Video Games Half Life 2: Episode One

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by wertitis, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Ayup, finally got around to finishing the newest expansion to the Half Life series, and I have to admit it's pretty damn cool. For only $20 you get about 6 hours of gameplay and an excellent continuation to the Half Life Saga. What's really cool is that they are going to be steadily releasing episodes as time goes on, which means that the age of us waiting several years to get about 8 hours of gameplay just to learn what happens next is essentially over. It's my hope that they begin releasing the different episodes of the saga in a generally rapid time frame (four per year would bake my cookies just right).

    The downside to this? It's $20 (US Dollars) per episode.

    But assuming that each episode has roughly 6 hours of gameplay you end up getting 18 hours of gameplay for the same price as the original, which gave you between 8 and 12.


    Anyone else riding this bandwagon? :3

  2. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I don't think that theres 6 hours of game play in this, maybe about 3-4 at the most.
    I got it and i was a little disappointed with how short it was, but some of the story line is great, espesally at the start i wonder whats going to happen? The gameplay is still pretty good, theres a lot of variety in the way different challanges come, shifting between combat and exploring. I'm now playing through the game again with the commentery turned on which gives you some nice ideas about how much work they had to put into.

    However i recommend that you DON'T play through the game the first time with the commentery tunred on since it will spoil the game at every turn.

    As far as i've read they Valve are planning to release a new episode every 6 months, this is a good way for them to keep up with new graphics technology so they can improve their graphics engine with each new installment.

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