RPG Archives [Heroes of Arian]Classes

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Angel of Light, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. Angel of Light

    Angel of Light New Member

    Mar 13, 2002
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    Here’s the description of the classes. I guess you kinda need this to make a char, don’t you?:

    Common Classes: (Any race can be these.)

    Warrior: Specialize in hand to hand combat and fighting with weapons. Their preferred weapon is the bastard sword.

    Hunters: These are like Rangers basically, except without the magic. Erthians who chose this class get the ability to turn their skin and clothes to look like their surroundings. Their preferred weapons is the bow and arrow.

    Healers: Can heal with magic. Don’t have a preferred weapon (but that doesn’t mean you can’t have one)

    Paladins: Warriors who can heal a bit. They also have a strong sense of justice (Pyrians usually don’t do this class). Preferred weapon is the broad sword.

    Ninja: I couldn’t think of a different name, but it pretty much sums it up. Preferred weapon is the dagger.

    Racial Classes:

    Firedancers (Pyrians only): Can control the fire they create and shape it into different shapes to intimidate foes (make a huge dragon, flying skulls, etc.) Don’t have preferred weapon.

    Sirens (Aquians only): They can use their voices as a weapon. They can sing people to sleep, into trances, can use their voices as a destructive force, etc. Can enhance their powers with magical instruments.

    Beastmasters (Erthian only): Can control animals (but not monsters). Preferred weapon is the wooden staff.

    Techno Knights (Elians only): Warriors who know how to operate/use high tech weaponry. This includes:
    Light-swords: basically light sabers except look like the hilts of regular swords. Come in different types (spears, double swords, etc.)
    Power-spheres: grenades, but look like glass balls full of light energy. There are a variety of kinds: smoke, sleeping, flare, bomb and barrier (creates a temporary barrier around whoever is in its vincinity), among others.

    Shadowcaster (Sinalettians only): Like fire dancers, but with shadows. They can also absorb all light from an area for a limited time. Don’t have preferred weapon.

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