Art Gospel - The Good Word

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by ~ Zack ~, Nov 27, 2002.

  1. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    This here is a picture of a character I'm developing, named (Get ready, s'long) Gospel Aurum Hellion Vandüne. Still hammering out details, but basically Gospel is a contract killer who's currently possessed by a demon which turns him into sort of a parasite. Gospel gains sustanance(sp?) from devouring the evil and sinful energies of a person's soul after he kills them, and these energies not only now feed his body as opposed to real food, but also fuel the demon, and this will continue to occur until the demon is risen and brings about the Apocalypse. Though the whole devouring energy thing is involuntary, and the demon's possession brings about a sort of curse which makes him like a vampire, thusly if he doesn't feed on these energies, he will wither away and die.

    The physical design for Gospel I tried for about a good week to get down, I just couldn't get anything good. So a friend of mine suggested combining some characters... Arucard (Hellsing), Auron (FFX), Dante (Devil May Cry), and The Crow... The main references of Arucard and Auron lie in the sunglasses, and someone pointed out that the facial hair is a reference to Auron. The coat, although not entirely seen, is a combination of what I saw from The Crow: City of Angels and The Crow: Salvation.. it has a furred collar, sort of like the one from Salvation, and a dual-tail, like Ashe's from CoA. The vest and turtleneck, obviously enough, was from Dante, and the many belts and black leather pants he wears are just things I give to almost all of my characters. The gloves were obviously enough derived from not Arucard entirely, but Hellsing (as not only Arucard has designs and writing on his gloves... Father Anderson for example)... While one glove has a red cross with "Death In Salvation", the other one has a reverse cross with the words reversed.. "Salvation In Death". And another thing not seen are his boots... I could've swore I saw these on Tybalt in the modern-day Romeo + Juliet movie, which a raised, metallic heel... and then I also gave the toe a metal covering, the style being sorta like cowboy boots, but black leather.

    As for his mental state and personality, it's a combination of some characters. He offers his services to everyone, but he holds no grudges and no friendships with anyone (except his partner-in-crime, Phoenix, who will hopefully be posted soon). When hired, though, his only bother is the actual target... when he fights someone he's not hired to kill, he fights to incapacitate or handicap, not kill. Though he actually says his only reason is because "They are potential customers... or potential targets". Also, ironically enough, he rarely keeps even half the money he earns and usually gives it up to some good cause (IE, in the first chapter, he's hired to kill a priest... about eighty percent of the money he earned he donates to the church that the priest was at.

    Okay, I think that's about it. x_x Anyways... ::coughs:: Sorry bout that rant... yeah... here's the picture.

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  2. Inu-Girl

    Inu-Girl New Member

    Apr 21, 2002
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    I like the coat/jacket like thing. Perfect for the winter.:) I just recently got a jacket it's maroon, even though I don't need a jacket considering the weather I have around here.:p ( I know not much about the picture)
  3. Mika-chan

    Mika-chan New Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Everyone can draw better than me... I like it, it's cool. :) I'm still scannerless or you people would get to see my art work, and if I ever get to it, my manga I'm working on.*sigh*I'm acually working on the character bios and scetches right now.
  4. Alien_Sacrifice

    Alien_Sacrifice New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    He looks great; everything look proportioned and I really like how his head looks w/ the glasses.

    Ya, I'm sure he'll make a great character!

    I've never been able to dedicate myself to try and make a character...Thought about it but no go.:)

    It looks like you have a pretty good idea already and a character to go along.
  5. neoblacklady

    neoblacklady ~*Tpyo Godedses*~

    Aug 4, 2002
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    ::looks at one angle:: well.....hmmmm
    ::looks at another angle::
    I think its bad he isnt real. Darn it! lol...
    Good job! Cant wait to see more of him ;)
  6. thunder dragon

    thunder dragon dragon king

    Jul 12, 2002
    Likes Received:
    the character looks great & the story is really good too :) ...
    keep up your good work & show us more..

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