Video Games Has any RPG had such an impact on you that you have actully cried?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Mernasqui, Aug 31, 2002.


Which RPG moved you the most, this is a tiny list so tell me any other good ones.

  1. FF 7

    7 vote(s)
  2. FF 8

    1 vote(s)
  3. FF 9

    3 vote(s)
  4. FF 10

    2 vote(s)
  5. Breath of fire 4

    0 vote(s)
  6. Grandia

    0 vote(s)
  7. FF 3-6

    0 vote(s)
  1. Mernasqui

    Mernasqui Guest

    So people have you, Huh? I can openely adimit I have on several occations. So have any of you cried after playing a genuinely moving RPG.
  2. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    oh yeah.. I'm a sensitive guy and I'm not afraid to admit to it ;)
    But when Aeris died in Final Fantasy 7 I just started bawling :( and also in Final Fantasy 9 when Zidane showed up out of nowhere in that movie and hugged Garnet ;)
  3. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    FFVII, I laughed when Aerith was impaled. ^_^ I was sooooo happy. Though, FFVIII I did cry when like Rinoa and Squall were in the spaceship or whatever together... because I pitied Rinoa soooo much for getting stuck with someone like Squall. >_< Yuck!
  4. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    I was pissed when Aeris died. I wanted to just take the PlayStation, throw it across the room and slap it with a large trout. With dynamite strapped to it. But that didn't make me cry, just pissed beyond...pissed.

    VIII very nearly did, I liked the story. I can be a lot like Squall, dull and boring and cold to everyone. So, when he got Rinoa, I was like, "I have a chance!!!"

    "Suteki da ne", the theme to FFX makes me slightly mushy.

    What actually made me cry in happiness and stuff (well, not really cry, but the screen got damn misty after a little bit) was the Locke and Celes bit at the end of FFVI.

    Suikoden too, because Flik had to be an idiot. And his love died. Dammit. *sniffle*
  5. Kenster

    Kenster Guest


    What kinda thread is this, i think it should be removed, comeone how can a game make you cry, and if your thinkin NO a game hasn't made me cry.
  6. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Oy, dude, just like some movies or books or subjects can make you cry, so can video games. You're being a little too harsh, ya know? Can ya give a reason why this thread should be deleted other than the fact that you don't like it? I'm not a mod, but it'll be cold in my refrigerator before we just acquiesce to your whims like that. Boo to you.
  7. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    People, label your *****SPOILERS*****, itsumo.

    That was a spammy post there Kenster, it actualy sounded more like games had made you cry and you were over reacting to cover it up.
    In short, no, no game has ever made me cry. No anime, book or film(that I recall, might've when I was kneehightoagrasshopper) has ever made me cry. But I think out of the games listed, th one which had the most emotional impact was FFVIII. FFVII had that one bit, but the story wasn't really about saddness, most of the time, I was like "Yi, let's kick some ***! Wh00t!" I think FFVIII has a mushier story. Hell, just watching that intro gets me all beflustered. That's most likely just because it's the greatest intro ever. Also, who can forget the end, when Laguna is at Raine's grave. Most of the Laguna Flashbacks are moving actualy, what with Julia 'n Raine 'n ****. That's such a great game. But, I didn't cry, and I didn't really come close.
  8. Mernasqui

    Mernasqui Guest

    Thank u for backing me up Izzy. Any way every one is entitled to their opion, so if you dont like this thread i placed then dont read it. Games can leave a big impact on you so there.
  9. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Re: ...

    you know... the ladies love a man who is strong enough to cry ;) (well my lady does anyways ^.^)
    I just find it so overwhelming when something happens like that out of nowhere in any RPG. I get so into the characters and the storyline that it is just a total shock when one of the main characters dies. It's almost like one of my own best friends dying! But I feel like really excited at times too when a battle just happens or you have to suddenly run through a building as well... if a game can get you excited and wanting to kick some butt, then I can see it making a person sad too if the point in the game is sad.
  10. Mernasqui

    Mernasqui Guest

    I agree.

    I guess im over sensitive, but i cannot help feeling the characters pain in RPGs, thats why i like them. and so the more emotions they stir up im me the better the RPG is. Well to me anyway.
  11. sailorvenus

    sailorvenus 24 days to go...^^

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I don't actually cry, but I feel sad when the main character dies or he loses someone he cares about. I really get into the characters and the story...

    And Kenster that is such a harsh thing to would you feel if someone calls your thread stupid or something like that....
  12. Musashi

    Musashi New Member

    Aug 22, 2001
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  13. Dolly-Chan

    Dolly-Chan New Member

    Sep 7, 2002
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    People can have they're own opinions on this...

    I've never cried during sad parts of a game but I alwasy got this lump in my throat and my eyes would get a bit watery. :dizzy2:
  14. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I'd say Valkyrie Profile.. I was moved by some of the characters.. I may have cried.. I dunno. I mean you get your characters after they have died, and we watch how they died.. maybe I wa smore angry..yah...
  15. KaMeKaZi

    KaMeKaZi Insanity$%#

    Feb 21, 2001
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    I dont cry.
  16. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Thanks to people who don't mark their spoilers, I knew ******spoiler/Aeris died/spoiler******, but I didn't know it was in the first disk, I was like, "NOO! Stupid Sephiroth!" because I'd been using Aeris alot and she was one of my strongest characters. I didn't almost cry there, but FF9 is a different story.

    FF9, I almost cried when it was kind of like Zidane thinking, then the others thinking about him...I really thought he died, then I did cry when he came back & hugged Garnet
  17. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I've *almost* been moved to cry in several RPGs, but I'm pretty darn sure I never actually let it out. Some stories can get very involving, and a well-written one, with a good soundtrack can almost set you up as bad as a movie. I believe in scenes intended to be tear-jerkers. :p

    But Aeris? Naaah. I admit, it was a bit shocking. But sad? NOpe.
  18. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    yah.. my bros played FF7 before me, and told me everything. I made sure Cloud showed affection to Tifa, not Aeris, cuz she was going to die. but man Sephiroth can sure make a clean cut through the body...:p
  19. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Lufia 2: Rise of the sinistrals.

    I cried at the end when Maxim and Selan flew over to their house and the baby... :~( oh man, it moved me so deeply! What a sad ending!

    It was wonderful. I was also moved by the scene at the beginning when Maxim goes to eat "phantom fish" with Tia. The music helped so much in the mood.

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