Japanese Gohatto - Strange (but good) Japanese Film

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cloud, Feb 11, 2002.

  1. Cloud

    Cloud Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 2, 2001
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    Went to see this film last night, it's by "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence" director Oshima-san (MCML starred David Bowie and Ryuichi Sakamoto; the latter did the soundtrack to that and this film).

    Was a _little_ bit different from all the traditional Akira Kurosawa samurai films, since it focussed mainly on the romantic attentions of a group of soldiers towards a young samurai.

    But I enjoyed it, and it left me thinking at the end (about what the hell happened!).

    Gohatto means Taboo I think.

  2. UrashimaKeitaro

    UrashimaKeitaro Sesquipedalian Mod

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I haven't seen that one... I wonder... I'm a big fan of Japanese cinema, I own a copy of Seven Samurai, and I've seen many other films, including 'Wonderful life' ('Afterlife' as it is titled in the US). The title's written in Katakana, so it actually says 'Wandafuru Raifu'. Transliterations are fun. Both of those are excellent films!
    So, the title of that movie you saw was 'Gohatto'? I'll look out for it! (when did it come out?)

  3. Cloud

    Cloud Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 2, 2001
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    I think it came out last year, acc. to some review link I got from Google.

    I have Seven Samurai DVD loaned to someone, also just ordered another Kurosawa today.

    Kurosawa is great, I love his films with yer man Toshiro Mifune (the crazy one from Seven Samurai) - Yohjimbo is good fun, also saw Red Beard (about a doctor), Dersu Uzala (non-Japanese actors) which is set in Russia, (some of) Dreams, Rashomon and Kagemusha. Full list here:


    Other Japanese films I've seen include Tetsuo Iron Man (I full forwarded through most of it, I think it requires large amounts of illegal substance before viewing), The Bedroom (stupid fetish thing). I would like to see some of these new wave of Japanese thrillers (Audition, Battle Royale) that are after coming out.

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