Shirow Masamune Works Ghost i t Shell SAC - ep 22 what happened?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by MamiyaOtaru, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    Do not read this if you haven't seen episode 22 of Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. It might give you spoilers, but you also won't be able to answer my questions ;)




    OK.. the Major, missing an arm, is getting a new body. The new body is suspended from the ceiling. Old body is strapped in and head fastened in place. Evil doctor/assault team member sticks needles in the old body's head, and is likely going to kill her. Laughing man shows up, removes the needles from the old body and transfers some memories. The new body then comes to life and kicks the crap out of the evil doctor. As the major's blonde roommate watches, the new body hits some buttons on a panel and collapses lifeless to the floor. At this point the old body wakes up and assures her roommate nothing's wrong.

    Although the old body is the one moving (and containing the major's mind) at the end of that scene, in the next scene, the major has all her limbs. When did she finally switch? I suppose we just didn't see it.

    Who was controlling the new body as it kicked the doctor? If it was the major, why did she deactivate the new body and wake up in the old one again? Why not just stay in the new body? If it wasn't her controlling the new body, then who?

    Does anyone even know what the heck I am talking about?
  2. Furi_Kuri

    Furi_Kuri New Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    just read your post and im going to watch that episode again now ..........................................................................................................................

    ok just watched and u are right but when she walks into aramaki's hostpital room he does say how is the new body so she must get it fixed off camera (so they didnt just forget about it :D)
    incidently what did u think of gits stand alone complex??
  3. Tanuki

    Tanuki the wizzard of oz

    Apr 9, 2003
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    ok, this is my take on what happens...
    the docter has the major physically disabled, and is toying with her before killing her. the laughing man enters and turns the major's 'new' prothetic body 'online'. he then links with her and transfers memories of the laughing man incidient. the major then remotely controls the 'new' prosthetic body from where she's suspended and takes out the doctor. she then uses the prothetic body to give full function back to her real body. once she's done that she breaks the connection with the prosthetic, which is why it falls lifeless to the floor. (she can't stay in the new body because her ghost would remain in her old body. that's why she needs the operation in the 1st place. the only way to transfer a ghost to a new body is to physically remove the 'brain case' and spinal cord into the new body.)

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