    She had a lengthy illness shes been battling for years, because her husband left. She never told.
    *Where do Ed and Al go after their mother’s death?
    Ed and Al find a teacher to teach them alchemy, so they could eventually bring their mother back.
    *What do they attempt?
    They attempt to bring their mother back to life with human transmutation.
    *How do Pinako and Winry help?
    Pinako and Winry give Ed an automail arm and leg, where he lost his.
    *What is their last act before they leave?
    Ed and Al burnt down their house, and went to find Roy Mustang.
  15. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    Good point. Questions changed. There's quite a few, in case I missed a voice question, remind me so I can edit it ^^

    EDIT-Ashika's answers accepted, since she beat me to the rule :p

    This was quick though, Two sets already taken. Think fast people! XD

  16. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Set three!

    *What is the title of this episode?
    The Man with the Mechanical Arm

    *Where are Ed and Al at in the first part of the episode?
    On the train station

    *Who does Ed call while waiting for their ride?
    Colonel Mustang

    *How does Ed act to this person?
    He feels manipulated by him

    *What does this person tell Ed and Al to do, or go home?
    Ride the early train

    *Who said this?
    “It’s a miracle! Ever since she’s been pregnant she’s been hotter than a love Goddess?”
    Maes Hughes

    *What's his rank?

    *Who is the person in charge of a ‘tight security’?
    *Why does this person get hit by the bad guys?

    Some military (edit: General Haruko), he got shot in the ear because he insulted the terrorist. Edit: Unless you're talking of Hughes, he was shot in the shoulder because the terrorist had a machine gun automail.

    *What do Ed and Al do?
    They save the day, what else? :p

    *Who helps them accomplish their goal?

    *Tell what happens when Ed and Al get to their destinations (don’t leave out details ;p)
    The captured bad guy breaks off his ropes and is about to shoot Mustang, but Mustang burns him. He said: "You can know me as Colonel Mustang, but I'm also called "the flame alchemist". In any case, remember the pain". Later Mustang tells Ed that thanks to his heroic deeds, he can take the test. Ed feels manipulated, while Al tells him that they weren't in control all the time. Later, the little girl says good bye to her big brothers. Al waves back.
  17. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    hey Seishin are the next questines comeing up
  18. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I think the thread ended without our knowledge and maybe this post will remind said person in question...*ahem* I mean, on which episodes will the next sets be on, if you keep expanding them?
  19. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I don't know, but due to circumstances out of my control I'll have to retire from this contest.

    See ya :) *waves*
    1 person likes this.

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